Redpill me on sekiro. is it fun? just how hard is it?

Redpill me on sekiro. is it fun? just how hard is it?

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For me personally, NO.

The game gets too hard as it goes and I neither have the patience or time to git gud.

It's not hard at all unless you're a faggot boomer with terrible reaction times.

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Best From game without a doubt. It’s a bit of a learning curve at first but once you get good at it you can excel much better than in Souls games because of the tight controls and quick gameplay.

Easily one of the top 3 from software games, it isn't the hardest once you get the hang of it but the final boss is definitely one of the hardest bosses they've ever come up with

imagine getting doxed lol

It's the best action game I played last year, I highly recommend it. My other favorites include bayo 1 and ninja gaiden 2.

Sekiro can be a bit hard to get into, it will also punish your dark souls habits. Once you figure out the combat it's tons of fun. I will provide some tips in the next post.

Deflecting is your primary defensive option. Posture is your second hp bar, you recover it by holding block. Posture can't be broken as long as you keep deflecting.

Jumping and dashing have few i-frames on them. Jumping/dashing through attacks is possible but timing is tight. Use them for repositioning and escaping grabs.

Running is good and you can run forever in combat.

Get the deathblow hp regen and mikiri skills asap. Mikiri obliterates all thrusts in the game, this includes kicks (just press B, no directions). Jump sweeps and jump again on their head for posture damage.

Firecrackers are a free stun. They are also very good for crowd control.

Once you get comfortable with enemy patterns you will find that this game rewards aggression. Running in their face and eating their posture until they deflect you works very well. Most bosses have more dangerous options out of neutral compared to out of deflecting your attacks.


I know it's a meme answer, but once it "clicks" it's easy.

Imagine posting some random face and thinking it’s a doxx while I’ve actually posted my own face before lol newfags

Its actually really hard, but not undoable.
If you take the time and learn how to mikiri counter its not even that hard, just dont be a buttonmash fag

The difficulty is overstated, the whole game is just a long round of simon says and the combat is really dull.
Every enemy is weak to a certain technique or tool, or you can just do the assassin's creed thing.

not related but i have a question, dont open if you didnt finish the game so, who stabbed wolf after he killed lady butterfly? was it owl? why would he do that?

not really

the combat got really stale for me by the end of the game, as nothing dramatically changes it up. The only 2 bosses i found genuinely really fun were genichiro and the ape

it's by far the hardest From game of the past decade; but difficulty never made their games good. It lacks in atmosphere, fun bosses and gameplay variety for me

jap or english voices?

It's pretty fun.
The difficulty is high, but you always feel like you're getting better, learning enemy patterns and timings and working towards a goal.It encourages experimentation with items, it forces you to sharpen your reflexes and is very satisfying once you figure every boss or mini-boss out. It's also full of little nooks and crannies to explore and find good shit in.

My favorite Fromsoft game, I much prefer the parry system over dodging all the time and Sekiro has a comfy feeling while you're stealthing around

Why did you wait until last year to play NG2 and Bayonetta?

>the whole game is just a long round of simon says
This lad got filtered at the first boss.

The only people who think Sekiro is great are contrarian faggots who hate soulschads.

Japanese, don't even touch the english VA.

Yes, but you have to make efforts during the first hours to understand the basis, otherwise you will get rekt so hard by some bosses that you will drop.

it's the most kino game

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its good but like any "Souls game" most of the times its trial and error.

>Posture can't be broken as long as you keep deflecting.


sekiro is really bland aesthetically

ah yes orange and blue

No it isn't, you mistook your block as a deflect and that's why you got posture broken.

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It's true though.
Unless you spam block like a retard.

