An elderly man looks for some PS5 exclusives for his grandson but he can't find any :(
An elderly man looks for some PS5 exclusives for his grandson but he can't find any :(
PS5 isn't out idiot.
You just but this image really shows how dumb people are
>hurr ill panic buy all the food as im selfish!
>hurr ill still go out!
>oh no ive been infected, making my panic buy useless!
thats why he couldnt find any then
The worst one of these was a black dumbass hording milk.
Dumb old fuck should stay home, hasn't he heard the news about the boomer remover virus or what??
okay genius, the official advice is that anyone in a household with an infected person should self-isolate for 2 weeks.
Tell me how are people going to get food in that time period?
People need to go outside, humans weren't made to stay inside for 24 hours a day. We need time to go outside and get fresh air.
is that a LIDL? lmao
Well no. Now that they're infected, they don't have to go outside to infect more people as they have all the food they need for a few months of home isolation and because coor light virus gives you the shits apparently, they can shit like 60 times a day and wipe with the whole fucking roll in one go and still be fine for a few months.
They will go outside anyway and fuck everyone else up because they're fucking retarded.
oh nyoo
wait, thats the xbonx isle
That's obviously the toilet paper row.
>tfw bought a ton of toilet-paper early last month when I came back from a trip to Copenhagen and saw how many chinese tourists were running around there
>oh no, a deadly infectious disease
>better go to the store and batter my way through crowds of people to survive
look at all those old fuck, are the parents sending their elders to die on the market?
So, this is what Joker was all about, that people would agressively buy toilet paper?
its a thonker to be sure
you never seen anyone with a mask on in these videos either
its almost like they have extreamly low IQ or something
>'Why are the shelves empty? What's going on?'
>'Is this a fucking joke?'
>'Young man, go and fetch me some fresh meat from the back. What do you mean, there isn't any?'
The extreme low IQ move is to wear a mask at all, they are needed for doctors and nurses and people who are actually infected.
Why are people hoarding toilet paper of all things? I could understand food and water, but why toilet paper?
Someone make an edit of the scene where he burns the pile of mafia money and replace it with toilet paper
He's in the tissue isle.
Just sayian.
the british will not directly touch their own pooey bumholes, so that removes the idea of directly washing them instead of wiping
>retarded boomers fighting over paper designed to deteriorate
>while they have running water to their homes
>and trees full of leaves
not gonna make it.
Are these norftards?
Honestly, the elderly are among the most retarded when it comes to this
I told my 81-year old grandma (cancer-survivor, on a shitload of meds and sometimes has trouble breathing) I would not take her with me anymore when I go to the store but she could just give me her shopping-list and I'd buy her stuff for her. She got super-pissy and told me "I need to go to the store myself" and that she would just ask one of her elderly friends to take her along.
A lot of old people live alone and pretty much have no one. That's western atomized society for you.
most of the crowd is doing it because they saw other people do it.
Chinks started it because they think you can make face-masks out of it.
You've got taps in your house. You don't need to stockpile water.
he's in the asswipe aisle because his grandson sent him out to buy sony exclusives
I don't want to hear a Brit making fun of my country for being overweight after seeing this.
People are so fucking stupid.
I have two packs of toilet paper, and that's enough to last me like 6 months. Why are they hoarding this shit like they won't leave their homes for the next year?
The UK is a third world country
I honestly believe this is some kind of meme that went mainstream, it makes no sense at all
and to mitigate the inhalation of saliva droplets of the fatty next to you coughing
dont tell me you're buying the chinese propaganda user
Wh*te ppl are so lazy to wash butt.
I blame Japan, they were doing it well before us Europoors because they thought Toilet paper came from China and there wouldn't be enough of it with everything shut down. Then they found out that their toilet paper was actually being made in Japan and was not imported.
She knows what she's doing, 81? she is trying to take herself out
not everyone lives alone.
