How's your quarantine going Yas Forums ?

How's your quarantine going Yas Forums ?

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Nothing has changed for me cuz I'm a NEET. Wish I wasn't addicted to jerking off.

pretty well but i'm getting bored. I'm playing through all of the fallout games again. Beat fallout 1 and 2 and now working on 3. After I beat 3 and all the DLC I'll move on to NV and then 4.

After that, I don't really know what I'm going to do.

I've masturbated about five times today

I’m not in quarantine and have work tomorrow.

beating my dick and playing nuclear throne/gbvs

Isn't your dick sore?

This except my workplace has deemed itself "essential". Looking forward to coofing my way into another world.

I'm lonely. I have no social contact
Your image is reminding me of the only time I had a girlfriend. She was Chinese
Every single day we would hang out at her apartment, and often times she would be watching anime or playing games on her 3DS. I would pet her head, and she would make meowing noises.
I would rub her exposed stomach and it felt nice and warm. Her belly button was really sensitive too, so I could use that to get a response from her
Sure, I miss playing with her body and how warm it is, but what I miss most is the companionship. Having someone to go to every day that I loved, and loved spending time with

Chink faces are so hideous god. Nice body though.

I'm a "mission essential" employee so I still go to work.

what a fuckin pleb

What quarantine? I've been working fucking overtime.

Basically Christmas 2 right now, the paychecks are nice

The shitty used game store I work at is basically ignoring basically any recommendations they can without being fined, so I get to deal with the usual crackheads and dipshits bringing me broken bullshit fished out of dumpsters until someone in the store catches something.

thumbnail looks like her foot is on a thick dick

I got really into perler beads, not playing as many video games
gonna try and make this tomorrow

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Nah not a pleb, I'm addicted to fapping too. 3 is the maximum I can do in a day though, after that it's just painful

I have been living life as usual minus movies and massages.

Stop for 3 days, it gets MUCH easier after that

Or do whatever you want, it's not like anyone but you cares

It would go a lot better if you didn't post 3DPD.

sad that I wont get to visit my thai gf for a long time, but she is sending me stuff to keep me at least a little happy so its okay

he doesn't know

Pretty nice, got a hot chick with nice sized tits coming to my place to watch a movie in an hour.

Her skin looks really soft.

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I'm still waging as my job was deemed "critical job"

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wearing my girl clothes and riding on a dildo pretty much all day

Working from home has tanked my productivity but other than that it's the same shit as always.
We had to move our D&D sessions online but that's not too bad.

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Forgot my pic

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really well, having sloppy morning sex with my fiancee and playing SOTC remake.

Same here. I used to be able to focus like fuck at work in office and now at home I hate it and I fall asleep middle of the day.

At least I started seeing a girl

Bought myself Sekiro, I'm having fun with it. I made the mistake to try it with DaS mechanics in mind though.
Currently trying to beat the Owl after 20 hours of gameplay

Got no income as I teach university classes. Contract for other job has been delayed indefinitely.
I am starting to hate all this spare time, it's no fun doing hobby stuff all the time when it's all I've got to do.

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any chance groceries close? im already quarantiened for 10 years, except for nuggie runs

araki always reminded me of a vampire in this pic.

I like to touch girls is that so wrong?

>Got no income as I teach university classes
Hope you are not american cause burger universities charge 10 times as much and the money goes nowhere.

some Yas Forumstards hate asian people for whatever reason.


What third world country do you live in? Here in Europe teachers get paid the same even if school is closed because it's a government job.

Boy, all that "unskilled labor" became "essential" real fast. Funny how that works.

Also isn't it weird that people living paycheck to paycheck are supposed to have months worth of savings for emergencies while billion dollar corporations are so poorly managed they're on the brink of bankruptcy after a week of reduced profits? Funny how that works

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My wife and I have done nothing but play video games, fuck, watch TV and cook for an entire week now.
It could be worse, I guess? It's getting to be a bit stale, I suppose. Animal Crossing/Doom have broken up the monotony, and we have binged almost the entirety of ATLA/Korra

What is sessional?

I am working from home, even though working is a big word. It is more like i am waiting for time to pass while i happen to be paid .

Don't you have to be jewish or a minority to teach in american universities?

Only true if you're a retarded poltard who can't do your own research and has lukewarm IQ

Shut up, corporations are wealthy because the people in ruling positions are superior.

>You will never have a cute japanese gf who is wife material
Why even live?

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What do you teach in university? I need help

stocked up on drugs and games, I don't plan on leaving quarantine sane in any way

They might not close completely, but around here they are already changing hours and we have 4 cases. They just started letting old people go first thing for an hour, so stock up on your shit while you can just in case.
Fuck going to the store with a whole bunch of fuckers. Just heard here today that upon opening, Sam's had a whole fucking line around the front to the back of the store. Shit's getting crazy and I still have to fucking go to work like a pleb.

if I catch this shit I'm dead so I'm thinking about going to go pick up a gun so if I'm going to die it can not be via drowning in my own lung glue.