>is it fun?
People wouldn't like it if it wasn't

>if I say something that makes it true

Yes it was Owl, he wanted Kuro for himself so that's why he led the invasion of hirata estate.
Sekiro was supposed to be training somewhere else, but he instead got in Owl's way so he had no choice but to kill him.

very good but it will piss you off

you can't cheese bosses like in dark souls, and it gets very hard very fast

if your timing or tactics are off by just a hair and luck isn't on your side, you're fucked

still, it's worth playing if you can make it past enough filters to see some of the game

art direction is better than dark souls and might even be better than bloodborne

If it's a properly times deflection you won't get posture damage. Iirc there's three types of defence - normal block that'll do posture damage to you, imperfect deflect that'll posture damage both you and the enemy and perfect deflect where only the enemies posture is damaged. I could be misremembering though

I mean the game won GOTY, has 80k reviews on steam (ds3 took 4 years to get 100k reviews), has sold around 7 million copies and is generally loved everywhere.

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DSP beat it, its not that hard

op is just going to get filtered by any of the 3 filters, and cry on veee the next day about the game being too unfair

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It's fantastic. It's not hard, it just has a learning curve.

Autism. You do realize this is a discussion board right?

First playthrough is great, but it doesn't have to offer a lot after that and it's only hard if you play it like a Soulsborne game.

>has sold around 7 million copies
This is bullshit, unless it's sold an additional 3 million copies or so since August, which is extremely unlikely

Not who asked you originally, but Im on my third run and just did the second memory fight yesterday. Did that actually happen, or was that just a vision/sekiro mentally working through some baggage? Did he actually ever fight lady butterfly? Is the Buddha a literal fucking time machine? How does him bringing the branch from the past make sense, and how did owl see/mention his false arm, which he should have still had at that point? A lot of temporal funny business in this route

How is the aesthetic bland? It's varied and looks pretty beautiful at times

There actually is one instance, an exception, where this is not true
The Armored Warrior (aka ROBERTOOO's dad) has this tantrum like combo, where the last hit of the combo can break your posture, even if deflected
I suppose that is supposed to be a testament to his strength
But yes, you are right otherwise

>Don't like it
>haha he got filtered
Literally every time. You Fromdrones are pathetically repetitive.

it's like shittier downgraded darksouls, if you liked darksouls for gameplay don't buy it
If you like soulslike clones because you are on the meme then buy it.

>still reports anyone who reposts it even though it's supposedly not him

sekiro has 3 million users on playstation
For pc, you take the median of 50 sales per review, which gives you around 4 million copies.
We just don't know about XBOX, but I would guess it's on the lower end at around 1 million or less.

Can someone confirm this? If it's true, I finished the game without knowing there were two type of deflect. I would have tried to be much better at deflecting if I knew that.

this game is literally easier than majority of casual games, pal, challenge is there in comparison to gacha and facebook clickers.
Also imagine not destroying last boss with cheese.

sekiro has literally nothing to do with souls

The game only really and truly get hard if you try and do a charmless play through. Absolute perfection is required, and against some of the bosses, it can be downright fucking maddening. Beating it is one of the most satisfying things I've ever done in vidya, and there's no way to even prove I ever did - such is life.

So the reason why Owl told wolf to protect kuro when he (owl) was "dying" in that burning house was so he could keep kuro away from others?
Then he would eventually come back to pick him up
is that it ?

>For pc, you take the median of 50 sales per review, which gives you around 4 million copies
This formula doesn't make sense for Sekiro. PC versions of games usually sell the least by a large margin, and this article I linked has the sales figures. Sekiro obviously seems to be an exception to the "50 sales per review" formula with a higher amount of review to sales ratio

Lol yea what the fun in that? Well if you want ez mode just hit up Nexus mods and mod away it's an easy game 2 ini hack

>finished all of bloodborne, dlc included
>gave up on Sekiro after a few hours
Too damn hard for me

He's wrong, there is no imperfect deflect
You either block or deflect, there is no inbetween

My bad

He so mad about getting filtered at the first boss he had to reply twice. No, following patterns is something you do in every video game, not just this one. Oversimplifying something you are a failure at doesn't help you overcome it.

>this game is literally easier than majority of casual games, pal,
Stop embarrassing yourself.

the article you linked has the sales figures for august 2019, and we are on march 2020 right now.¨
You're also forgetting that the GOTY award boosted it's sale.
And why would sekiro magically be an exception to the rule?