The average monthly salary in Russia is about 60k rubles/around $1,100...

The average monthly salary in Russia is about 60k rubles/around $1,100. How do people afford GeForce RTX 2080 and a 4K TV?

Attached: unnamed.jpg (454x335, 30.9K)

Other urls found in this thread:,000&From=RUB&To=USD


If the average is $1,100 then there are millions who earn over $2000 and can afford it and millions who earns less than $500 and can't afford it. Simple.

>The average monthly salary in Russia is about 60k rubles
Way below that, it's about 20k.

Why do you think that average gamer anywhere can afford rtx2080 and other overpriced hardware? They don't.

why do you think we still play HoMM and GTASA, you retard

you can probably live with 50/month in russia

OP you are full of shit
this guy has the right idea

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>60k rubles/around $1,100,000&From=RUB&To=USD

>Serbia above Russia

Attached: anigger.png (640x427, 416.05K)

They don't, they still play HOMM3, Serious Sam, STALKER or DOTA 2, depending on how much of a faggot they are.

Lmao, sell some crack and steal the tv lol

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>k rubles
Who told you this lmao? It's ~25k
Nah not when you don't have your own apartment. A shitty one room apartment that looks like it's straight out of a post apocalyptic movie/game costs like 9999999999999$ in Russia. Либepaхy пopвaлo, my ass. It literally couldn't get any worse if we don't count North Korea, China and Africa

I thought russia was doing okay, what happened?

They don't that's why they all play CS and MOBAs

porn and drug dealing

Are you Russian? I keep hearing that Putin is making you guys wealthy and prosperous or something.

Why is that people in Russia are either extremely poor yet their happy as fuck or their some depressed billionaire?

I'm Armenian but I live in Russia.
>I keep hearing that Putin is making you guys wealthy and prosperous or something
Shitty propaganda + cult of personality. He's almost like Mao Zedong. I mean for example he takes part in fixed hockey matches where everyone lets him score so that brainwashed people would think
>wow look our president is so cool, he can do literally everything

There is a huge gap between Moscow, other big cities and some shithole in Siberia.

Also, average wage means very little when you have software devs with pretty much european salaries and some poor babushkas in the same city.

Interesting, thanks comrades.

You think the people that live here are depressed? They're the happy ones.

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Poorfags gotta pretend to be happy to fight off the need to commit sudoku.

Richfags get to feel real emotions because they can afford it.

do you even imagine the amount of money you save by not buying games, but pirating them?
im in lithuania where salary is double of russian, but compared to american shits cheap here
i pay 20 euro for gigagbit internet
2.3 for my phone
how much do americans pay?

No, poorfags in Russia are truly happy. All they need is a bottle of alcohol and that's it

If you take down the bar you live happier. The only need you have is shitting, eating, drinking, sleeping and dont cover in fear every second of your life. All the other is how much you want to cope with your situation.

Example: i live with 1600 euro in italy, i live alone and i drive trucks as a job. I dont want to change a pc every year (even if i can afford it) and im not interested in 4k. Im still at 1080 and i have no problem with that. So i dont have "mood" problems when i see raytracing, screenshots of uber resolutions etc etc. I just dont give a shit about 4k so im happier than someone who maybe gain lesser than me but its obsessed on 1200fps uber ray tracing and shiet. So in this example im happier with less cause my mind is set on it. Mind over matter always.

>The average monthly salary in Russia is about 60k rubles/around $1,100.
Default City is not Russia. The average monthly salary in Russia 25-30k.

based yuropoor making the most out of his situation

This has to be outdated, people here don't earn that much.

>I live in Italy
Rest in peace bro


Is it true that the trucking business is dying or is it BS? I my country there are always job listings for truckers, It doesn't seem to be affected by automation at all.

Saving money is a myth invented by rich people to fool poor people. Nobody ever got rich by not buying crap they don't need.

Not yet, but this decade they will die, as soon self-driving cars get authorization to operate on highways will be the beginning of the end.

>The average monthly salary in Russia is about 60k rubles
It's the average salary in Moscow. Not in Russia, though.
I am from Moscow, but I don't have a fixed income, so one month it can be 30k if I am unlucky and then 120k the next month. Should probably get more clients.