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Not a retarded conservative poltards is all that is needed, but you fags want a diversity quota for your unqualified asses, because not enough professors are Republican.

>tfw skinny fat
>tfw bmi says I'm overweight
>tfw hands still look boney and like a skeleton
Why does only my belly get big, and not my arms, legs, or face?

Its a good question

i have came so many times my balls are literally dry

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I'm an illustrator working from home, so everything is normal.

Why the hell would you think that? It usually requires a teaching degree or some background in education

it means your t is fucked

Is that why they can’t seem to survive this without billions in bailouts from the government, while everyone else is expected to save 3 months expenses + an emergency fund to survive?

I cooked various types of animal over some coal and got drunk as fuck while doing it.

I have not properly enjoyed the NEET life for three years.

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I'm xray
Number of people in my dept:80
Number of people in xray: 30
Number of people NOT quarantined: 4
I am one of the 4. I work 12 hour days 7 days a week. All I deal with is covid. Honestly? The work ain't bad. Before, I had to deal with all sorts of retards. Now, I just deal with the ill. That said, I'm very tired. I'm one of the ones getting paid, though, so I can't complain. My heart goes out to you poor fucks who aren't.

Also, fuck those cunts who look for social media likes and stuff saying "we're protecting you" and shit. Absolute niggers.

You should be thankful they with their superior intelligence provide you with jobs.

Life is nothing but dealing with other people's bullshit

>Online classes obviously don't get cancelled
>Workplace still open
>Country not in lockdown
>Didn't leave my house except to buy groceries or go to a friend's house before the outbreak

Nothing has changed for me.

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for what it's worth, hope you don't catch it

keep on not being a nigger

Legit wondering when the "just a flu"/muh economy boomers on here will reach their breaking point where they throw the towel and either admit they were horribly wrong, or quadruple down and basically become foaming at the mouth chaos acolytes. Like, what number of dead

>no nudes/masturbation vids
What a disappointing thot

Finished ATOM yesterday. It was 5/10.

No idea what to play next however. Torn apart between War of the Chosen, Fell Seal, Warlords Battlecry II, Neptunia VII, Tower of Time or Ashes of Singularity.

So many options, so little time...

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Chemistry and some physics.

How does that boot taste, user?

use your mind coomer

>they with their superior intelligence provide you with jobs

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Can't jerk off unless under the shower which I hate fucking doing because the apartment is small and there's always someone from my family in it. So I'm horny and on-edge all the time.

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>being thankful for a job

you have to be pretty cucked to think this way. a job is a right, not a privilege.

I work for the city council. So its "lol quarantine, get your ass to work, fag."

Maybe in two weeks when it all goes to colossal shit.

Nah, I'll just go watch some of the petabytes of free porn if I want to jerk off

>the world on the brink of collapse


I was wrong
I underestimated the virus

Are you happy now?

thankee sai

Not him but hello to my fellow physics/chemistry bro. I got phd in applied physics this autumn. And Im unemployed since then...

Good going, numbnuts.

Dont worry it's just a hoax the democrats made.

>critical job

I'm still going to work

PhD in chemistry/material sciences myself.


It's the best fucking thing that ever happened to me.

>normalfag job
>normalfag social life
>go out to happy hour, out to dinner etc. with coworkers regularly
>would rather be at home playing video games every single time

>quarantine happens
>suddenly every day is like a weekend but i still get paid to check emails all day
>my calendar is suddenly empty

I finished two anime series and a game in my backlog this last week. I've never been more productive in my fucking life, professionally and personally. This is the stuff that dreams are made of.

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Joke all you want byt that attitude made USD increase in value no matter what is happening.

Im in Poland and exchange rate for EUR increase from 4.30 to 4.50 PLN to EUR and whooping 3.70 to fucking 4.30 PLN to USD. It's insane.

I'm working from home, which is nice compared to the office.

>>the world on the brink of collapse
pro-tip: it's because of the recession that we're approaching collapse and it's all because of media buttfucking speculators and inefficient healthcare systems (all of them)

im worried about whether or not gamestores will be open by the time a game comes out next month

i fucking hate ordering things online unless there's no other way to get it

World/life be like that if there’s no purpose. I was in the same boat...

Look into Islam to find out Who created you and why... but you need proof it’s real. Muslims say the Qur’an (Word of God) is this proof as it has yet to be replicated since it was revealed 1400 years ago.

So worth looking into at least. I did and it saved my life.


"The miraculous nature of the Qur'an is miraculous due to the fact that when we exhaust the reality of the Arabic language - 28 letters, finite grammatical rules and words - we exhaust it... and we [still] can't produce the form of the Qur'an.

If we do anything [to try replicate the Qur'an], it still falls into the category of prose and rhymed prose or poetry."

- Hamza Tzortzis

Personally it doesn't get painful, I'm just left with emptiness and a miniscule dopamine boost.

In America it's literally a privilege. But also we need to guarantee that people can, must, return to the poison trenches and infect absolutely everybody. We can't just be a serious country which takes care of its citizenry in an unprecedented crisis, we have to be a looting pit of a Dickensian clown state led by sociopaths

sauce pls