This is what shills on Yas Forums hype up as the "Greatest FPS they ever played"

>This is what shills on Yas Forums hype up as the "Greatest FPS they ever played"

Attached: challenging gameplay.webm (900x486, 2.96M)

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It can only be second best, since the Siege Mode Gauss Cannon isn't in it.

Attached: 867293e22d60a367ff0b107d059f9f518a5f25c833db4d0aa13304ccd51b747f.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

Well, at least it's faster than the first one, but god damn, glory kills are so fucking gay. And these colors are obnoxious as hell. You couldn't pay me enough money to play the Nu-Doom games.

>Those interruptions every 2 seconds for EPIC CINEMATIC KILLS
how can anyone defend this, seriously

Doom Eternal doesn't just have a shitty fucking ammo system and long ass glory kills, the story is a totally missed opportunity. Bethesda needs to take this wide universe of Doom and Wolfenstein and cross them over. Jessie and Zofia need to be in the next Doom game, but when they come up to Doomguy they scoff and say he's a weakling. Then Doomguy takes off his helmet and says "But my Nazi powers are unbeatable!" and then Jessie says "Now to this Jewess Queen" and then they beat him up.

Does apathy counts as defense?

Alright user, so what do you thin kwould be better? honest question.

This kind of reminds me of Ratchet and Clank? Jumping, running and gunning around. I liked those a lot as a kid, could I like this?

>being able to cheese enemies makes the game bad

You suck, just stick to pubg.


Why is there strawberry jam all over the screen?

Attached: 20170717-preserving-strawberry-jam-vicky-wasik-4-1500x1125.jpg (1500x1125, 123.19K)

>animation cancelling reloads for higher dps and stun

Honestly, this sells me on the game. Many of my favorite games require abusing animation cancels, like DMC 3.

>Press awesome button
>Watch epic cinematic
I love it when my gameplay is disrupted for a pleasant break of gore.

It's every bit as bad.. Being fine with constant interruptions to gameplay shows how low your standards are.

I played the first two missions, and this was my EXACT thoughts: that it reminded me of the times I used to play Ratchet and Clank as a kid
Pirate it and give it a shot, user. Buy it if it tickles your fancy

>press button
>game plays itself
You might as well install cheats while you're at it too.

But that looks fun

Having to do everything manually is an outdated concept. Modern games like assassin's creed for example have a degree of automation and that's good.
Not all games have to be like fighting games in which you need to press 12 buttons for a combo.

>i'm too young to die.

Is that a timed encounter with a Marauder? Fuck that.

He's fighting Lone Star.

The first game had a particular rune that made glory kills less than a second in length. It was really convenient. If the same is till in this game, II'd be okay with it.

>having to play the game is an outdated concept
>like it's 2020 get with the times
Go back to netflix and television, normalfag.

>dude constant switch gun gud!
Reminds of those spastic "epic showcase" webums. Can't believe nu-id managed to make a game around it.

It's a secret challenge, and not that hard as long as your aim is good. Slayer Gate 5 is the real shit.

>playing on easy

>the most dangerous "casual filter" demon gets staggered
I am glad I uninstalled this piece of shit somewhere around 25% completion.

Oh hey it's Borderlands

Lol filtered, fucking cripple holy shit.

Red flashing screen after glory kills is his rune speed boost or character actually being damaged because cutscene locks you in and projectiles still fly at you and connect after you get out of the godmode cutscene? Don't tell me it's the latter please.

Attached: 1349593018946.gif (219x150, 2.15M)

The level of ADHD in this game is hilarious. Perfect for zoomers. A joke of an experience for anyone with taste.

It's the latter, there is some risk to doing glory kills so on higher difficulties it's better to only do them on isolated enemies.

It's the speed boost rune.

>Slayer Gate 5
Slayer Gate 5 is the gayest shit ever, fuck. Shit's fucking gay, dude, fuck. Yes, I'm still mad.

Attached: slow.jpg (680x653, 89.45K)

Why don't you play sonic instead, this shit has no place in FPS games

It did back when they were good, and it does again now.

Here you go, faggot:

- Proper ammo balancing and carrying capacity. You should have enough ammo to deal with the demon room you enter if you are not wasting ammo like a retard, rooms still have some drops for retarded casuals.
- No specific weaknesses on the demons, except for headshots multiplying all damage. Game shouldn't force you to use exact one strategy on each specific demon while making other weapons obsolete.
- Glorykill should be a super rare scrub ability which allows you to rip the demon and heal up, like a chainsaw. Once per demon room max.
- All their shitty basic crutches like movement and speed upgrades which make the game BEARABLE after you are done with it should be in from the start after a short tutorial mode. Their fake autistic progression system should be scrapped alltogether.

Overall, I want to constantly rip demons without stopping on ludicrous speed and I don't want to be interrupted by shitty cutscenes and I definitely don't want a retard developer to tell me a shitty grenade from starting shotty can kill a cocademon but two fucking point blank super shotgun hits can't.

Attached: 1364570845856.gif (500x281, 906.03K)

>The first game had a particular rune that made glory kills less than a second in length.
Not only does Eternal have that run as well, you now unlock runes in any order you want, so you can literally chose that as the very first rune you'll get, literally outside of the tutorial zone.

I think you suck and should play different game instead.

