TT: what have zoomers ruined about vidya for the rest of us?
Zoomers and vidya
Every game is full of unskipable tutorials, and has no fucking challenge whatsoever, for one.
No more games with prerendered backrounds and tank controls, for another.
By eating the shit up in doom 2016 so hard that they gave us Eternal
Stay mad boom boom, 2016 and Eternal are masterpieces
That was before zoomers though.
Turned Doom into a QTE fest.
Required every game have a slot machine with loot boxes, instead of being integrated in the game and unlockable through playing.
Ruined RPGs.
Ruined MMOs.
Ruined most action games that aren't Japanese.
how is zoomer and boomer not word filtered yet?
>No more games with prerendered backrounds and tank controls, for another.
Tanks controls? This is the first time i've seen someone ask for tank controls.
Let me guess, you probably just came from a Doom Eternal thread,got assblasted because you were wrong only to come here and complain.
We zoomers play actually good games, why are boomers obsessed with us? Go play some doom wad or something old man.
>slows down game to change weapon
>slows down game again to change weapon and to aim
The PS3/360/Wii generation was the worst era in gaming, and that wasn't because of Zoomers, it was because of Millennials. Zoomers aren't as bad as them
Millenials are so fucking obsessed. There are so many good games coming out right now, but they let their nostalgia blind them. The generation of man children
muh lenny uls were poor college kids or starting to save during that time, not targeted buyers
Millennials and Zoomers both have ruined gaming. ASSFAGGOTS, tower defence, survival 'mmos', battle royale - it's just one meme genre after the other, coupled with bandwagoning out of the ass each time. creativity is dead
massively multiplayer online roleplaying games
>Starting to save
Good one
>muh lenny als
And zoomers were 10 at the start of the generation
Are people born in 1995 Millennials or Zoomers?
who do you think the xbox 360 and wii targeted?
yes I'm sure the xbox360 was targeting 6 year olds with gears of war
That year is debated rn. 1997 and beyond are most certainly zoomers but you can make arguments either way for '95 and '96, but don't ask fucking Yas Forums it has fags who are born in '99 thinking they aren't zoomers. Go research it yourself and try to use more recent articles as definitions have changed overtime as the generational splits became more apparent
Zoomers. Easily.
2 zoomers with cod/xbox 360 combos.png
Zoomer here, why is this board obsessed with us?
Who knows
Families in general
I guess you're right with the general audience being like 7, but the games were all rated teen, the audience for it was mainly going to be very late millennials and early zooms as time went on
Maybe that generation was the worst in vidya caused it took the worst aspects of millennials and zoomers
its because this place used to be a somewhat special, unknown place for the rejects of the world to congregate
now its just a place where retarded kids act retarded
obviously theres gonna be some resenment between the original users and the immigrants
Arena Shooters have been replaced with BRs. i blame the zoomies for that one.
>zoomerbro and ffbro
Old good new bad thought process from previous generations
almost all zoomers are on the spectrum
Arena shooters were dead by the time the 2000s ended man
>Yas Forums
the year zoomers started getting pooped out, HM... WHAT A COINCIDENCE
OK zoomer
ok retard
Yeah maybe in the 00's
minecraft is good but iirc it was released in 2009?? so it's a very late millenial game
Your health is regenerating, cutscenes cutscenes cutscenes, braindead rush forward, press X to win. Also basically killed RTS genre.
Literally a more casual version of painkiller with finishers, play more games.
Let me guess, you have no defence except for.
>its fun
Guess what retard, other retards find to get their dick stepped on to be fun.
I think dumb fuck shitposters have ruined vidya more than zoomers
Boomers are worse somehow which is saying a lot.
That would mean zoomers had jack shit to do with the death of the genre since they weren't influences quite yet
It was millennials who really killed it
Mods are both.
>undertale on the right
Got a kek out of me
>games aren't supposed to be fun!!!
peak Yas Forums
Mate as a person that's part of Gen Z, minecraft is very much part of our culture. At least for the earlier parts of the generation.
What don't you like about Doom Eternal so far? I currently haven't played it yet but the gameplay looks solid and I enjoyed 2016.
that's right
nothing, but they're clearly living rent free
Genuinely, unironically this. Zoomers have access to some decent, unpretentious, non-movie games. If I had kids, I’d be glad they’re playing actual video games like Minecraft and fortnite over that garbage on the left.
Never said that, i said that retards find retarded ways to have fun with their pea brain
No real map design.
Dumbed down movement.
Cringe worthy ancient evil and chosen one story.
First person tomb raider gimmicks.
Unenjoyable gameplay overall.
Zoomer here and i'm gonna drop a redpill for y'all:
Casualization of the mediums is happening everywhere, films with capeshit, literature with YA, anime with braindead sol/shonen/isekai.
You can screech about it, nothing will change, times change, demographics change and so changes what they like or not.
>Reasons listed in this thread are mostly composed of things that happen appeared in the millennial years.
Okay, be serious. What have Zoomers ruined themselves?
Wait, are we saying the witcher is bad now? It has nothing to do with the text.
The worst thing about Doom 2016 and Eternal doing well is that we'll never get real kino like Doom 3 ever again.
Right? 14 year old millenials were the ones playing modernwarefare in 2007 not some fucking 5 year old
The game of the year version is better unironically.
You get a flashlight on every single weapon and stronger weapons, its actually more fast paced than nudoom.
wasn't doom 3 supposed to be super shit
Why are soi chugging millennials obsessed with people younger than them? Is it because they have unfulfilling lives so they are emvious of those younger?
MW was a good game tho
As a zoomer I can definitely argue that although we have games that are great, we are definitely helping with casualization. It's just being more split but we also have the "nerd shit is cool" thing happen. This is most apperent with Anime. Add on our meme culture and how ironic we are overall and it contributed to a lot of shit. Sub cultures get nice laughs but then outsiders copy the meme which is annoying. At the same time though thanks to the internet and the general era we are living in things are still great as long as you don't pay attention to attentionwhores/normalfags
Esports turned everything to shit.
>envious of the post corona children
The finishers arent mandatory. If youdont want to do them,you can always shoot them and keep moving.
>No real map design.
I personally can't put my 2 cents on this since Eternal might be different than 2016
Whats wrong with them? Theres literally nothing wrong with the arena styled fighting
>Dumbed down movement.
I'll admit I wasn't a big fan of the movement change in 2016 but after awhile it stuck with me
>Cringe worthy ancient evil and chosen one story.
Imagine paying attention to the story in a Doom game.
>First person tomb raider gimmicks.
Those parts end as fast as they come. Although i would rather have no platforming,its not like they stick it in your throat every 5 mins
>Unenjoyable gameplay overall.
>how dare you not like something about [insert dumbed-down game here]
>I love buying DLC and microtrannies
>you're just nostaliga
>you're just a dinosaur
>ok boomer
They won't stop buying shit games. I guess it's being raised on MSG and GMO their whole lives.
I can literally smell your sugared cereal and cheeto encrusted rick and morty bluray.
you wont know what the good life was like
>buying shit games
that's a western world problem, not a generation one
Thank god I'm GenX
>wow you don't know the times where I [media consumption], enjoy doing [media consumption]
Why are millennials so retarded? Is it from the consumption of soilent?
That gen is better than the current one.
>he didn't experience being a pre-9/11 westerner
im sorry
No it wasn't