Doom Eternal

What's the Yas Forums consensus? I've been avoiding threads for spoilers, late-game nightmare difficulty kicked my ass

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wish the flame thrower lasted abit longer or indicated its range better
so annoying to hit nothing and have to wait for the cooldown

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Pirated it. Hated it. Uninstalled after 2.5 levels. Will never touch again.

In Vanquish people complained that the game was a generic cover shooter because they played it like one, and then said that they had no reason to do any of the cool shit because they were too shit to do the cool shit without dying
In Eternal the game expects you to actually use all the mechanics to survive, but people then complain how they're forced to learn the game and how they have to stick to one playstyle because they have no creativity, as any player remotely good at the game can easily disprove by showing some gameplay footage

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God, I can't wait for this FOTM turd to be forgotten already.

>actually hes called apu

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point on the doll where doom eternal hurt you


I tried to hate it, but I just couldn't bring myself to. It really is one of the best FPS ever.

Friendly reminder that if you haven't beaten the game on Nightmare, your opinion literally does not count.
It's a great game. Not better or worse than 2016 IMO, just different. I like them both equally.

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>love doom eternal
>still shit talk about it in the other threads to make nu-males mad
well, I still hate some elements like the retarded lore and bloated gameplay, but its alright. Way better than any other recent AAA game

Chainsawing, glory killing and flame belching enemies constantly to have any resources was a mistake, as was enemies have weak spots. It encourages strategy and tactical thinking, sure, but that's never what doom was about. I don't want to play a DOOM game and have to constantly manage my limited ammo and health and be forced to use the same strategies over and over between platforming sections and arenas full of respawning enemies.

this. This should have been a quake game. Doom was more about cleaning tight corridors full of enemies. To be honest call of duty like gameplay, but with non linear map and more chess like combat would fit the game more than this

You can have a negative opinion on something without fully experiencing it. There can be things that turn a person off. You are an idiot.

>It encourages strategy and tactical thinking, sure, but that's never what doom was about

I’ve been on the fence with going through with it. Marauder looks fun to fight, the weapons look great, I cycle weapons all the time so I’m looking forward to managing the more limited amounts this time.
The ‘story’ and overall style’s a huge turn off for me however, and I don’t think I’ll enjoy this arena>platform>arena loop; I don’t enjoy that kind of padding, straight to the point with the fights, please.

Doom is about using Brutal Doom and mowing down the opposition with quicksaving every second without any thought or challenge, didnt ya know?
At least he didn’t say “hitscanners arent doom”
>first episode ever of Doom isnt Doom

It's a good game but I fucking hate it

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>Marauder looks fun to fight,
Hahahaha no

>Waaaaah look at my e-penis

I think I prefer 2016. The story in 2016 was much better, and combat didn't feel like such a hectic mess. They could fix a lot of that by making melee do.damage again to help activate glory kills, give more visible indicators on cooldowns, make demons have less of a required weapon counter, and a have 1.5x - 2x ammo capacity.

I know 2016 end game became a laughable cake walk, and there was never any reason to switch off of a couple powerhouse weapons, but there has to be a middle ground.

And because God knows I'm going to get a "git gud', I played on UV and never dropped below 5 lives, and did all the Slayer Challenges, so I don't feel like I'm below average skill, or that being better at the game would change my opinion.

Haven’t seen anything close to these guys in awhile, I’ll even get to dodge again.

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It has a longer range than it seems tho


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>Bloated gameplay
You fucks are always complaining that games nowadays play themselves and muh movies
Time to make up your mind.

go play original doom. It doesnt have 10000 different abilities on cooldown like in some fucking MMO. It was a simple, but a challenging shooter.

>varied group of anonymous people
>make up your mind

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Reminder that people are so assblasted about this game that they have been spreading literal lies about it.

>"If your health gets low the A.I stops targeting you."
Is literally a lie. Don't believe anything that guy says.

