Anyone else having a problem with playing the older anime DMCs after Devil May Cry 5?

Anyone else having a problem with playing the older anime DMCs after Devil May Cry 5?

They just look so goofy and dumb

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Nah, not really.

nope, but i was disappointed dante never got his stylish dodges back

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>anime DMCs

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3rd game is the best of them all

But 5 is goofy and dumb too

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I still haven't beaten vergil on Devil Hunter in V. Maybe today will be the day..

But nah OP the older titles are great. V is definitely the most fun for me.

This has to be bait in an attempt to keep the thread afloat. And 5's visuals look bad more often than not.

No, but I can't stand playing any nu Capcom game with that shitty pseudorealism they love so much lately.

Same, I can't play the older DMCs because they're too 'Japanesey' with cringe anime moments. At least DMC 5 and DmC tries to be more of a western action movie so I have no trouble with those.

Nah, the story in 5 and level design in 5 being the worst in the franchise balances it out for me.

I play 5 for gameplay
I play 4 and 3 for story and asthetic

DMC4 has vergil, thats enough
The problem was all the visual direction in the qliphoth, it looks like shit, unrionically all the levels in the city looks great


i was never a big fan of 4, because the campaign is so shitty and id rather not play a BP simulator
but its artstyle, and 3's artstyle are fine, well maybe not 4vergil, he does look kinda goofy

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>4 for story

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They're all dog shit, stop making up useless metrics to judge the games by.

3's story was pretty nice though

where would you place dmc 5?

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if the choice is 4 or 5 for story. You would have to smoke meth to take 5. It is written so badly, its impressively bad. I actually think it was on purpose.
Not everyone is meant to think, no big deal user

Vergil dlc when?

Attached: verg.webm (640x360, 691.26K)

the hell, 4 barely had a story at all, and its a well known fact tha game being rushed affected the story too

Solid Optional:
it's not policitcally correct to say good things about DmC on Yas Forums, game is pretty good though, the ultimate edition rebalanced the combat and style system, story is competently told, best level aesthetics in entire franchise

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DMC has always been anime and will always be.

Three things I hate about the old ones: the fixed camera angles, the platforming, and the puzzles.


so you just want bloody palace?

Everything but the combat then, u must be a casual

on the same tier as 3&4, also put 1 in there because thats important vidya history, nerd


Whoever made this is retarded

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I like traversing the levels.

What I want to know is why it fucked up how Vergil draws the Yamato in V? The Yamato is too long to be drawn with the blade facing up as in pic related. The blade must be drawn with it facing down like in every other DMC game featuring Vergil. This shit isn't rocket science and wasn't broken so don't fix it.

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DMC5's animation work is so fucking good

nope sound like a problem with you. the older games actually have style.
DMC5 looks the goofiest out of them all.
weaker animations and sound design, midget characters with cheap fucking hideous Instagram whore face scans. they look like bad cosplayers.
if anything seeing DMC in the resident piece of shit engine just makes me appreciate how much better and artistically competent capcom used to be.

the playable vergil mod is in a somewhat decent state now and they're updating it really frequently so there's that at least while we wait for a potential SE announcement

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retards call everything that isn't gross face scanning anime.
they even call western stylized art anime.

Literally DMC4 animations but badly adapted to much shorter goofier looking models.

I actually prefer the old style

DMC5 is the most anime though

Attached: sg-dmc5-mission-20-walkthrough-1-1024x576.jpg (1024x576, 72.04K)

DMC4 looks so fucking good.
DMC5 is allready super dated and jar jar binks tier.
But the older games still hold up because the art direction was so much higher quality and well thought out.

the vergil mod has a jetstream sam mod too

DMC4 didn't have the sexy-as-fuck dodging animations of 5 (and 5 has multiple of these per character).

>normal proportions is goofy
>a head the size of an apple on a 2m long body is better

everyone does. it objectively looks better. Capcom just didn't want to put the work in for the last game so they used photo scanning.

lame. Puzzles and the fixed camera were way better than the shit in DMC 5

Worst list ever
Avoid?Lmao Fucking pussy ass zoomers Im sure as time goes on people will end up avoiding 1 and later 4 I hate you all.

holy shit its beautiful

i like both styles personally

I think the ugliest thing about DMC5 is the teeth and pixelated hair that's never effected by anti-aliasing.

I don't, face scanning is such a garbage meme

>DmC fags

>everyone does. it objectively looks better. Capcom just didn't want to put the work in for the last game so they used photo scanning.
Here is a blackpill, the average normalfag loves realism
If they made DMC V look like DMC 4 or 3 it would have been a huge flop

They fucked up the lighting, making it look like characters have bottomless pits in their mouths

Play, also put 1 there as well. DmC should be moved to optional
Agreed. I get why people don't like it but it's at worst a blip in the franchise's existence, not a blemish. I'd actually like to see what a sequel would look like, but I suppose that's unlikely now

>just got 3 but my pad is not compatible
god fucking dammit

pick one

i think nero looks better in 5 honestly, dante and vergil look pretty nice too
as far as my preferences of art styles go, i would say its 3 > 5 > 4
oddly enough thats also how i would rank the games themselves

>best level aesthetics in entire franchise
I always read this from DmC apologists. The level aesthetics were almost entirely grungy city shit before turning into floating platforms in the void. I will never understand this argument.

I really dislike Vergil's hair in 5
It doesn't even look like him

The first one is the best one

DmC is not bad and the definitive edition is pretty good. The must style mode is really cool they should bring it over to other games.

i think the average normalfag doesnt feel strongly about either

none of the characters look like themselves because they just pulled random cunts into the office and scaned them. they put zero effort into making the models content or even trying to model them the proper way with hard work.

i dont think the average normalfag even knows about dmc, user

DMC fans are radical autists
Game is good/very good? 10/10
Game is Ok/decent 0/10

Every dmc game excluding 4 was attempting to look realistic.

average pleb doesn't care. DMC hardcore fans wanted Stylish 3D to be faithful to the core of the series. itsuno and his team wanted the same but capcom told them it has to look like the last of us or they can't make it.
with higher quality models and art direction it would have sold more.
I know I pirated it because I though the graphics were bad.

>average pleb doesn't care. DMC hardcore fans wanted Stylish 3D to be faithful to the core of the series. itsuno and his team wanted the same but capcom told them it has to look like the last of us or they can't make it.
didn't think we had someone with that much insider info