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>- Proper ammo balancing and carrying capacity.
You mean: lack of ballancing, because you demand that everything is available to you at any time without any effort or thought.
>- No specific weaknesses on the demons,
Yeah, how dare the game reward extra precision or split-second decision making.
>- Glorykill should be a super rare scrub ability which allows you to rip the demon and heal up, like a chainsaw.
Yeah, LESS control to the player now because you don't likie, that makes sense.
>- All their shitty basic crutches like movement and speed upgrades which make the game BEARABLE after you are done with it should be in from the start after a short tutorial mode.
They are.

>but two fucking point blank super shotgun hits can't
Still works, though. Playing on UV no weapon mods.

They made an esports shooter instead of a doom game. Of course zoomers and redditors will eat it up

Have you ever played a 90s FPS?

>Old good, nu bad
fuck off boomer

God you’re trying wayyy too hard don’t you have anything else to do other than shitpost about nothing?

That's incorrect. Here's the correct version:
>good good, bad bad

brutal doom is better than this shit.

>without any effort or thought.
just because you have ammo doesnt mean its easy, look at old doom games you had 100 rounds and could die in seconds.

>Yeah, how dare the game reward extra precision or split-second decision making.

Doesnt belong in a doom game

>Yeah, LESS control to the player now because you don't likie, that makes sense.

glory kills by definition give you less control, their removal is the opposite your logic is flawed

>They are.

No, it should be the default, no unlocks required

>this guy doesn't want to mash muh cinematic invulnerability button so he must be bad

why is doom making Yas Forums seethe so much?

It is actually. You can have fun unloading rounds upon the demons without worrying about muh game loop shit.

>Complaining about story in a doom game
>When everyone already expects it to be cheesy garbage

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>Tranny shit
No I'm not mentally ill

144 is the lowest I'll go.

Any way to take screenshots on a pirated copy? All I get are black screens

>And these colors are obnoxious as hell
>Nu-Doom games.
Motherfucker you didn't play the originals or else you wouldn't be saying that.

Are you using rivatuner? It hasn't failed me yet.

Man this game becomes really fantastic towards the endgame when you have unlocked the full arsenal and upgraded your suit and weapons. I wish it was this good the entire game.

>they didnt beat the game before coming to Yas Forums to comment about it.

this game is a casual filter and I only got #rekt by archvilles. so anyone having trouble with the movement and mauraders is just trash.

find the ammo cheat you fucking casuals, or just open console and do it there.

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Gimme a sec

>OP clearly shows player shitting on the marauder
>You complain about people struggeling with the marauder being bad
>Ammo mentioned literally nowhere
Based Don Quixote fighting windmills

>just because you have ammo doesnt mean its easy
But you do have plenty of ammo in this game.
>Doesnt belong in a doom game
Says who, you retard? You really think you have the authority to make claims like these? That is fucking hilarious.
>glory kills by definition give you less control,
No, they don't. They give you additional options and choices to make. You have control on when and where to employ them, which has all sorts of knock-on effects on the rest of gameplay, namely that it allows for far more risky play in general.
>No, it should be the default, no unlocks required
Again, say's who? I find it fucking hilarious how you don't understand most basic gameplay mechanics or design but you consider yourself some sort of FPS God who gets to make ultimate claims on what is or isn't allowed, your word is a law!

This is beyond pathetic. All this desperation put into arguing why not liking a game makes you better than others. Have some dignity for fuck sake.

I've said it before and I'll say it again:
Because it's good. It is also a game that takes quite a lot of risks - it would be divisive even in a normal environment, a lot of the decisions they make will not sit well with some part of the audience, because that is what games with clear and specific idea of what they want to do have to do.

Here, that divisiveness is MASSIVELY inflated by the fact that maybe more than half of Yas Forums shit on games habitually. That is to say, they don't play them, or play them purely to seek flaws to complain about, because their entire life revolves around smug sense of superiority of calling other's tastes inferior, and thining that not liking something is always more "elite" than liking something.

When a bad or mediocre game comes out, this is not a problem. Half of Yas Forums screeches hate by sheer habit, while the other half says "well, I suppose it's not great" and move on.

When something genuinely good comes out, half of Yas Forums screeches by habit, but then the other half, that actually plays games, stops and says "wait a second, no, it's not".
Which makes the habitual screechers suddenly feel threatened. So they ramp up the pressure, which results in over-reaction of the other half too, and then you end up in this shitstorm.

The bigger the release, and the more risks the developer takes in the game, the worse it gets, obviously.

>All this desperation put into arguing why not liking a game makes you better than others.

stop projecting I never said such thing retard

>But you do have plenty of ammo in this game.

No, you dont by design, if you had plenty of ammo people wouldnt be complaining about being forced to use the chainsaw

>Says who, you retard?

Every other doom game has a core gameplay mechanic that gets tweaked but maintains itself. this game threw everything out the window. You need only hear how the director talks shit abou the old mechanics in interviews.

>No, they don't.
Yes they do, you are not in control , its a shitty animation interrupting control.

>Again, say's who?

Everyone who wanted to play an FPS and not an RPG hybrid abortion

>because their entire life revolves around smug sense of superiority of calling other's tastes inferior, and thining that not liking something is always more "elite" than liking something.
That's a lot of words for calling people that disagree with you dumb and yourself smart
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