Holy shit and I thought I was playing well

doom 1 and 2 are both easy games on UV. the only difficult thing about them is Plutonia


You know that's bullshit. This place is filled with sheep. If it wasn't we'd have actual discussion instead of meme lords shouting the 'in' opinion about vidya.

Yeah it is easy on modern hardware at high framerate, laser mouses, instead of keyboard keys. Also most people played it like hundreads of times already, so they will say that its easy.

The ending felt terrible. It just like.. ends. What the hell? Doom 2016 had a fun ending, killing the spider, Vega taking the Crucible, etc.

Eternal is like.. you kill the final boss and then the credits roll. No set up, no continuation, nothing. It just feels like, boring.

But melee deals damage actually, try double dashing in a zombies face

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The only thinking that was needed in classic doom was remembering or finding secrets or enemy respawn timers on nightmare.

Doom 1 and 2 are only hard on Nightmare, a literal joke mode for people who said UV was too easy.
Nightmare is borderline unfair, with faster enemies and respawning enemies.

You best not be lying.

You are correct, if you don’t get this you’re going to get mad when these faceless group of retards don’t agree with each other

This is your brain on capeshit.

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The dash unironically deals damage.
The punch is just for staggers.

There was barely even a pre-credits scene, you kill the boss then walk off. Even doom 1/2 had more than that.

How did doomguy go from getting trapped in hell in 2016 to coming back in a space fortress? Maybe that'll be the DLC

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Too many ranged enemies with too strong attacks, the balance of CQC/range is completely thrown the fuck out.

There's just no reason why almost single enemy needs to have ludicrously strong ranged abilities. Cacodemons are supposed to be all about the bite, except their ranged attack does more. Titans are fucking stupid with their AOE nuke, baron of hell was better. I'd feel a lot better about it if the ranged damage of Cacodemons and mancubus was reduced if it meant the close range damage of things like the arachnotron was higher so its not such a weak enemy that only serves to waste heavy ammo.

I can't like it more than 2016 where so often it feels like I just need to keep as much distance as possible at all times. The over-reliance on the scoped heavy cannon is too much.

I'm not, dashing straight into an enemy's face deals actual damage

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the game forces you to use mechanics that slow the game down, like those glory kills
it becomes extremely repetitive, higher difficulty forces you to rely on the glory kills for health

It's a total shit game, ergo Yas Forums loves it


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Move to containment board

>m-muh story
Its doom.

Friendly reminder that if you generate contrived reasons for discarding others' opinions, your opinion literally does not count.

So why can't we bind frag to ctrl and ice to g instead of this swapping nonsense?

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>"I-Is that supposed to be impressive!"

There was a video about the enemies where one designer on the game stated that they wanted to make the player think while playing - if you aren't thinking, you are not engaged, and if you are not engaged, you are not having fun.

I guess they didn't think they would have players that don't like to think

Tell that to the company who spent thousands on the cinematics.

The first DLC will bridge the gap between 2016 and Eternal, showing how Doomguy got the Fortress, put VEGA in it, and also showing the first stages of the Earth invasion and how he found Deag Nilox.
The next DLC will be a sequel and show what's next for Doomguy, expanding on Hayden and VEGA being the Seraphim and Father respectively, as well as Doomguy taking the offensive and going after the Archdemons and Nameless Ones.
Screencap this!

>The over-reliance on the scoped heavy cannon is too much
just beat the game on UV with no weapon mods, what are you referring to?

I don't care if there was a post credits scene, it's just that the game just stops. You kill the boss. You literally walk away while getting a voice over. And that's it.

You could make the argument that the journey is over, you whooped hells ass and all it's mega demons. But it doesn't excuse the fact it feels so hallow (for lack of a better term). Kill the boss and the game ends. Like.. ok I guess.

Unless the DLC is an expanded ending, though it will more than likely be what happened before the start of Eternal.

