How did this happen, fellow gamers?
How did this happen, fellow gamers?
Because paypigs bought it.
The continuous concentration of wealth means that it is more lucrative to pander to a small group of whales than it is to pander to a wider playerbase.
>201X - til now
WOW! He must have done his daily random dungeon.
Game devs caught on to Real World Trading or whatever it is and decided to cut out the middleman by just having the shit available for cash in-game.
RunEscape was better without the GE
it doesn't happen if you play games like Dark Souls where you literally put on the rags of those you destroyed. so many shit games out there I swear.
Americans have too much money.
gf plz
How I see modern mmorp gaming.
This hurts.
Damn that guy has some cool armor.
What a fucking edge lord. Literally cringing irl. I can tell hes 6 years old.
this. meta gaming, data mining, etc. ruined MMORPGs... it hurts
>tfw zoomies born in 2000 are adult now
This pic is more accurate of games as a whole more than anything on Yas Forums at this moment. Metafags are a blight.
super Kirby clash
Well, this is how I see modern mmorp gaming.
>He must have spent so much of his money to buy that armor!
That's not even 3mil. In RS3, you can earn 1.8mil by killing chickens in Lumbridge for an hour.
You fuckers weren't there for the deluge of cheap Gorean f2p pay-to-win mmos.
You merely adapted to the MTX. I was bathed in it, goaded by it. I haven't played a premium game till i was already a manchild, but then it was nothing to me but grinding.
Holy shit, REAL
>Clownsuiter try hards
Oh how I hate them.
Full dragon was shit even in 2006-2009 RS
Everyone rocked Neitz, fighters, barrow gloves, bandos tassets, dragon boots and rune defender
Yeh having mils in RS3 isn't even considered rich anymore. You need at least 100mil to be low tier rich
It's being used as a placeholder for mmos in general, rather than referring to dragon armor in runescape. Every mmo develops a meta, then the try harders all latch on to it, and either you play like them or you get left behind.
Yeah. The economy's ruined, and the stupid shitter J-Mods are busy breaking questlines by renaming literally everyone in the region to make it unplayable in the name of diversity, and imagining that gypsy is a racial slur.
>buy gold from ebay
>buy gold directly in game
Nothing changed.
Runescape died when Tencent got their grubby gook hands on it
When the tf2 hat update came along.
>buy gold from a chink
>buy gold from an industrialized gold chink farm
>chink farm
No. Chinese farms don't even exist on Runescape anymore. They've been beaten out by the Vuvuzelas.
its 2020
Total outrage, publicly shamed, and insulted.
>Season pass for skins every few months for only 10$! You can even buy levels!
This is fine.
How far we've fallen.
>not wearing things simply because they look cool
>not actively going against the meta, even if you think the meta looks cool and fits your aesthetic
>not killing butthurt metafags while looking stylish as hell
if the game's meta is so powerful that you can't do this, it is objectively a shitty game
Buying Bonds in RS3 is such a shitty way to buy gold. You get about 70% less gold for your money. Just buy from chinese/korean gold farms
We didnt harass devs enough.
Nobody like to say it but you really should harass them if you want anything done
>Get called autistic for playing in a nonstandard way
>Get told it's the only reason I'm doing so well and getting so many kills
Truely a great feeling, no meta should be unbeatable or impossible to break.
RWT had been in Runescape earlier than 2006. If you wanted to cheat your way into late game you could have.
The thing is dragon gear is shit tier in RS3 when things like Drygore and Torva exists
Dude, f2p Korean shit was a thing long before 2006
ok, RS3 is a shitty game
not specifically for those reasons, but still
>25m/$5.99 bond
>75m/$18.00 in bonds
>no risk of getting banned
>33m/$6.00 USD
>100m/$18.00 USD
>high risk of getting banned
Valve figured out that uber nerds would spend thousands on ingame hats and the rest is history.