A pack of 24 rolls with a family of 3 or 4 goes pretty quick.
But that's the point, you can't hoard it.
It's literally designed to degrade.
It's one of the worst supplies you can try to hoard, it takes up loads of space and is completely non-essential.
You should be concerned about your water source, then food source, then shelter, then self-defense.
How stinky your anus is from residual shit is way down the list of priorities.
But I thought the Japanese were the most intelligent race on Earth... ?
It can't be...
Fat people get through a lot of toilet paper.
More food = more poop
Junk food = poops are "higher maintenance"
Fat asses = more skin for the poop to come into contact with as it's coming out
What I want to know is, what happens to the infected that aren't celebrities? None of that "self-quarantining" bullshit. What happens to their individual rights and freedoms?
I'm married and have a 2 year old.
Unless you have like a family of 5, you don't need to hoard toilet paper.
>then self-defense.
do americans really
"Nutri-Grain is a brand of breakfast cereal and breakfast bar made by the Kellogg Company.
In Australia and New Zealand Nutri-Grain is a breakfast cereal made from corn, oats, and wheat. The pieces are shaped like bricks (Australia, New Zealand).
In the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Ireland the Nutri-Grain Bar name is used for the soft breakfast bars."
Doesn't look like a box of breakfast bars to me, seems our friend here got his filename wrong
And now every one of those retards has the virus.
>work at whole sale store that focuses on businesses but people come in anyway
>only toilet paper we have are $20 containers with a limit of 2
>people still buy them
fuck man
>I have two packs of toilet paper, and that's enough to last me like 6 months
Are you Sheryl Crow?
In Italy I don’t see these scenes, why? Bidet???
No, she is just extremely active for her age and can't sit still. If the borders weren't closed, she'd be in a spa-resort right now
Mainly if you have a terrible diet, you can end up having to use 1/3 to 1/2 a roll worst case scenario.
No one needs to hoard it is what I'm saying.
It's a pointless supply in an actual survival scenario and you'll be out of your stash before you know it.
Not american and I stocked up on swords.
>Not american and I stocked up on swords.
how many did you buy? do you dual wield?
>i-is that a heckin senior citizenrino unable to find groceroonies?
Breath of the Wild isn't real life user, one sword should do it
Tap water is fucking disgusting here if you don't have a filter
In Italy you're already doing worse than Chinkland itself.
Serves you greasy tards right for insisting to kiss each other on the cheek 2000 times per day.
It's a symbolic pillar of modern civilisation. When it runs out and we are wiping our arses with any other kind of paper, we will have lost control. People are panic buying out of fear of losing that control moreso than the practical need to wipe their butts.
I have one sword for my side of the bed, one sword for my gf's side of the bed and a machete hidden above the oven.
This is for wrecking our economy and planet you old bitch
>How stinky your anus is from residual shit is way down the list of priorities.
How can an anus be stinky? Just wash your anus after the poopoo. In fact, if you didn't have TP, you can just wash it instead of using TP at all.
This results in an anus without dingle-berries, and is genuinely cleaner than wiping with TP.
Reminder that supermarkets released the virus. They're the only ones profiting from this.
Why would he look for PS5 games in the Bin Bags aisle?
5 seconds before this was taken, he said the n-word
>implying this wasn’t used to remove boomers
except they're having to hire way more staff to stock shelves, are incurring far more damage, have to stay open for shorter hours and generally can't get restocked quick enough to truly benefit from the shitshow.
Man, Americans REALLY love wiping their asses
Fucking selfish pricks. I'm running out of toilet paper to clean my jizz off my stomach after I cum on myself
Like father like son
>government wants to give me $1500 for nothing plus $500 per week
>probably gonna spend it on anime figures
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
Are they really profiting though? People are buying toilet paper in bulk now but the rate of which they're using it isn't increasing. Sales are going to fall off a cliff after the panic is over. The shops are just getting an advance on the next 6 months of sales.