>the game forces you to use mechanics that slow the game down, like those glory kills
Glory Kills reduce the amount of time spent having to scrounge and backtrack the level for medkits and ammo
There's a rune which after a Glory Kill lets you move twice as fast for a short while
There's a rune which increases the range of the Glory Kill so you can close the distance to staggered enemies faster and use it to teleport up ledges
There's a rune which speeds up Glory Kills with twice the speed
Blood Punch is refilled by Glory Kills, which is a melee attack that deals damage equivalent to two rockets without the self-damage or charge up time, and can be used to speedkill enemies quicker than normal

It only slows you down in the short-term, but in the long-term it makes things tremendously faster

Get hit less often and you'll have to glory kill less.

>The story in 2016 was much better
But it was in the way
>hectic mess
Which is what Doom should be. It force you to master your movement and weapon switching. Move around maps properly and you'll have much more breathing room.
>making melee do.damage
2016's weapons felt weak and useless due to this. Melee not doing damage was the fix. A proper demon shouldn't really falter due to a normal punch, that was bullshit and turned the game into a BTA against zombies. Beside, you have the blood punch and the chainsaw instead which are better melee option without making the weapons and demons looks weak. And ramming into them demons
>more visible indicators on cooldowns
It's true they should have lights or some flame or something on Doomguy's arms or something when a nade or BP are ready
> make demons have less of a required weapon counter,
Multiple weapons work perfectly fine on a single demon
>1.5x - 2x ammo capacity.
Sure but can you guarantee that people would still play the game right if they did? Because in D16 people didn't.

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>What's the Yas Forums consensus?
It's great, the poll proves it.

>I guess they didn't think they would have players that don't like to think
You can’t be serious when saying this with Brutal Doom fans existing

You saved the earth, what else do you need? If you need more closure listen to the ARC broadcast on the fortress

The next game plot has already been teased during the game actually
There is still the whole Vega/Father and Hayden/Seraphim shit to sort out

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Consoles probably

Original Praetor bros report in. Best suit, anything else feels wrong

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This isn't the end, Doomguy still needs to kill Erebus and the rest of the Hell Royalty and wrap up the Hayden shit. see Eternal's abrupt ending and beginning SCREAM "play the DLC to get more".

that's the second problem with the game, the unlocks and progression
i have my shotgun, i have 16 shells, i run out of shells rapidly, i am forced to use the glory kills at higher difficulties for health, then i'm forced to use the chainsaw for ammunition because i can only hold 16 shells, that's 2 mechanics that slows the pace down thrown at you at the start of the game, and the chainsaw is like a single use item that you have to reload picking fuel canisters

if i could run and chainsaw monsters like in the original and get ammo from them that way it wouldn't be a problem but here the chainsaw is too specific and detailed with an animation that locks you in place

You got me there, honestly looking back it seems pretty much like a video version of the doom 2 ending.
Again, doom was never about thinking. I can understand wanting to play games that do require proper thought like civ or deus ex, but Doom was never that game. Eternal has a lot of good ideas, but it's not doom.

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i head your sister is a whore lmao

I originally played it on pc with a controller, and its fucking hard... Then I said fuck this and went keyboard and mouse, and its a totally different game. Its fucking awesome with a mouse. I know that might sound obvious, but controllers work like shit with this game.

>and the chainsaw is like a single use item that you have to reload picking fuel canisters
The chainsaw regens 1 charge

Remember that the dlc pass is called "year one"
Clearly they want to support the game for at least 2 years after the release, so we might learn what happens next

>Maurader looks fun to fight
He is, don't let these shitters fool you. Once you get his pattern down and you can time your hits on him, he becomes SO satisfying to stumble. Blasting him in the face while he's mid swing is just too good. Also, make sure to combo him with the ballista once he's stunned.

>Sure but can you guarantee that people would still play the game right if they did? Because in D16 people didn't.
It's Doom, there shouldn't be a RIGHT or WRONG way to play, just whatever you feel like doing.

