Is there any video games where the main character is an animal?

is there any video games where the main character is an animal?

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this is vore art, just post it all

No, never.

Why are we slowly normalizing animal abuse, and now deranged BDSM like CBT?

not until someone tells me a video game with animals in it

boring, memes aren't a personality.

kingdom hearts 2 in the lion king level

it's actually a good artist who does a lot of snake vore with super busty girls but this one is pre-vore with no followup yet

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series

>OP never delivered

Tokyo Jungle

No, sadly

Those are monsters

The tiger looks pretty tasty ngl

How would you know, hmm?


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Only the best game ever

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kingdom hearts is shit give me something else

The First Tree


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What are some games with good lizardmen?

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>moving the goalposts

they're my goalposts i can put them wherever i want

Source now nigger

Goat Simulator then

>still hasn't posted it

Literally worst OP I'm never visiting your threads again.

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Post it here nigger I dare you

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Kys furfag cuck

And what? get a three day ban that you can just reset your router and evade with?


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Woah look at those tits.

Gex the Gecko, specifically the N64 version because that’s the one I played because I was the only kid out of my friends who didn’t have a PlayStation shut up at least I got the cool Jacques Cousteau/Titanic level

damn snek tiddies now

Acidic does some pretty good vore art. This is quite shitty compared to the other contemporary's


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Are you really being snobbish about vore?

Well, I have to assume you are a complete idiot.

Donkey Kong
Wrachet and Clank
Crash Bandicoot
Primal Rage
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

How the fuck does someone get off to getting digested by stomach acid and turned into waste? That's fucking disgusting.
The only people worse than vorefags are scatfags and diaperfags.

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Why does such a niche fetish have actual decent art

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Jokes on you, i get off to doing that to others.

Yes, I am one of those weirdos that hates shitty vore art but gets rock hard at detailed Maws and stomachs.

Thanks user, but I played that when I was really young on the PS1. I'd like a modern one with references that would last more than 2 years.

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true based but also correct

Hard vore fans are literal chads though.

Praise the Goddess you degenerates!

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the real question is what his pits smell like

I still would doesn't even matter if it walks on 4 legs.

Probably decent because what kind of degenerate wouldn't bathe?

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>adore artist's style
>shitty fetish taints their work
fuck you hypnofood

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Quit posting your fucking fursona here you autist, yes i have seen this shit on FA. No i do not want to see it here as well.

does your oc have a slit or a human dick

Would let that bitch dominate me holy shit

I get both.

Wait a second

That's what this user looks like??? so handsome....

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