Do you have a naming scheme for your vidya characters? I usually just name them after large mountains

Do you have a naming scheme for your vidya characters? I usually just name them after large mountains.

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I try to make them lore friendly and based on how my character is gonna act.

i name all of them "retard" or "tard"

I name them all asdasd
if I have to name another one because there's a pet or something, they're called sdfsdf

I name them after my ex gfs

I'm pretty sure most games require names dude

I literally mash keys and put vowels in between.

Ven Migby.

Your mileage may vary.

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I keep list of cute and fitting girl names to always have at least few options to name my girl characters. I literally almost never make male characters so I don't even remember if they have any meaningful names.

>literally almost never

I have a list of stock names. It's usually gibberish or sometimes an obscure reference. Whenever I see a funny name, I add it to the list.
Also can vouch for this method too

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Well, at least it's not technically incorrect. Too many people literally never use "literally never" properly in their posts.

I name based on the premise and the setting of the game

>new path of exile league
>strongest starting skill is Contagion
>everyone, and i mean fucking everyone including me, thought having a corona-themed name was the smart thing to do

Do all males really have to get prostate exams? You really have to let a doctor finger you? That’s fucking gay.

you don't have to, same as how women don't have to get breast exams
just depends on whether you like having undiagnosed cancer

If I'm not making a me-character with my nickname I use Lesser Key of Solomon to find a cool demon name. Funnily enough, Gundam Orphans writer did the same.

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I used to name my characters after Pokemon games, so like Red, Gold, Platinum etc.
Creative I know

I name them after my WoW succubi.

You can check your prostate out yourself, and you can check your balls out yourself for testicular cancer.

Am I the only one who just uses his real name?

If the character is a self-insert type I'll use my own real name, otherwise I try to use a name that makes sense in the setting. It can be kind of tough.

years ago I played secret of mana with a buddy and when we had to name the protagonist one of us said "he looks like a johnny", but the game only took four letters so we picked the next best thing which was JONY.
now all my characters are named JONY.

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3 letters, or Puns.
I also sometimes just pull up a random letter generator and make an interesting sounding name that way.


My name, or my online handle, or my wife's name if it's a female character.

any examples?

I was shitting blood every other shit for the past couple of months, so i went to see my doctor. She had to stick her fingers up my asshole and discovered an internal hemorrhoid. She's a somewhat cute asian btw.

Latok, Kanchenjunga, Nanga Parbat

did you ask her if she liked your butthole

I call them all Big Boss

I wanted to say something, i definitely felt a sensation when she applied pressure to my innie pink sock.

If It's fantasy I just pick what basic trait my character represents, then I find a mythical/religious figure or god and look for a weird cool sounding name for them, pick that and make it sound tolkeinesque

If it's sci-fi or modern I just call it something dumb like Max Prowess

>Post apocalypse
>People get nicknames
>Name one Voice for negociation, one Doc for healer, one Key for lockpicking, hacking and stuff like that and one Fuze, for demolitions and breaking things open.
Otherwise it really depends on the scenario. I just called the fallout 4 guy Nate, because that's his canon name, so why even change that. If it's fantasy I'll probably call him something exotic If all else fails, I'll just use my internet handle, since it's a name.

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If it's a game with explosives/guns I name him BIG SHOOT and specialize in the largest weapons and most powerful explosives

Whenever I play porn games and I have to name the male protag, I go with "Juese."
My headcanon is that they are all related through the multiverse, with some being absolute chads, while some are poor fuckers that get cucked.

>the torgue manufacturer is a unique trait to borderlands games
sucks right?

Either this or I just shorten my middle name

I name all my characters John Smith

I had a physical dictionary when I was little. I'd pick a random page, take a word that was somewhat long and made an anagram of it. If it didn't turn out well enough, I'd use creative liberty to add a letter or two, but the base was always an anagram.

I call them gendy for some reason. even if they're a girl. last name just depends on the game.

If I don't default to my usual name or an altered/corrupted version of it I just grab a word from the latin to english or greek to english dictionary that would fit the character. Either those or I just name them after a character from one of my stories if I feel like having fun with it.

If it's a cRPG I'll try to pick a mix of names of cultural or historical figures to suit the class
If it's a one-figure RPG like M&B I usually just call them 'Randy'
If it's an online game I just use a joke name like Buster Cherry

"user", assuming the protag doesn't have a canon default name.

Gently and lightly squeeze your balls to find out if their density is irregular or uf you detect any bumps.

Prostate is located directly under your dick, a bit to left or right, depending on person. Your own finger is enough to reach it and like before to feel if there are any irregularities. But doctor experience would say more.

Don't make any fuss over that, it's just finger with less diameter than your usual shit you take. Unless you are into anal, it literally feels like making shit. No arousal at all.

Taking something up your ass in a sterile environment is uncomfortable but not the end of the world
Most men would probably kill each if they had to choose between that and having a swab jammed down the urethra

i name all my characters after ocs in a novel i started and will never finish
the novel character names were just spitballed until i found something that stuck though

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That's a good story.

I name my cows in Stardew Valley after my exes

me on the right

>Ven Migby.
Sounds like a protagonist from a neo-noir visual novel.

Why are you jumping out of a window user?

Depends, with Fantasy / Medieval Games (or as long as it fits in the setting) I tend to give them names that start with "Sieg". So far I have
>Siegvald, used in M&B: Bannerlord
>Siegmund, used in M&B: Bannerlord (Warsword Conquest for my Empire Pistolier)
>Siegund, used in Anno 1404
>Siegmeyer, used in Anno 1800
>Sieglind, used for my Shadowverse Profile
>Siegfried, for some of my Dark Souls 2 Characters.
At this point tough, I think I will run out of them likely. Maybe I will start over but with "Sig".

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Me on the right

How about Zeke?

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For games with a medieval fantasy setting I use the name of a character from a different game with a medieval fantasy setting.
They pretty much always will fit fairly well.

I wanna try. Hdjs
Hadjish. Fuck.

If it's a game I'm self inserting in I'll use my online username. If I'm making a female I usually name her Jean. If it's a JRPG I default to ButtButt or just Butt as the character limit allows because you can't actually roleplay on JRPGs so who gives a fuck?

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>implying you can roleplay in any videogames

its not that bad, i fingered myself all the time when i was experimenting with different ways to masturbate. it doesnt hurt or anything especially with a super lubed up latex glove

I name myself Not Sure whenever possible

>paying someone to touch your prostate
do americans really

The fag next to him was leaking shit oil all over due to prolapsed butthole, you'd jump out the window also if confronted with the smell of shit oil. It's a special kind of rank.

based same

still remember the last one
Frazix Quawert

>shuffle my music
>name character after artist or song title

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