I honestly can't wait bros, i love playstation so much
I honestly can't wait bros, i love playstation so much
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What kind of retard believes this is the design? It’s something a middle schooler would spread around.
this might not be the final design but its definitely the Dev kit design
It's meant to provide decent ventilation even when the units are stacked on top of each other, which is how dev kits are often placed.
I just can't believe they went with this design.
Like wtf???
I was on board for PS1, 3, and 4, but I think I might be jumping over to Xbox this gen. Plus Elden Ring is on it and it’s the only game I give a shit about.
Dev kits are nothing like the actual console. Look up Xbox dev kits or other PlayStation dev kits.
Why? You didn’t fall for the Xbox shills and their floppies right? Cause X has more TFLOP than 4 Pro and no one cares.
Elden Ring is multiplat. Wtf you smoking?
The problem i see with ps5 is the framerate but loadtimes will be faster and popins would totally disappear. But i reckon it would only be a 1080p 30fps machine
I just can't believe the PS4 went with this design.
Like wtf???
>But i reckon it would only be a 1080p 30fps machine
Unlikely. It would require staggering incompetence to make a game that runs at 30 frames on 1080p with modern hardware.
Here's a PSP dev kit
SSD gains will be marginal for 99% of all games. Meanwhile SeX's superior GPU and CPU will impact pretty much all games.
Maybe PS5 being shittier than SeX will actually force Sony to make more games. That's ideal. Worst case scenario is them buying up exclusives like with FF7R.
do they REALLY think people will CARRY this thing around in their POCKETS?!?!
>SSD gains will be marginal for 99% of all games
True. It will likely only provide a noticeable benefit to first party titles.
>Meanwhile SeX's superior GPU and CPU will impact pretty much all games.
That's horseshit though. The difference in computing power is not that big.
can't wait to have to clean the dust out of those crevices
>Elden Ring is multiplat. Wtf you smoking?
That was my point. I’m not tethered to PS this gen.
And the speed it fetches data would be fast on both consoles. Sony would need to flex harder on their first party games to be instantenous since they pretty much bank the performance of the ps5 in their custome ssd
are shitposts getting trendy again?
It is kinda substantial once you factor in that PS5 uses a variable clock rate to inch closer to SeX. The variable clock rate means that either CPU or GPU will be downclocked for the other to reach intended boost clocks. So either the GPU operates at 9.2TF or CPU at 3.2Ghz for the other to reach intended clocks.
Meanwhile SeX uses fixed clocks which makes performance very predictable. It's kind of like the OG Xbox, simple to develop for but still very powerful. Even at stable clocks, SeX performs PS5 when it goes on steroids.
>CPU or GPU will be downclocked for the other to reach intended boost clocks.
>downclocked for the other
the absolute state of consoles
It's not a terrible idea when working with a fixed hardware configuration.
The kinds of games that require extreme CPU and GPU performance at the same time are generally not even ported to console.
Yes it will be rare for any game to max out a Ryzen 8 core CPU at 3.5Ghz. I'm guessing that's what Sony's betting on with this solution.
i woudn't be surprised if that rzyzen ends up like mobile cpus there only a couple of cores can actually operate at that frequenzy while the other half dumps around at like 1.6
i bet they've butchered this god tier design in the retail units
First three mean nothing if developers don’t use it and aren’t competent. Rockstar even said that RDR2 looked and performed better while having more content than GTA5 on the same console because they learned how to develop for it. Think about that. If Rockstar has to learn then these shovelware cucks have no chance.
The last two “features” my Xbox One X already has. Again, only works if the developers are competent. Modern Warfare is the only game I can think of that already has smart delivery this generation. Only want multiplayer? You got it.
Yet even Microsoft’s exclusives don’t do this. Really useless image. Only thing I care about is the games.
Most games still don’t use more than 4 cores. Or even take advantage of RAM. ID had to update their engine to even make use of newer hardware. This will be plenty and should allow for an interesting experience on top of it.
Optimization is a time consuming process and only Rockstar has the resources and time to pull off the optimization they did for RDR2. It's like every little detail was specifically engineered in a way with these console's weaknesses in mind. So much that the game shits itself being ported to much stronger PCs.
>i love playstation so much
>lowering graphics quality to below low pc levels and out right removing them is now what consoleplebs think optimization is?
The game barely looks better on PC on vastly better rigs.
Stop. I can't even look at this. How pathetic.
