Thoughts on The Last of Us Part II, the game that is coming out on May 29th?
The Last of Us Part II
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It's gonna flop and I'm gonna love it. Get woke, go broke.
Imagine being this retarded, delusional, and brainwashed.
None of it bothers me at all except that it seems like the dev's deliberately went out of their way to make her so much uglier than earlier designs and from the 1st game.
She just grew up, pedo.
>The Last of Us Part II
lmao, next you'll say Gears of War and Xenoblade are games
no Joel no buy simple as that, give him a bigger role and not ellie's assistant when she goes full mad, I don't wanna play a lesbo fantasy game for 3/4 of it
first one sucked this one looks worse
I don't want to stick my dick in a child and if your first reaction to someone objectively stating that an adult looks ugly is pedophilia then I think you need therapy or a subway sandwich there jared.
None, tell me what to think shill-kun.
The only female characters that work is Lara, everything else is just get, go broke.
Little do you know the end of the game is going to place this upcoming gem as the most based game of 2020 when Ellie has to come to terms with how Joel, via slaughtering the Firefly retards, did the right thing
Take your meds.
I didn't really like TLOU. I don't look forwards to this game. But I'm gonna get tired pretty quickly when everyone will bring this game on every topic because it is "such a masterpiece, Naughty Dogs are really a gift to this industry". It's gonna be another clash of morons and I don't want to be part of this.
Sony's Ocarina of Time
Normies Love It
Yas Forums Will Hate It
Yas Forums hates everything
>But I'm gonna get tired pretty quickly when everyone will bring this game on every topic because it is "such a masterpiece, Naughty Dogs are really a gift to this industry". It's gonna be another clash of morons and I don't want to be part of this.
Literally everybody is shitting on it before it's even come out. Bunch of white men are angry because a white female lesbian lead is going to slaughter white males.
looks fine. I do not get why everybody feels one way or the other about this game. First one was good. Just not the GOAT. But not terrible by any stretch of the imagination. I guess the Hate is just Yas Forumsfags so it is the people who think it's 10/10 that baffle me.
I didn't like the first one, so I won't be buying this
well that's what happened to the real model but even worse.
Looks like more crap.How much are you getting paid to shill this junk here?
>This kills the Yas Forumscel
>ThE pReSiDeNt CaReS tHaT i MuNCh cArPeT!!!!!!
Imagine being as mentally ill as your average hollywood actor.
since when is something being popular a marker of quality
Also this
>get woke go broke
>woke game sells a ton
>w-what about quality?
>Literally everybody is shitting on it before it's even come out.
You should visit something else than Yas Forums sometimes.
i'm not the person you responded to
I'm on twitter and they're complaining about it. Mostly white males. They'll make passive statements about "politics" but we know what they really mean.
Then why the fuck did you get in the middle of the conversation not caring for its context? The post you're replying to isn't implying that sales mean quality, it's merely proving the "Get woke, go broke" retard wrong. Retard.
because you're a faggot posting sales numbers, faggot
Can't wait.
>I don't mind the retard saying that woke games go broke, talking about sales
>But I do mind the guy proving him wrong, because sales numbers shouldn't matter
I wonder who's behind this post
I hate when customers get tingly over the financial success of a corporation just because they like and identify with the product.
Nice bait.
Honest question: What do people see in the first game?
>the most basic gameplay ever that's been done a hundred times
>the most basic STORY ever that's been done in other zombie media about a hundred times
>surprisingly decent multiplayer
What is it?
They're retards, what else? 90% of the games v likes are bog standard crap with something flashy attached to distract them from the fact that they're playing the same game they have a hundred times.
As far as vidya goes the story was pretty good. The enemy variety sucked though and the gameplay was ok. I couldn’t believe at the end of the game it was just a room with the same old guys youd been seeing for a while. It was kind of a pain to get through but... I don’t know I expected... something...
I hate when retards claim a game is a financial failure and then get angry when people prove them wrong.
I'll watch it on redbox with the rest of my sonybros that back /our/ exclusives by watching letsplays on youtube.
>Wait a minute, why are you bragging about sales numbers, we don't give a fuck about those
>REEEE Yas Forums
I wonder who could be behind this post.
I didn’t claim the game was a financial failure, I have no idea what you’re talking about
they will delay it again.
it's hard not to when every nintendie and xtard has an unyielding inferiority complex towards TLoU
No. They seem pretty confident.
xbots and pckeks seething
I'll only be interested if the rape scene is long and graphic
Then i'll watch it online, coom and never think about it again
I didn't play the first one either but i've fapped to the porn
Especially the blonde girl
>>Wait a minute, why are you bragging about sales numbers, we don't give a fuck about those
This retard did:
This retard did:
So what's the story for this game now? I hear the lesbian's going murder-crazy for revenge or whatever. What, did someone kill her girlfriend?
Last kino game for PS4, next big release gonna be cyberpunk77.
>lesbian's going murder-crazy for revenge
yep, that's the whole plot of this game.
It's gonna be another shit movie that will be hailed by normalfags as a game of the decade no matter how much it sucks
Doom Eternal in a nutshell
It looks like a bad movie. It'll get praised to hell and back by normalfags here and outside this board. Nobody will shut the fuck up about it for several months. Elliefags will become even more detestable and we wont hear the end of the ugly lesbian scene because this board doesn't know how to ignore blatant SJW propaganda and seethes over it. Top that off with a fucking quarantine for over half the underage retards here its going to be a hell of a ride.
I didn't like the story in the first one. They made it so cheesy. They also made Uncharted 4 cheesy as a result. The gameplay was great however.
I played the shit out of factions. Day 1 buy for me.
Xenoblade 2 is more of a game than anything this generation. The absolute best combat and progression systems ever made in an RPG.
I like edgy violent games with realistic gore.
Only time when I can feel like an autistic 15 year old Cannibal Corpse listening edgelord again.
>this board doesn't know how to ignore blatant SJW propaganda
Why should I ignore it?
Didn't TLOU basically started the whole survival mechanics stuff? I remember that before it that didn't really exists past MGS3 (which I think introduced it first) and after TLOU a shitload of games had similar mechanics.
It's going to suck shit and get 10/10 from every outlet
I've read that TLOU had surprisingly a very low budget compared to other Naughty Dog titles because there was no real trust behind the IP. That's why you have essentially a lot of abandoned fabrics in the game and a lot of copy and paste enemy designs.