
Attached: WoWMoP.jpg (800x1112, 178.22K)

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Good expansion, I regret not playing more of it.

Why can't blizzard just make the game good again. They struck gold with literally every aspect of mop gameplay and haven't tried to copy its success yet.

mop > legion > wrath > tbc > vanilla > cata > wod > current expansions name

Tauri fresh can't come soon enough

the best expansion desu, especially near the beginning

Yikes, that's some pretty shit taste

TBC>Vanilla>MOP>Cata>Legion>Wrath>WoD>BFA(Didn't play)

It wasn't the best expansion (well it potentially was in some aspects) but it was the last normal expansion where the community was active, people were doing lots of fun activities, old raid runs, etc. Stuff like Wintergrasp, Tol Barad, it was the last time that happened.

I remember it was the last expansion to have stuff like unmerged auction houses -- Alliance and Horde had separate. You could do stuff like arbitrage -- buy low on one faction and transfer it using the neutral auction house (which got killed off in WoD by the merge as well).

I remember how excellent the Timeless Isle was, the carnage and PvP groups for the bloody coins. We'd catfish people for groups and say we could summon them, but we'd kill them. All the excellent fun as well in straight combat on the Isle.

WoD actually had stuff like this, but the population died off. Legion was boring and straight as hell.

I liked legion a lot because I was a sucker for their whole "class fantasy".

Good gameplay
Shit Environment
Shit Music

But how much of that was actually organic sandbox content involving players? All those single player instances and class halls -- then you go back a decade and you've got Corrupted Blood.

I meant class fantasy more in the sense of really mechanically distinct classes and specs, especially the artifact weapon.

Agree entirely, the music, lore, zones were awful, didn't feel like WarCraft. Valley of the Four Winds by far, it's the ugliest zone in WarCraft, not to mention mundane. I mean it's equivalents are Terokkar Forest, Zangarmarsh, Zul'drak, Dragonblight. Just think what the fuck? It's the after starting zone in the continent, and you compare it to those and you think this ugly farm land against some weird pests is equivalent?

well said

>Shit Music
I'm gonna stop you right there MoP soundtrack was absolutely fantastic

Hahaha no, it wasn't, it was generic, if you know about music composition you can understand that even someone awful can make 'decent' sounding music. Compare Mists of Pandaria to the other expansions and vanilla, it's laughable. It's literally uninspired, just going up and down scales, no complexity or inspiration.


user mop zones were peak aesthetically and the music was great.

Not user but how? They were complete dogshit. Even Westfall looked better than Valley of the Four Winds. They were generic, they had no interesting gimmicks or vistas. Like can you actually give an explanation to why they're good?

Compare being in one of the airships in Icecrown, a refuge from the cold expanse and structures to some brown generic farmland.

>tfw no thicc pandaren gf

I'm also going to stop you right there. Its laughable that you call the MoP soundtrack when it 'aligns' with the rest of WoW's theme. So if you call MoP 'generic' and 'uninspired' you're also saying the other expansions soundtracks are too. Take the main theme of MoP for example, notice how all the expansion main menu themes are relatively the same?

MoP has the best overall soundtrack out of any expansion. We all have our favorites. Just because you didn't like MoP doesn't mean you need to be biased about its soundtrack by calling it inspired and generic. You're just being contrarian for the sake of fitting in.



>Shit LORE
MoP had the most interesting lore ever created in WoW.

>TBC and Vanilla that high
nostalgia is a powerful drug

>Hahaha no, it wasn't, it was generic
if you say this about mop music then it applies to every other expansion's music as well

Sure if you like chinese music

You really had to dig in far into the expansion to get into the Titan thing, it was the last 2 patch.
Before that it was just a mess with Panda story asking you to farm food and help them clean up the corruption

I miss the untainted Vale

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No you! Xd Redditor

Wrath>TBC>Vanilla>>>Cata>>>>>MoP>everything else

And whats wrong with Chinese music again?


Because we gotta keep shit FRESH and NEW and INNOVATING and other corporate words to indicate Blizzard is super special awesome.

I miss being an unkillable CC machine with apotheosis warlock in PVP, shit was cash.

And the 500% area aoe talent allowed me to turbofarm instaspawn areas that usually needed two people, those were the days.


trying to hard to fit in underage

>questline phased so filthy gathering bots stay out.
It was the confiest place to farm before they fucked it up.


jokes on you this is my actual opinion

>Literally every other changed zone gets a bronze dragon reset button.
Its not fair bros

And what is this song really meant to symbolize? Music is about abstraction, it's about telling stories or painting a picture. Chinese music is limited by the fact that its traditionally pentatonic. Western music (at least today) has so much more depth, it has microtones -- stuff that gave blues singers like Robert Johnson great depth. So you basically have this corny music that is like Oblivion, versus something that can have so much more depth. What does that song really represent?

