No Dragon Quest XI

>no Dragon Quest XI
>no Atelier Ryza
>no Tales of Berseria
>no Danganronpa 3
>no Death Stranding
>no Final Fantasy 7 Remake
>no Nioh
>no Street Fighter V
>no Wonderful 101
>no Ys VIII
>no Nino Kuni 2
>no Disgaea 5
Why is this console so fucking bad? Lmao.

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nioh is the only one of these games worth playing desu

kill all weebs

>he thinks all of these literal who weeb games sell consoles

>no jrpgs(which aren't even games)
sounds good to me

>no weebshit
Thanks, I'm buying an Xbox now

But, all of those are terrible games OP.

Of course, why would you need all that when you have Tranny of War 5 and Forza Niggerizon right? Subhumans. You're trash.

>japan is biased against western culture
>japan also bowing to SJWs that took over Sony to promote gender politics
seems like japan is retarded

forza is unironically better than any than any game on that list, you're right

>better perf than ps4, XsX have better perf than ps5
>no games on it, you can only watch youtube or netflix
>it'll be the same with XsX

You couldn’t pay me to play these games o I am laffin

Yes, I understand that this is the mentality of nigger monkeys such as yourself, you don't need to confirm, I already knew that.

*unsheathes katana*
Heh you’re welcome to try kid...

okay gook sacklicker

Read: >japan also bowing to SJWs

They apparently bought some studios, but I doubt tthey will make anything but trash.

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Xbox is good if you have no interest in Japanese games.

If you're a normalfag that doesn't like Japanese games, there's 99% chance that you like things like Last of Us or Spidorman, so Sony wins either way.

>gets outsold by 2 weeb consoles

I like Japanese games, I just don't like kusoge.

*fifa and mario

there is no way an adult can have this many games on ps4 without doing it for brand loyalty


who ever said anything about exclusives has no pedophile games..

>implying Americans arnt the biggest pedophiles

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>biggest pedophiles

oh yeah i forgot your future president as well

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vatican is an entire nation of pedophiles.

Maybe PS4 is his only platform for playing videogames, I do have a lot of games on PS4 mostly because my PC can't run them or they run better than on Switch

Why are you so assblasted?

propaganda by Americans
the biggest cases all took place in American churches

sure, thats why a pope had to step down

>tales of berseria
It's on pc also
>she is dead in the ending
>danganronpa 3

And nothing of value was lost
not exclusive

honestly all garbage besides danganronpa and wonderful 101. i have an xbox one and wii u. no reason to get a switch and will get a series x. will get nintendos next console once it has new games and not scrapped wii u projects. even if i had a ps4 or seriously gamed on pc, you wouldnt catch me dead playing most of this shit.

>no weeb garbage
Sounds based to me

both you and him could save all the money you're spending on video games on better systems

There is something terribly wrong with those faggots at microshit. Only the selected countries(US,Mexico,Colombia, etc) can pay and download their games I can't pay for NGB because that retarded shit.


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>no Dragon Quest XI
>no Atelier Ryza
>no Tales of Berseria
>no Danganronpa 3
>no Death Stranding
>no Final Fantasy 7 Remake
>no Nioh
>no Street Fighter V
>no Wonderful 101
>no Ys VIII
>no Nino Kuni 2
>no Disgaea 5

If Microsoft was smart they would market all of this as a feature.

i genuinely dont understand how anyone can play jrpgs and not find them cringe. every single story, character, dialog, it is all so terrible

>he only plays mainstream garbage

I don't, but everyone who's paying money does


I'm enjoying play Gears of War 5

I'm enjoing play Forza Motorsport games

>also on pc
>n-no that doesn't count
>here are games on xbox you can't play on the ps4
>also on pc
how assblasted are you because you have the inferior console?

people in japan don't buy xbox (they never have), the xbox audience only cares about halo/gears/forza, and microsoft has a long history of fucking over japanese devs. of course they wouldn't get those games.

>>no Final Fantasy 7 Remake
This will happen at some point

Xbox needs for next gen to get support from Japanese devs to release at launch their games. If they can lock in devs like SE, Capcom, Sega, & Falcom to release their games at launch on Xbox along with the PS5, they'll be golden.

I haven't tried 5 yet but I've played 4 and the previous ones. Is it better than Gears 4? Except for the very last boss battle, that game was awful compared to the titles on the 360.

I'm enjoying play Ori

>no weebtrash shovelwares

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Unfortunately, many of the best Jap games aren't on Xbox or come to Xbox super late, even later than PC.

>nincels hiding behind Xbox again
Truly sad

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Unfortunately true. PC is the comfortable middle ground really, you get most of the games that don't come to PS4 and most of the games that don't come to Xbone.

Xbox and PS4 are basically just Fifa/CoD boxes this gen.
Even the consolefags here who play on Xbox/PS4 basically just play your typical AAA multiplats.

Has a good lineup

>no Tales of Berseria
It got Vesperia and Arise. They aren't missing out on Tales anymore.
>no Death Stranding
Why would this be on Xbox? It's a Sony funded game. That's like making fun of PlayStation for not having Halo.
>no Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Except it will. FFVIIR is only a 1 year timed PS4 exclusive. Everyone knows this despite Snoys trying to spread false info.
>no Street Fighter V
Sony paid for console exclusivity for this, and it's a shitty game anyway. Xbox has SFIV on Backwards Compatibility and it's so much better.

Disgaea 5 is shit

>Xbox has SFIV on Backwards Compatibility and it's so much better.
PS4 has USF4 and it doesn't run at potato resolution

if you don't play jrpgs you don't belong on Yas Forums


You mean the worst version of USF4? You mean the port that was rushed out for the sole purpose of forcing the tournament standard off the 360?

Eat a dick

I do play JRPGs, the genre simply died on consoles with the PS2.

jrpgs are for faggots. Go actually play real games like Oblivion or The Witcher 3

You know they patched it right?

Ni No Kuni is shit. Both 1 and 2.