Game has gorgeous views

>game has gorgeous views

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How many garbage threads like this are you going to make you little shit?
Csn you do anything other than argue on Yas Forums on wether dark souls 2 or 3 is the worst one?

Christ get a life

Cry about it


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but ds3


honestly DS2 had the most variety in builds and actually punished r1 and roll spamming in pvp. I've been thinking about going back after playing too much DS3 lately.

dude i wanted to play ds2 again so bad but this stupid fucking soul memory feature is so damn annoying. Can't play with my friends because some of us have to get an unholy amount of souls to be within the same memory. Why did they think this was a good idea at all?

My friend doesn't want to play it again because i want to get it for the pc or xbone for cheap with all the dlc's in shit but he played the shit out of it and doesn't want to start the farm all over again.

I don't blame them, farming in this game is terribly boring and sometimes difficult.

Just start a new game, takes like 6 hours to beat with a friend.

>b-b-but Ninte--
I mean, Dark Souls 3. But I can see the pattern here. Whenever someone says something, anything positive about DaS2, you guys jump in with DaS3 for some reason. Why?

Even Tony Hawk lava looked better.


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>game has amazing looking water

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>walking vs sprinting
>2 hand vs 1 hand
>shield twice as big
>Short cape with physics vs mop that drags down on the floor
DaS 2 trannies are pathetic.

>calling it DaS instead of DS

Because the entire argument of DS2 haters is that it's the worst, although 3 is worse, and "muh team b", although 3 was directed by their flawless good Miyazaki, and didn't suffered of the actual tumor of DS2: Namco forcing the entire game to change in the middle of development.

Ds2 is the worst souls game and that will forever be its legacy.

I like these.


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Fuck DS2 and fuck DS2trannies
That is all

Dishonored 2, Wolfenstein New Order

I still miss it bro

Miyazaki directed Dark Souls 3 and it still gets shit on in terms of features and content compared to 2. Cope.

Anyone who unironically thinks ds2 is better is the cancer killing video games.


Everything Sekiro

it gladdens me that people like you will never be able to rewrite history

I actually really like some of the views in Risk of Rain 2
It's very serene, it sorta evokes that same feeling I had as a kid of wondering what it looks like on the other side
Especially because of the many secrets in the game

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And it's still better regarded than 2.



it does have pretty looking views in certain areas. just imagine walking through this gloomy forest

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there's just something about ds2 that makes you wanna venture into the inaccessible areas. the game definitely has its flaws , but i find it very artistically inspiring

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>brightness cranked up to 11
>ps3 version
checks out

yes lowering brightness will definitely increase LOD and visual design quality lmao

It hides the poor textures and LODs better.

It’s pretty obvious that DS3tards are killing video games with their ‘muh generic hard bosses’ and ‘muh (((balancing)))’ over anything else. It’s the most barebones and trashy entry in the series. And I’m a BBfag too

Can you not be a bitch ass nigga about it? It’s vidya related.

Forget him, he’s an obsessed tranny.


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Replaying Witcher 3 for the first time since it came out, it's staggering how gorgeous Toussant is, it blows the rest of the game and series out of the water. Henrietta's castle looming over in the distance no matter where you are genuinely captures that old world feel.

>DS2 is universally regarded the worst Souls game, I s-swear!!

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Unironically SOUL.


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nothing compares

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Everyone's complaining about DS2 graphics but DS1 is the one that's really outdated, I didn't remember taurus demon looking THAT bad.

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>those trees


Shame the gameplay sucks shit.

That's beautiful. I love this game!

>barren wasteland with the same texture

The combat is shit, sure, but the exploration, metroidvania and RPG aspects make up for it. Therefore, the gameplay as a whole is pretty good.

>same texture
The world has "same texture" user, leave your room for once.

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