Isn't it ironic? The very people who tell us we shouldn't harass developers are the same who harassed developers into getting their way, too.
I hate this fucking industry.
I wish, but every themepark mmo has a meta, and every sandbox mmo without classes ultimately gives rise to 1 "class".
Shame. When you saw someone in Dragon you knew he was hardcore. You were embarrassed to be seen in your peasant Rune armor near him.
I don't think Dragon is even valuable anymore in the game. It's probably similar to Rune if not worse.
I know people are gonna meme on me because
but in Dark Souls 2, power stancing absolutely ridiculous weapons that nobody used was the best feeling. I still remember someone bitching because I stanced King's Ultra Great Sword with Gyrm Great Axe (some of the heaviest weapons in the game) and swung them both like they were nothing. They said they reported me because my build was broken.
not just mmorpgs
>themepark mmo
>sandbox mmo
>good PvP
if your statement still applies to PvE, then it is a bad game
ruined gaming in general. faggots like this may as well not even play video games in the first place if they're so goddamn worried about optimizing everything.
what the FUCK is that
fire cape, faggot
not technically true.
chicken or egg 1st?
content in MMOs was a numbers game, due to slow dial up speeds limiting what was possible for "skill based" reactions.
So gear/numbers mattered the most.
Bosses were made tough based on those numbers.
Players found ways to surpass or meet those numbers quicker, as endgame was about needed gear dropping once in a blue moon with shitty RNG.
So Devs had to amp up difficulty, to compensate, which lead to players needing to maximize numbers even more, which lead to Devs pushing out content that only works with absolute min/maxing, which lead to players only allowing the single strat that reached the highest possible min/maxing of stats.
both sides caused the problem, and fed into eachother.
Look at how they massacred my girl
I will make an MMO so complicated and nebulous that nobody will be able to develop a meta beaucse nobody will understand how it fucking works.
True enough, but game devs have done little if anything to try to solve this, so the mmo genre will remain stagnant. A good mmo should keep you wanting to come back for more, instead it's often considered weird to keep playing one for more than a few months before dropping it. I used to love vanilla wow, but going back to it bored me to tears because of the game itself, and the community has been in full on meta-build/guide reading/try hard mode for the last 10 years at least. But wow was amazing during the blood plague and the zombie plague invasion. Why not have an mmo where shit like that happens more than once every decade? Static themepark content can only get you so far.
Not even the worst version
>How did this happen, fellow gamers?
This is how it happened user
its funny how everyone knew this was awful and everyone agreed this would be a terrible trend.
Hell I still remember people getting mad about tf2 crates. It wasn't as accepted as people believe.
I'd give it a day tops.
Will I be able to graffiti the cities that people build?
Consider this:
An MMO with numbers subtly changing every day or so.
Every meta becomes outdated after few days.
It's because the audience for MMOs is small and most will only play WoW-likes, which as a genre have been solved. No WoW-like has been different enough from WoW to not be solved relatively quickly. Unfortunately we won't get anything new because you can't piss of the core MMO audience who only want a WoW skin unless you attract a new audience, and you can't attract a new audience because if you call it an MMO people will automatically assume it is a WoW skin which turns away most people who aren't already in the MMO audience. Basically, WoW ruined MMOs, but I'm sure we all already knew that.
Crates were the beginning of the end. Before that, everything was unlocked via achievements.
True, but bitching at devs is a double edged sword when you realize most of the community is too short sighted and self centered to really consider how what they want will change the game. This is why game developers have to behave like politicians when dealing with the public.
Like having stats change depending on the game's seasons and phases of the moon?
I was there user when it was released.
It divided community, because it was only 2.50$ and the people praised the idea of adding small, optional, content for such money.
And there were people who predicted the course of action and possibilities of abusing such system.
Here we are 14 years later flooded with lots of shitty dlcs/lootpacks/boxes and few brilliant.
Could be anything, as long as it doesn't lead to predictable cycles that could form a meta.