file name thread
File name thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>grabs clothes
>goes for a throw
bro, cringe
Holy shit he got rolled by that manlet
owned, looks like he dropped his bdsm whip at the end of it all
RIP tranny janny
Told ya: even a manlet can defeat a martial arts woman.
It looks like a tail.
>Yas Forums - Tranny General
fucking kek
>enemies drop loot
>game lets you shoot off pieces of armor
Shouldn't it be dex vs vit
>how a 60kg guy fights a 260kg guy
couldn't he just wait about 10 years?
dex vs end
>Smough and Ornstein training montage
I can't imagine living in a country with armed niggers running freely. Must be hell.
This webm is so satisfying to watch.
i love the way his nonchalant dickheadedness gets ended permanently
He shot his own printer
We're not even awake yet and here you are allowing us to live rent free.
Bless you
>mario 64 bowser laugh
Now HP will sue him for 20 million dollars.
did he miss every single shot, why is there no blood
this will be the future of humanity once aliens invade or AI becomes rogue
The paper probably jammed all the time.
Doom 3 intro
the fuck
Imagine this but built for humans.
News flash: turns out real life is not like movies or video games.
You thought there would be big blood spatters or something?
Looks like they all landed after he shot him the head at least once or twice. First shot is in the head you can see the hood move unnaturally.
My guess is the sun is already below the horizon, still illuminating the tops of taller buildings, but she's already standing in the shadow.
Or she's just shopped onto the background.
Real life people aren't blood pinatas like in your games and anime, user
why was he so carefree like that? what a dummy
this literally an irl boss
i don't need to imagine it
So how do you exactly fight them? Hit them in the face?
Just hit his head
If you cant reach the head, kick his balls
It shouldnt be that hard
>not "Quake 4 intro"
Ya blew it
That was a perfect response. You fear for your life due to someone threatening you with a gun. You shoot until they stop moving. He wasn't charged and that store was robbed numerous times and the previous employees all quit. You don't shoot once and ask them nicely to put the gun down you kill a mother fucker as fast as possible. You always shoot to kill not to injure.
>This processes the crab
You guys have conditioned me to get nervous every time I see a video with chinese text in it
Do want another one tranny?
You sound like a fucking cop
Im talking about the black dude, just struts in there like he owned the place
There is a chance it is edited. I remember there was some scandal or some shit years back where companies would pay reviewers to take nice photos of themselves enjoying places and they'd photoshop the photos so the weather/lighting/whatever would look more perfect.
Iirc they ended up getting caught because this one woman kept using the exact same clouds
Well if you intend to rob a store at gunpoint it probably helps to appear nonchalant
Expectations vs Reality ?
Just run.
yeah but not with the gun in hand on full display
>nigger strarts losing
>fat nigger and dwarf niggers immediately try to pile on because whitey cannot win
>they can't do shit
why are niggers so pathetic
Yeah, it looks so fucking shopped, but kinda... Not? Really weird.
I know how cops think and I know the law so if I ever have to do the same I know what to say to avoid charges.
Makes sense. Just another dumb negroid. As mentioned above that store was robbed numerous times so maybe he thought it was an easy target.
Jesus, I just can't imagine living somewhere it would be necessary to have a live firearm at work.
Well that's just the nig-tier IQ showing its hand
and how is that wrong?
Defend yourself, if someone threatens your life, you respond back in a fitting matter
Niggers are retarded, more at 11.
someone just post that fucking webm of chinese pulling baby birds out of their nests and eating their heads already
don't let your local community get infested user, please
I only ever see pigs use the phrase "fear for my life"
Usually as a response shooting someone at 4 AM in their sleep because they rolled over
Do Americans really...?
>dodges both swipes
Looks like anime really was real life all along.
>Go into gamestop (F)
>Hot cashier at till
>"Hello sir what can I get you?"
>Try to raise my weapon but my hands are shaking so violently I drop it on the floor.
>Panic and try and pick it up while at the same time yelling "This is a robbery" and "Put the cash in the bag lady" but mangle it all together.
>bag this lady p-please
>"I'm sorry? Oh user let me get that nerf gun for you"
>N-no robbery
>Haha, sir I'll give it back here you go
>Oh god
>She touched it
>With her hands
I'm going to be honest with you I basically gave up half way here, but I'm still going to post it and nobody is going to laugh. We'll all move on.
What the fuck is even happening here?
the criminals in my city are fucking retarded
>i've got the bigger stick
It was in the South Philadelphia which is a shit hole.
Why are there some many death machines for crabs?
It's okay user, I chuckled
Ha ha when the bitch falls through the ceiling fuckin lol
>filename thread
>actually a rekt thread
Get this shit out of my vidya board.
>manages to hold his own after being attacked by multiple niggers
Blame the edgy underageds infesting this board
What's the story here? It looks really interesting.
this is great
are you blind? you can see the blood starting to pool up at the end of the vid
Uh oh anonymous your post made me fear for my life, hope you enjoy getting a third nostril.
>that "I'll be with you in a second jamale" finger point
Because they're always incarcerated.
Maybe if you stopped robbing stores Tyrone you wouldn't have to live in fear of the pigs.
>tank build.webm
Kicking their knees. You'll be crippling them for life though.
Staged for clicks.
guys dreads stink.
I'll take it, stay happy user.
With that attitude you'll certainly be shot to death at some point.
because he robbed that store before dumbass. why do you think the cashier was armed? god. think.
you sound like a liberal faggot who'd rather die by a nigger then standing up for yourself and shooting the fucking nigger. I truly hope a nigger rapes you and your family. Then you die and go to hell because you're a disgusting retard shit posting online.
3 other grown men sit their and do nothing what the fuck is wrong with chinks
I'm just a meek wh*teboi and the worst experienced I've had with pigs was getting pulled over on christmas eve for an expired registration
My loathing of them comes out of principle, not anecdotal experience
Wow it's like he does everything that would exactly fail with such a weight difference no matter how strong he is.
>I'm going to be honest with you I basically gave up half way here, but I'm still going to post it and nobody is going to laugh. We'll all move on.
honestly this got me to laugh more than anything
*number one stops*
>make fun of cops
Whoa chill out there buddy, go cuddle with your blue line flag blankie to calm down okay?
>My loathing of them comes out of principle, not anecdotal experience
Kay, hope you own a gun then.
Overreaction? Maybe. But you can be damn sure that kid isn't gonna act like a prick on a bus again.
Why does every filename thread turns into Yas Forums holy shit
why isnt there blood flowing out of him?
Was expecting her hair to get caught in the fan.
Generally, you don't pick fights with someone bigger than you but I guess for starters you could actually try striking instead of just ineffectually bouncing off of their belly.
face, balls or knees are your only choices, just make sure he won't fall on you
I do, plenty of them.
When niggers come to rob me I'll be prepared to defend myself rather than rely on pigs who'd take 30 minutes to arrive and do nothing but shoot my dog
of course he doesn't. these kinds of people think that if weapons went away there wouldn't be any violence, he thinks that cops are the reason there is crime, not that they're the response to ti
unironically wouldn't he get in trouble for this?
i dont think he should - but laws can be pretty cucked. I know it varies state to state, but arent you supposed to draw and descalate, or once you draw are you supposed to shoot?
Also shooting him a bunch of the times would get him in trouble for excessive force right? Since the threat is removed?
seen a few of these vids around recently, is it a current fad?
>its a fornite dance
>dark souls filename
I usually immediately close the videos.
Then you're not a hypocrite.
>this post
You gotta stop using the internet so much dude.
>user doesn't immediately recognize the fortnite dance
Absolutely obsessed. Seek help.