>self-driving cars get authorization to operate on highways
>this decade
Yeah right, I thought someone working in the industry would have some wherewithal but it's clear you're a fucking retard.

Man i get just around 2500 a month and even thats scrapping by. No wonder people want to get out of russia.

Where do you live?


That said, 100k is quite enough to live comfortably in Moscow if you're alone and aren't shooting for the most pristine apartment. And if you have you own apartment, you can easily do with like 50k.
Sadly, I don't have my own apartment and live with 4 other family members, and I am 27, kill me.

It's weather and shit government mostly not money.

I will make less if I relocate to Germany for example. Even SF salaries don't look that enticing if you account for cost of living.

I know that everything is expensive as shit there but
>scrapping by
You must be kidding

There is no such thing as automation for trucks, shit we deliver is way too much expensive for someone to risk everyting on some stupid shit and lose all the cargo.
My situation: i drive petrol truck tanks for the gas stations, i deliver 7-10k L of petrol daily if something goes wrong i know what to do to avoid an hiroshima, i doubt a self driving IA can do that. For some jobs the human touch will be always mandatory.

as of last week, 60k rubles is only $750

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Russia is communistic, you aren't supposed to own anything.

It will only get worse. It never gets better. I feel like Russia is a land of martyrs in general
>the 90s
It never ends, this country is doomed to rot in shit

Don't worry user, the anarcho-cap- I mean the libertarians will save us!

Russia is purposefully lowering the oil prices to trainwreck the American economy permanently, since the rouble is somewhat pegged to oil prices, it goes down with it. Once the USA is out of the picture, the ruble will go back to normal levels and maybe even better.

shut the fuck up, retarded pol subhuman

>Is it true that the trucking business is dying or is it BS? I my country there are always job listings for truckers
Forgot to answer your question. Is not dying considering a lot of old drivers will be retire soon and there is not enough fresh meat to subsitute them quickly. Also it takes about a year with licenses, exams and various shit to be full in order so its not quick nor easy to get everything. Thats why there is a lot of demand for drivers, its not the easiest or best job in the world but i like it.

All those countries getting mogged by Namibia.

nobody is having children in russia.

Lobbyists will make it happen pretty quickly as soon they show how much more effective logistics will be with self-driving trucks 24/7.

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Because they're good games?

There are limitations to what even lobbyist with endless pockets can legislate. No one alive today won't see the bill that allows fully AI driven trucks to operate on public roads to pass. It ain't happening.

No one got 2080ti around my co-workers or friends, and I'm working in IT industry in Moscow with VERY GOOD salaries and there are plenty of gamers around my social circle in general. Plenty of people got 4k TV's though, xiaomi ones.

Games are pirated by almost everyone around me except steamfags.

Evidently no, by the low amount of people from Western countries playing them

Even on this chan I get reminded about living in shit hole of a county
Also you think that 1100 is average... 88000 rur is not average it si 3 times more than that

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>No one alive today won't see the bill that allows fully AI driven trucks to operate on public roads to pass
And people also thought there's no way that shipping companies would be allowed to use machinery that would render the majority of dockyard workers unemployed, but it happened. Money always finds a way.

hopefully, it will all be irrelevant after mass automation goes full force in 10 years

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How the hell is it going to help the country?

Starsky Robotics just shot down.

Fully autonomous self driving cars is a pipe dream. It works fine most of the time but to further improve it you need a tremendous amount of data for edge cases.

Me reading this thread right now

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>how much more effective logistics will be with self-driving trucks 24/7.
Those are not, you dont do my job so im going to explain you how it works. I move shit about 9-10 hours a day with some rest times etc... but im always on the clock cause when i go to place A or place B i have the shit i have to move ready. If my truck moves 24\24 means also place A and place B have to make ready the shit i move 24\24 and no i cant go to a place C in my new gained time cause probably there is another who is moving place C which has to go to place D maybe on the other side of the nation.
The automatization of logistic is possible ONLY if you automize EVERYTHING in the production process (and also all the highway and not highway road since if there is trouble all the lines get damaged) which is impossibile today in pure logic, in europe its basically impossibile by definition.

Dude unless you're living in downtown toronto that's ridiculous. I've lived in Oshawa, Barrie and Bracebridge and my rent has never been over $1200 a month. That's $1300 for food, video games, etc. If you can't live on that then I dunno what to tell you.