Yep really surprising how controller unfriendly this game is.

>doom was never about thinking
What the fuck are you talking about? All of the classic Doom games have plenty of situations where you need to strategize and learn which enemies to take out first. Did you never play Thy Flesh Consumed or Plutonia?

Did you unironically just get angry at some dude over the internet for calling you bad at vidya?

Marauder's hard as fuck at first, but by now I know to just Ballista -> SSG -> Ballista again every time he swings and he's dead pretty fast. Hate the fucking dog though.

idk about UV, but I've been playing it through on nightmare. The game talks about the 'flow of combat' which is just a euphemism for 'snipe the turrets/cannons/launchers first, then actually play the game'. Sure you can just heavy weapon them and not bother, but sometimes i just wanna empty a whole plasma clip into a mancubus that spawns like 20m in front of me and not get 1-shotted by its cannons.

Yeah you can dash back, snipe its cannons and then do it, but its supposed to be a close-range tank, not something that can instantly take you out from mid-range. You either snipe the cannons or heavy weapon it, there's no other alternative.


I wound up having to remap the keys for a lot because the way ID has it set up is fucking garbage. That was the only way I could stand using the belcher, grenades, chainsaw, melee and crucible at all.

I replay the first two dooms on uv pistol starts every other month, the closest thing to strategy that the game has is killing hitscanners or archvilles first.

I'm the guy who made the first post, and a game definitely should be teaching you how to play by incentivizing certain actions. I just feel it took things too far.

>there's no other alternative.
Ice nade + blood punch
Stick bombs on the cannons
Plasma stun
Super shotty chain stun

Are you asking about eternal? Regardless, typically if you want the "full doom experience" on any game, go with Ultra Violence.

Just play on Ultra Voilence and git gud.
Don't be afraid of failure.

I beat Eternal on UV. I'm sure in a week I'll go back and hit it up with some of a the goofy cheat codes for a laugh. I'm playing Doom 64 that came with it. I love that they use the playstation Doom monster sounds and music, max spooky.

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Ultra violent for the first half then Nightmare once you get to the point where you aren’t struggling on secret encounters or slayer gates.

You are blatantly wrong, and sucking your own cock because you can do what every other Doom fan can do doesn't make you any less wrong.

Praetor fits the game more in my opinion, but I prefer Classic.

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half of Yas Forums is mad or bad, the other half is rad

Plasma gun blast clears most weapons off enemies.

he's fun assuming there's not too much around, but his pathfinding can get pretty stupid when there's a whole heap of shit, making situations way way harder than they should be. it's really clearly a miniboss designed for small groups, anywhere else he just feels bad to actually fight compared to pretty much any enemy in the game.

>need health real bad
>keeps overkilling demons

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Beat the game and uninstalled. I only found one slayer gate as I can't be arsed to find that shit.
The gameplay loop is ass and I don't want to bother with that platforming bullshit ever again.

I'm aware that basically anyone can uv pistol start doom 1/2, I'm saying that I play the game often enough to know that Doom is not a game that requires little to no thought while playing.

I can't think of anything I like better about this one compared to 2016. I don't get why they changed so much but clearly it sold so what do I know

I just wish we could make the visor opaque, I hate seeing his face, I hate knowing that he's a human being, and not pure, concentrated rage in a suit of armour.

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>Glory kill to get health
>Burn demons, them shoot them to get armour
>Chainsaw to get ammo
>Chainsaw big enemies needs more fuel
>Grenades, ice grenades
>Shoot all these enemy parts

What the fuck were they thinking?

This is why I want melee damage. It's entire purpose was to give you a little low damage tap to push demons into stagger, now the most you can ever do is switch to shotgun and pray. For the most part you're better of getting armour, or making a very specific Blood Punch build.

go back and play doom 1 and 2

it's pretty fucking bad. platformers, dogshit ammo, no reloading, melee dmg, absolute shit story