This track for example is not a monotone song about generic feelings of 'peace' that evokes stereotypical Asian monks, pretentious sayings. No, it's uneasy with itself, has several layers, represents the beauty and history of the zone and also the devastation and the bad state it is in.


>wod and cata that high
Opinion discarded

Music I like > Music you like

The Vale DOES have a reset dragon now

But it's only to swap between 'fucked by N'Zoth' and 'fucked by the Sha'

it is the only way they can keep anyone hating garrosh "nothing wrong" hellscream

It's parody music of Asian stereotypes.

its like they're mocking us

oh boy and here we go, round 2, fight.

>And what is this song really meant to symbolize? Music is about abstraction, it's about telling stories or painting a picture.
And yet when I listen to the main theme of MoP I get a clear picture in my head. So its successful.

>Western music (at least today) has so much more depth, it has microtones
oh boy.....

> No, it's uneasy with itself, has several layers, represents the beauty and history of the zone and also the devastation and the bad state it is in.
it's literally fucking ambience. There's nothing going on. No fucking movement. So you basically have this corny music that is like Oblivion, versus something that can have so much more depth. What does that song really represent?

Best gameplay and best instanced pvp
the fact that at least 2/3 specs on every single class were rank 1 viable is incredible
MoP > Wotlk > TBC > Vanilla > Cata
WoD isn't worth rating because it killed wow and anything that came after doesn't matter


Agree, but there were some imbalances in PvP like Resto Druid, and Priest healer in PvP was fucked. Makes me think WTF when people say Wow Pvp is a joke, when it had more complexity than any other game, even RTS.


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ahh yes, the expansion that ruined it all

it was nowhere near perfect it was just the best wow pvp ever got
hybrids were out of control in general, world pvp was fucked because of a 50+ ilvl gap and """pvp power""" didn't work in the open world making pvp gear worthless in the timeless isle
i remember there was a WW monk that was streaming 1v2 arena daily at 2k MMR

How did this kill WoW?

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imagine taste this Shit

Vanilla > MoP = WotLK > Legion > TBC > Cata > shit > Everything else

Look how history is re written. In 5 years time BFA blizzdrones will be calling BFA an underappreciated gem.

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It was mildly fun, still didn't fix the trainwreck that Cataclysm turned WoW into.

>MoP = WotLK > Legion > TBC > Cata

You have some unbelievable shit taste.

By being really shit for a really long time

Only literal retards think that MoP was bad

Eh, No. BFA is absolut shit and everybody agreed from the start. Nobody really bitched about MOP that much back then, minus few tards spaming KungFu Panda memes.

doubt it, i still haven't seen anyone calling WoD good, so i doubt anyone would call BfA good when it was even worse

It had a lot of trash stuff, like bad zones, visuals, questing, music, etc, but it did some great stuff like the glorious Monk class (way more superior than the dogshit designed DH/DK) account wide achievements, etc.

Nah, I've always called Cata bad and MoP good when they were current. There is no cycle for me.and 10 years from now, I'll still say how shit WoD and BfA were and the only thing that Blizzard can change is by making something even worse so I can't call them the crowning duo of the worst expansions anymore.

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Only feature I liked was the Allied Race. Too bad Blizzard is ran by furries and made fucking foxes a race.

It was actually good at the start, but it fizzled out. Compared to MOP the zones were beautiful, music was excellent. There was actually ridiculously fun experiences and world PvP, resulting from the garrison outposts (the Shredder in Gorgrond, mounted combat in Nagrand). Ashran was generally terrible but there was actually some interesting stuff, like how you could use Druid flight from Ashran and nuke the enemy capital using boulders from Ashran. Shows you how important and fun PvP and world PvP is.

Classes were beginning to be dumbed down but not excessively.

>5.0 dailies
>5.1 non content
>year of siege
>horrid PvP design nonstop
>vengence breaking the trinity
>certain specs near unplayable in CMs, heroics more trivial than Wrath
>pandas being blatantly out of place (inb4 furries try to pretend like art direction isn't a factor)

Allied Races is another thing that sounds good on paper but nearly every step of the way, Blizzard kept fucking up. From method of unlocking, selection of races, customization, and more.

A quantity over quality approach to new races wasn't a bad idea, the awful part of allied races was the decision to gate the new races behind rep grinds. Having to do a shitload of dailies just to get at one of the premier features of an expansion was absolute ass, very clearly done just get people logging back on every day.

Which expansion was the lowest point of World of Warcraft, and why?

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i liked legion more than any other expansion despite the flaws

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