Bruh look at this dude

bruh look at this dude

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I literally cannot understand why you can even do a normal punch.

This game is stupid. I got tired of it and stalled progress already because it's just completely stressful, not stress relieving, to play

Is it a glitch?

No, your melee attack literally does 0 damage until you gain the ability to charge it up by doing like 5 qte kills. Then it does strong damage for one hit.

I wish I were making this up or exaggerating. I really do.

No it's not. Normal punch without glory kill prompt or Blood Punch gauge full does no damage, only staggers the enemy a bit, but as you can see from the video, the stagger stops working after like 3-4 punches, and eventually it will ignore it and attack you regardless.

Just dash into his asshole twice then glory kill him.

It takes about 35 punches to bring that zombie to Glory Kill state.
2016 took just one.

yeah that sounds just like Doom

they really need to make the basic punch do damage, it's fuckin nonsense that it just staggers


I don't like watching cutscenes during my gameplay

I works in my game. I guess I'm just better than you.

>punching enemies
>in a wolfendoom
You only have yourself to blame.

>game floods every big fight with trash for you to farm for health/ammo
>can't shoot them with anything I am using in the fight because it will one-shot them
>can't just punch them because it does fuck all
>have to pull out the rifle and shoot their legs once or twice

I like the game, but they really fucked up with this punch.

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Then don't use glory kills retard. It's that simple. You don't fucking need to use melee to kill shit in this game.

>Then don't use glory kills retard. It's that simple. You don't fucking need to use melee to kill shit in this game.


>Rip and tear

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No. They completely gutted melee to make way for Blood Punch™
Also, now all demons except for fodder cost 3 chainsaw fuel to kill, but luckily your chainsaw will now regenerate it's charges passively... up to one charge.
So now zombies are designated ammo/armor/health packs that you exclusively use your chainsaw and flamethrower to kill.

Zeromaster did no glory kill run with nightmare master level. So yeah, you don't have to if you're good enough.

wow only using 100% of all available upgrades too!

who cares. i don't like this game enough to try to be some master of it and max everything out

>wow only using 100% of all available upgrades too!
Master levels are literally made for endgame characters.

ah, "endgame characters", in a "doom" game

the arguments for this game's design are hilarious

what a shit game I mean holy hell what happened to this franchise? ID has not made a good game since Doom 3 (Quake IV a shit)

id and after doom 3 they are not the same company anymore with all the key people being gone.

also id did not make quake 4.

sorry, i meant after rage all the key people were gone. but most of them were gone by rage.

Rage is a better game than Doom Eternal. you can run through blowing dudes up with meatshots from satisfying weapons left and right. Underrespected game.

if you want to be retarded I can say every action you do on screen is a cutscene because you physically aren't doing them. You're merely pressing a button then watching the animation play out.

>if you want to prove me wrong, I'LL BE RETARDED!

Fuck off retard

Weakest unarmed character in all of fiction

>endgame characters
And to think, the Doom series used to have every level, even the difficult secret ones, carefully designed around a pistol start

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Actually it sounds like h-doom

>low health
>cant just melee a shit tier enemy until it starts glowing to perform a cutscene to get health
>have to use a gun and pray to jesus your shots dont accidentally kill the shit tier enemy
>while being attacked by non-shit tier enemies
I hate this shit bros

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>he can't calculate the amount of shotgun shells that will hit his opponent
Filtered :^)

Doom eternal has no pistol

If you're that low on health they'll drop it no matter how you kill them. Also git gud and don't be low on health.

>play Doom, shoot demons and have fun
>play Doom 2, shoot demons and have fun
>play Doom 64, shoot demons and have fun
>play Doom 3, shoot demons and have fun
>play Doom 2016, shoot demons and have fun
>play Doom Eternal, run out of ammo and die constantly

To #filter retards like you, DOOM is a big brain game

>OP is such a pathetic, loser, faggot he has to post the same thread day after day for guaranteed replies, because he has no life, and can't get any attention through positive means, because he lacks creativity.

Laugh everyone, laugh at the OP.

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you calling him a retard is hilarious

Why is melee shit

how do i, a completionist shitter, beat ultra nightmare?

Ignore it

In doom 2016 you could melee zombies just once to use em as a free health refill. Now what the fuck do you do? The shotgun instantly disintegrates them and there is no pistol.

My favorite thing about Eternal is it shows who on this board is a filtered brainlet and who actually knows how to play a shooter like a competent human being with a functioning brain.

Peak ludonarrative dissonance.

It's very stress-relieving if you aren't bad.

My favorite thing about Eternal is it shows who on this board is a filtered brainlet and who actually knows how to play a chainsawer like a competent human being with a functioning brain.

>The shotgun instantly disintegrates them
Not unless you're right in their face.

So why the fuck can't you use "cheat codes" in the campaign? Isn't that the whole point of cheat codes?

This game just looks like dogshit.

Just aim very slightly off of them, most of the pellets will miss.

>Basic enemy basic attack does 45 damage
Nigger what

This game has to hold the record for most triggered shitposting contrarians ever.
That is, until Alyx comes out tomorrow and people play off their poor jealousy as criticism lol

Yes, take away melee from Doom. Such an advanced and superior game. Wowee! I bet there's even more shitty platforming here too.

>no glory kill

>Yes, take away melee from Doom.
>chainsaw, glory kills, blood punch, regular punch are still a thing

And yes, you can kill with the regular punch, and although I'm not sure exactly how it works, but I've had plenty of instances of trying to use it as a knockback and it just kills shit. Maybe you just have to have already engaged the enemy.

>run out of ammo and die constantly
The chainsaw recharges literally every 20 seconds, the fodder spawns infinitely so you can farm it. That’s the only reason it’s there. Press C, book full ammo. Take 20 seconds to kill some demons, press C again, boom full ammo. You people are fucking retarded. Like actually brain dead retarded for not understanding how easy this shit is.

>I wish I were making this up or exaggerating. I really do.
Holy fucking shit go ahead and cry you massive pussy. Nobody is forcing you to play the game.

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> You people are fucking retarded. Like actually brain dead retarded for not understanding how easy this shit is.
I understand how the game works but it doesn't mean doing repetitive busywork like pressing C to chainsaw an enemy is engaging and enjoyable gameplay

The berserk powerup in every fucking Doom game would like to have a word with you, you massive fucking retard.

Chainsaw isn't a glory kill, faggot. You use it if you have enough charge, period.


Yeah man you’re right. I hope the next Doom game lets me stand in one spot and hold down the left mouse button until everything in the room dies with my infinite ammo. That would be a lot more engaging.

Even the best players get low on health / die sometimes you fucking mongoloid retard.

>Blood Fueled
>Gain a speed boost after performing a Glory Kill.
>triggers on chain saw
Heh, nothin' personal.


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I like how every time some smoothbrain tries to shit on this game they just expose how bad at video games they are instead.

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The gameplay seems to be very restrictive in design. You either play exactly how the devs intended or you aren't allowed to have fun. It makes the game rather formulaic.

I noticed that in the first 60 seconds of the game.
I honestly thought this was a bug.

Other thing that irks me in this game, is that we cant chainsaw staggered bog demons for 1 pip of fuel.
We should be able too.

This game is far too restrictive in certain places and just doesnt make much gameplay sense.

I don't need the ammo to be infinite, how about raise the shotgun ammo limit from 16 to 50 to start with like in the previous games, it would make the game instantly 300% more enjoyable

does he have the powerup in the webm?

The shill response to which is >filtered and >ur just bad lol

You activate the cheat codes from mission select.