>PC chads will never play Bloodbor-
PC chads will never play Bloodbor-
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hahaha this makes pctards loock even more miserable.
that's just sad lol
The sheer autism of the japanese
What does Bloodborne gain from it's PS4 exclusivity?
PS4 sales
Well, yeah, but I guess what I should have asked is how does Bloodborne **benefit** from it's PS4 exclusivity?
Comment section is open too! Upboat me guyze
If Bloodborne was on Steam like other Fromsoft games, it's presumable that it'd go on sale, sooner or later. That's not a benefit that'd be unique to the PS4.
that it wasn't dark souls 3 and it had a coherent artstyle and unique setting and feel. It'
s a great fucking game.
It is a great fucking game, albeit with a locked 30fps that regularly dips. If it was on PC, it'd be a great fucking game with a smooth 60 (or even better) fps with next to no dips on even a middling PC if DaS3 is anything to go by.
Your coping is what's sad.
>muh fps
Keep coping
Keep crying bitch
The studios are afraid to release it because deep down they know this was their biggest asset. If PC had Bloodborne it would literally make Sony's console obsolete in seconds.
>PC gamers live in consoleplebs head's rent-free
Bloodborne and Souls games in general are still pretty niche.
Sony didn't even care enough to give Bloodborne a PS4 pro patch.
Sony's funding
Coping with what? I was just playing BB on my PS4 an hour ago. I'd still much rather play it on my PC, rather than on a machine that wouldn't even have a reason to exist if it wasn't hoarding good exclusives.
>he thinks pissborne is a console seller
sure was for me
I just wanna play Bloodborne in 60fps and without the chromatic aberration bros...
This. I'll buy a PS5 if it has Bloodborne 2.
That's probably the only thing that can be said, but even then we don't know exactly how much content From would have had to compromise on if Sony wasn't handing them money, or if they would have had to compromise on anything at all.
If you're willing to wait 10 or some years.
Truly sad.
>he likes eye cancer 25 FPS
the memes were real console plebs really hate themselves
sonys funding japanstudio support and freedom for miuazaki to make his magnum opus.
DS3 is already like a Bloodborne combat mod for DS1. I cannot fucking fathom how anybody who played Bloodborne could think 3 was anything but dogshit, it was inferior in every regard. BB needs to come to PC already so I can ditch this shitbox and play it at 60 fps with no chromab.
Shitty graphics and garbage performance + sony money, in turn sony gets to sell the PS4 since Bloodborne is the only reason to buy that obsolete, unupgradable garbage hardware.
This practice is straight up anti-consumer but console drones will go: hurr durr our shitty underpowered hardware is keeping the gaming industry alive
I don't know at this point
I played it on PS4, finished it, but sometimes the framerate was dropping at 20fps and making the experience worst
It's not a good image for Myazaki
there is million from fags who will buy ps4 and 5 just for bloodborne.
What you don't enjoy playing at 23 FPS? What are you a PC elitist neckbeard?
Name some other reasons to buy the Pure Shit 4
You are now aware that the PS5, like the PS4 pro, will not fix Bloodborne.
And From will never go back and patch in a fix.
It's foreverially tiedup delitized.
It existing. Dumb fuck.
The game runs fine retard, ds3 on the other hand runs like shit both on console and PC
user where do you get off lying on the internet?
Lol no it doesn't. DS3 runs way smoother than Bloodborne even on console.
Big brained post, had a lot to say.
BB not only has framedrops under 30, but the bigger issue is the frame-pacing which is well documented and basically a flaw in the game's very code.
I'd hate to play BB on 0fps though.
we won... we won......
Why do advertisers keep shilling this game?
No, I don't want your janky console game, now fuck off already.
I've been wanting to play bloodborne for awhile now but I really don't want to buy ps4 just to play one game, I don't even own a television set lol
What the fuck is this PSNOW shit? Does it work? It has a 7 day free trail and I'm willing to try anything at this point
>"willing to try anything"
>needs emotional support to try a free trial
Very helpful post. Worth reading. Say, where do you live? I'm coming over to fucking kill you.
yeah but we both know you have never even owned BB.
Not having to worry about any financial risk because Sony pays for everything upfront. That's why anyone takes any exclusivity deal, the risk around sales and development cost is now someone else's problem.
You wanna know if it works? Try the fucking free trial, retard.
The real question is why don't they bring it to other consoles now? Seems kind of dumb to me, you're only promoting people to really start trying to emulate your console
Game wouldn't exist otherwise
Who knows? Maybe the contract they signed with Sony demanded exclusivity for X amount of years. If, for example, they signed up for at least 5 years of exclusivity then the deal would expire tomorrow and FromSoft would be free to port it wherever. It could also be that all of FromSoft's resources are tied up on other projects and they just don't have the people to make a port right now. It could be that a port is in the making as we speak. You'll never know for sure unless you're an insider.
It just seems like they are financially shooting themselves in the foot. I suppose that exclusivity is really the key catalyst here, but all the other points seem kinda shite, it's free money.
Bloodborne is the only From game with a real orchestra. I think that should tell you something.
why would you buy a ps5 if it would have no exlcusives? I'm not gonna buy a console next gen, but if sony sold its exlcusives I'd go xbox, better bang for buck, cheaper.
Who is? The developer or Sony?