NPCs aggro if you follow them around

>NPCs aggro if you follow them around

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How many bicyclists kill people by drunk cycling every year? Check mate seething autofags.

Do Americans really?

why is it always niggers

>rent free
That's not America.

Train = you
Griefer = your beta male ass who cant talk to girls
Me = cookie

This is clearly in Europe

lol niggers

Thats not aggro

Thats how niggers normally act

Plot twist: Jigsaw was the driver

>public transportation
It's Europe

literally rent free

We should just go back to horses. And don't complain about horseshit, because they can just attach a pouch under them.

Because they barely have self control and rarely learn from personal experiences

Yes, because Americans just love AC Milan.


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Yikes. At least in my part of the world, the black people don't act like that.

please guys can we talk about americans in this thread I haven’t thought about them for over an hour I’m losing my shit

Cyclists don't count as human

I'm jealous
what's it like living in a place with zero niggers?

>four lane inner city highway with grass in the middle
You would have to be a retard to think that is the US

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Double bullshit since your not even being honest and telling us where you do in fact live

believe it or not america has all of those things. you ought to learn more about the countries you seethe over.

But I am The Cyclist. I am a motor vehicle and demand the rights of one.

Where I live is actually minority white. But it's a rich place where black and latino people have a lot of history, have owned businesses and land for a long time. There's still plenty of lowlifes of all races, but it goes to show you success isn't about race. Success goes to people whose parents are wealthy or well-connected in society (assuming the society wasn't destroyed in a war).

>tfw this road is empty right now
>tfw nothing to stop you from Wangan Midnight larping
feels pretty good


Nah I /trv/, niggers are horrible fucking everywhere. Even in India the only bad brown people are black African niggers. Even the scamming Indians are simply trying to bargain their cheap goods and are willing to compromise with whatever you want to buy it for. Blacks even there still try to rob you.

Bronx, NY (post-gentrification, obviously). You couldn't afford to live here if you wanted to.

You're truly the stupidest posters here.

>believe it or not america has all of those things
Pics or gtfo.

I found 0 niggers in all my journeys to wondrous New Zealand.

f*** off

uh, video games?

I can't believe how ridiculously idiotic you eurotrash are.

Because when you see a white guy do it, you think "that guy is crazy" and move on; but when you see a black guy do it, it's added to your mental Nigger List.

>Hostile NPC's have large aggro radius
>Have to tell off-tank to taunt

Attached: 1573359826089.webm (720x404, 1.99M)

>believing you have anything over anyone when you live in a kike and nigger filled hellhole with astronomical living expenses and zero civil liberties

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>they're white
b-b-but muh n-word!!!

>b-but america has grass too!!!!!
Fucking christ ahmed cope harder

What the fuck

Fuck I had to laugh at that webm. thank you user, made my morning

>little reddit boi can't say nigger
you'll always be an outsider, and will never be accepted

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Make fun of the racial makeup all you want. NY still produces far more GDP, culture, academic pursuit, than whatever """white paradise""" you're from.

Hell, this very website you're typing on was made in New York by a New Yorker. Sure he just copied the source code from japan but still.

get rekt


Been here since 2007 kid. the word nigger stopped being funny a long time ago. go post feelsguy somewhere

>noooo thuh gee dee pee
Hahaha holy shit dude

>NY still produces far more GDP, culture, academic pursuit,
means absolutely nothing to my own happiness, enjoy your 500 square foot box that costs $2000/month schlomo


what is that thing?

>You couldn't afford to live here if you wanted to.
*dabs in san francisco*

Attached: dabs.gif (482x538, 2M)


>still no pics

>NY still produces far more GDP, culture, academic pursuit, than whatever """white paradise""" you're from.
These things are all utterly worthless and if NYC was wiped off the map tomorrow, I wouldn't miss it. Enjoy living with rude niggers, buddy.

>not replacing your shitty grass with astroturf decades ago

tsk tsk how poor are you?

It's clearly not a highway. Look at how slow the traffic is.

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Seethe yurop, seethe

Attached: Eurokeks.jpg (1024x957, 115.08K)

They know they can get away with it since you just attribute that to their natural behavior.

>bragging about paying more to live in a closet
this is your mind on blue state

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i'd rather live in the bumfuck middle of nowhere with a fantastic job in a house that's cheap as fuck to pay for with free spending money for whatever i could want

>It's literally an angry stupid cyclist

I'm glad you white/asian/hispanic people will be suffering soon with this virus, a bad economy and soon to be homeless. While I'm in South Africa with no issues of this.

Soon, the world will be ours

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You can easily see for yourself. It's a simple thing to find, I don't serve you. If you think we don't have green spaces and bike paths, you are unironically a complete idiot.

>how poor are you?
Your face would turn crimson if you saw my W2 and brokerage nw


Haha! I love when characters in games do that! Am I right people? Am I right?
What's your favorite video game where NPCs do that?!