When did you start learning Japanese to avoid shitty "translations"?

When did you start learning Japanese to avoid shitty "translations"?

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2 translations of this game exist tho

Early 2000s when 4Kids called an Onigiri a "donut".

This shit was already finished years ago. You don't need Japanese unless you want to play Cold Steel 4 and Hajimari whenever it comes out.

Who gives a shit?

Never. I started learning Japanese so I could read and watch stuff that wasn't translated. It was only later on that I realised that translations are pretty much all terrible, and all the games I thought I'd played were really just fan fiction.

yeah and they both are shit

It was translated by ResetEra, basically.

Play the guren translation then, while not perfect it is still better.

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ok enough is enough I'm learning Japanese

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What game is this so I can avoid it like the plague?

The translators for F/GO should be tarred and feathered publicly

>bruh moment

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a long time ago, and not even originally to play vidya or watch Anime.

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2012, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2019, probably 2020 on the basis that having literally nothing else to do may defeat dekinai-chan

Fan translation of zero no kiseki

It took 3 years and was done by a bunch of trannies

based nigger avoider.

So there's a real link between Geofront and ResetEra.

Like a year ago, maybe even more so, but Im actually making the effort since last month, already done with the Basic stuff with Tae Kim and by the end of this moment I think I will have learn 1000 kanjis.
Recently I think im falling into the trap of just learning kanji and I find myself not being capable of forming extremely basic phrases despite knowing all the words that form the phrase, but I dont want to re read all of what ive learned, again.
Is there a place where I can practice writing without coming off as less than a toddler?

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I started learning a week ago.

>spending thousands of hours learning nip just so i can play some games that have shitty writing even in the original anyway
nah, ill pass

good luck. Your work is never finished, but it's a rewarding road.

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What even is "playful" clothing? Then again, im not even sure what cute clothing is supposed to be. I can read the words "simple" and "one piece" so I guess the second is alright?. The third one does talk about hairstyle but also mentions lolita fashion which I dont understand why it was taken out.

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I've seen multiple screenshots like this, were they all from a single game or multiple games from the same person/studio?


not sure which screenshots you're talking about, but if they have a fancy vignette like the above, it's most likely Warau Warawau in the Towelket series.

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The "Take that Donal Trump" always gets me I'm thinking about playing this shit just to see if there's more retarded stuff like that.

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Why is Wazy a girl and have boobs now

I need a translation for that translation.

What are some games in Nip with relatively simple dialogue that I can practice on?

That one was fake though.

It’s a tinder joke
To swipe left is how you say not interested on the app

Just play the Guren translation. You'll be able to play Ao faster as well.

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Seems fitting for falcom cucks.

what did she mean by this?

Like a year ago, but so far the only things I've been playing in japanese were nukige.

The translation is pretty bad and full of modern memes, but that one was fake. There's a handful of exaggerated fake translation screencaps being thrown around.

Is that real?
Did Geokeks wait for years for THAT?


Can I get a non-Rean anwser please?

Haha what do you think, user?

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JRPGs suck anyway. I'm glad you have to put in extra work to enjoy utter shit.

You guys think that is bad? Check out THIS

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Most of the script is good. The memes are pretty sporadic.

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lol u guys are like so mad lmao.

bruh just chillax dood this is the best fan translation ever

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Based ESL-kun falling for obvious bait.

They turned Randy into a 16 year old girl

Okay Geotranny

He can't possibly be as bad as the OP all the time, in the guren translation he's fantastic.

He's supposed to spout a lot of slang. Why do you think the leak had him ending every "ing" word with "in'"?

Okay retard.

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People say Pokemon games but honestly, most games have their easy moments and their full concentration mode moments. The most important thing is to pick a game that completely caters to your tastes and needs so you'll work through it.

When I was just starting out I read a lot of lewd manga and played a lot of lewd games to push me forward. Now I'm good to play anything I want.

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>tfw you have minimum knowledge in japanese
>tfw you can easily tell the text is being rewritten completely
Based epic I sure love reading fanfiction nice work geotranny.

>lol let's turn Randy in a complete meme walk machine

Pokemon is not even a good recommendation depending on the generation. Gen 1 exclusively uses hiragana which is detrimental to someone learning

The second originally says that she is looking for a simple, girlish one piece. Not a casual vintage dress. And I think her profile says she is happy when she gets to clean and writes books based on cleaning.

Yokai Watch. It has a modern setting, full furigana and is aimed at children so it only uses simple vocabulary.
DQ is also a good choice. Modern games also have furigana, it's a fun game and the dialogue is also pretty straight-forward.

Why is that large tough looking man wearing a choker?

just try out games you think look interesting or replay a game you like(for me it was FF5, for example), you have to get invested in what you play. People keep recommending games for toddlers just because you're a beginner, but you might not find those entertaining.

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Do people even use the word emo anymore?


he knows that only the chaddest of chads wear them.

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