Sure thing, paco. You wouldn't even know since all you own in a console. Youtube videos are compressed hot garbage and don't look anything like the actual experience of playing on PC. Stay delusional.
>dynamic resolution scaling
No thanks. I like my 4k/1440p to be real.
>fuckhuge vents
>they start boosting clocks 6 months later
this will be an actual pizza oven
>popins would totally disappear
I guess you never developed video games. The best case scenario is ~1 sec loading time on a PS5 against a ~2 on Xbox. No matter how the dev tried to make it look like this is additional ram, it isn't. It isn't just "lol dump 10Gb textures to the memory".
Halo MCC does smart delivery as many Xbox X enhanced titles. If you play on a base console they don't download the extra data for the X.
PS5 SSD is this gen's 8GB GDDR5.
Remember how Sony shills said any GPU on PC below 8GB VRAM would be unusable? And then benchmarks dropped and PS4 was outdone by 2GB VRAM GPUs.
2GB GPU memory on a PC GPU is dedicated and not shared
Shared memory has all the baggage and overhead that comes with it
this looks insanely fucking ugly and like a device from 2005.
I'm buying xbox solely because it has good design that looks like its worth its money rather than a bootleg console bought at the chinese market
That's ur average Xbox player retard
I want all the flops.
Yes I know. That didn't prevent people from saying 8GB GDDR5 on PS4 would change everything and outclass most PCs aswell. Likewise I see similar rhetoric for a storage device that will in 99% of cases be used to shorten down loading times. And those games will play just fine on any PC with SSD. Cerny is a lousy architect lead. He focuses on the wrong shit every gen.
How do people manage to drive-by-post so hard they STILL have not managed to drive it into their thick, retard skulls that this image is of the fucking dev kit, not the actual retail model.
>making the dev kit some quasi futuristic model instead of just a box like they have done in the past.
I'm thinking this is going to resemble the end design as it's over-stylized for a dev kit.
I'm waiting for info on BC still. Microsoft has completely eliminated remasters from their library, if Sony doesn't do it then I'll skip this gen
I can guarandamntee you they are selecting which games to make BC so they can remaster the more popular ones to resell for sheckles.
Their marketing has been retarded so far but I really hope that they're starting to learn from theri retardation
The recent miscommunication on ''Top 100 games only'' was a huge blunder
That wasn't a miscommunication. It was the truth. You can hear him explicitly say that due to PS5 boosted frequency, only most of the 100 games they've tested so far works. The same contradiction occurs earlier when he says he expects the GPU to stay at maximum clock almost all the time. And at the same time he says either CPU or GPU will need to downclock for the other to boost. So if the GPU is almost always at 2,2Ghz, it means the CPU is actually at somewhere around 3.2 Ghz and not the advertised 3.5Ghz.
Do you think some people will film themselves shitting into as if it's a toilet?
>people dont like the 'V has come to' design with pizza slice holder
>they want another plain box because videogames are serious business for big boys.
Why dont you just own a computer and play better games?
lmao nice self portrait
I understood that he meant to say ''The top 100 can make use of the boosted clocks and we're testing other games'' but just sperged out doing it
I don't think he meant that at all. I think he meant what he said. And then Sony PR had to damage control big time because MS went out later and said all their BC shit is expected to work come launch. PS4 BC is looking like yet another of many empty Sony promises.
That makes sense. I saw the "V" in the middle and thought "Oh, like V as in the roman numeral for 5". I'm wondering what the final product will like then.
Wasn't RDR2 so hardcoded that it instantly shat itself when played on PC port release, if there was lower ratio of logical to real cores than on PS4?
I bought it day one and it worked for me as I have a baller ass PC. It did however crash a couple of times I think. I gave up after a few hours as it was boring as fuck. Looked great though.
That's pretty smart actually, some game don't require that much CPU power and vice-versa. Problem is, the PS5 is still slower than the SeX even assuming maximum clocks for both the CPU and GPU.
As long as the PS5 hits it's FPS cap it doesn't matter. Games will be locked at 60fps even if they hit 100fps. They aren't going to have games going from 100fps to 70 back to 100fps etc. Also, if you have ever played a PC game where the GPU is pushing high frames and resolutions it gets hot as a motherfucker. I can max out games at 144fps but still will cap them at like 70/80 just to not hear my GPU fans at full speed. I also have 5 case fans. These things are going to be cockroach crematoriums.
Remember the PS3 controller prototype?
Don't remind me