My gf formated my switch data. Her defense"I didn't know"

My gf formated my switch data. Her defense"I didn't know"
Question: is cheating worst than cheating?
How should I get back at her

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>How should I get back at her
Be a mature adult and get over it?

>Question: is cheating worst than cheating?
what did he mean by this ?

>How should I get back at her
Format her smartphone.

I mean yea. But honestly, they can be mature and apologize and understand. But nah

Is it even possible to maintain a gf with a social intelligence stat lower than 10?

>Question: is cheating worst than cheating?

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Cheating worst that formated memory. My mistake

>people like this have a gf

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>is cheating worse than cheating?

Also, can't you just back up your data via cloud or your account?

Have sex in her asshole.

This is why you always have backups.
lets take a step back, why did she format your switch?

Why wouldn't you just break up with her?

How do you not know you’re formatting something?

>my gf formatted my switch
>I lost save files in a couple games I haven't played in months

>should I go sleep with a prostitute to get back at her?
Yas Forums, everyone.

How did she manage to do it? That seems incredibly unlikely to do by accident.

Damn this dude has a gf and he's over here getting upset about literal baby games

It was a bitchtest OP and you failed. She knows she can fuck around with your stuff with no repercussions enjoy your long term relationship with this in mind.

I got the animal crossing switch, she got my old one. I told her not to mess with things but she could play her game, but she wanted ."my switch to feel my own" and deleted my profile with out knowing what it did. I did make it clear not to .was with the settings

>not backing up cloud saves after every session
I don’t know about Switch restrictions, but I do it on every other platform and you should too


>How should I get back at her
Pour water on her makeup.

It’s because she brings the Switch over to her real boyfriend’s house, and didn’t want to raise any questions when they play smash together

>person I love made a mistake
>how can i get back at her
so this... is the power... of the larping incel... woah

Back to Smash Ultimate Hell Alexis

Are you full on retarded or just autistic?

this but unironically

Definitely autistic

She's testing you to see if you would do anything.
Even asking if it's alright to cheat shows your a beta Male. Should have done it almost immediately after.

Switch has shitty cloud saving iff you pay for the online, and it doesn't even work for all games because Nintendo is fucking stupid

This sound right.

This, it’s a classic shit test. Depending o when it happened, she’s already leaking Tyrone’s cum down her leg.

While this is true, you can just transfer everything from one Switch to another.
That being said, use this opportunity to drop Nintendo garbage. Nintendo isn't the stupid one here, because no matter how much they stick to 1990ish ways of handling saves, people will still flock to their games and pay full price for 5 year old games.

>give some bitch your shit
>bitch when she doesn't listen
>turns out you're the real bitch of the relationship
Lmao kill yourself

I got back at my ex gf by posting all of her nudes online and basically ruining her life.

You failed the shit test beta austist OP

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>thinking women are this intelligent

So you're really just mad that you were too lazy to transfer your shit right before giving it away right?

Format her anus. With your pee pee.

>giving your stuff out to someone else before you clean it out yourself first
Come on man, don't come to the internet to cry when the blame is entirely on you.

>Question: is cheating worst than cheating?

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I was transferring data, when the switch died so I had to charge it

You should have been fucking your sister regardless

Look if I can touch penises with my male cousin then you can fuck your sister.

Well shouldn't let her touch anything until all is done, really. Moments like that are just asking for disaster.

Was this before or after the vasectomy?


>gave her your switch
>mad she formatted it
I dont typically side with bitches but you're the retarded one in this situation. You should probably apologize.

Knock her up, sounds like she's a keeper.

I had to sell my Switch a year ago (I bought it again later) and I deleted all my save data. I spent hundreds of hours completing everything in those games (400+ hours in Xenoblade alone) and I deleted that because I didn't want to spend 10 or 20 euros for the cloud backup

why am I such a fucking retard. unbelievable

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I hope this is bait, OP.

Anyone with two neurons to rub together would know how to transfer profiles from one Switch to another.

Nintendo made this process exceptionally simple after they made the new model "Mariko" Switch with a better battery life, and Switch Lite, allowing people to easily move their progress to other models.

I hope your wife thinks you're a pathetic moron like we all do.

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>Be mature
>Be Adult
>Own Switch
These dont stack up

How did you get your bin to stick to the wall

Nintendofags grow up and video games are hip now user

>How should I get back at her
hatefuck her

Imagine throwing away a relationship over bing bing wahoo

they are when it comes to shit like this. it could either be deviously clever, pants on head retarded or batshit insane tests.

>grown man
>in a relationship

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Uhh, the bitch is right this time. You're the retard here

So, first thing first:
>your gf is a retard
And you should already know this by now, so it is your fault for not making a backup BEFORE.
Unless this was the first time she did something this stupid, you're the retard for not being cautious.
>having a retarded gf
What the fuck are you doing? Stupid girls are for sex, not for gf or even worse wife material.
Last thing, but the most important
>buying AC switch when you already own one
And this sums up everything before. You have a stupid gf because you are stupid too.

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>Her defense: "I didn't know"
>"Honey, why did you format my Switch data?"
>"I didn't know"
Can't make this shit up

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>nintendobabbies being mature

won't happen

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He bought a switch

ty brother

you were giving the switch attention she wanted.

>my switch to feel my own

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just cool off and go apologize
its a fucking object you nigger

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