what went wrong
What went wrong
the fuck did you do to her arm
The heart.
She become an attention whore.
I can't believe ResetEra is right. A certain poster said that all the attention Ikumi got at E3 2019 would have ruined her.
She didn't elope with me.
>become a living meme
>quit your job
>never heard from again
what did she mean by this?
She looks like she fucks black guys imo
She worked with Bethesda, it’s a curse
>attention whore
>bad teeth
>hideous without makeup
What happened? I know who she is from E3 but I don't know anything beyond that.
Are you, by any chance, American?
too old but she got dumped with the attention little girls try to attract on twitter
ended up unearthing her natural craziness
People fell for her fake "Romona wallflower" personality
Decent body, tho
havent heard about this bitch since her first e3 showing that got memed. did something happen?
She got pregnant and is having a black baby, this was her pregnancy test reaction
you have problems user
Patrician observation good sir
Based BLACKED user saving Yas Forums from e-celeb threads.
Nothing. Everything went as expected. Massive attention whore is a massive attention whore. I hope this gets at least some yellow fever fags to realize that yes, all women are like that, no matter if they are white, black, yellow or whatever.
>what went wrong
No, seriously, what happened?
She was just at the vga's.
What happened since then?
Also what the fuck did you do to that picture and why?
She fucks black men
ghostwire tokyo or whatever her baby was named is going through "restructuring" thanks to publisher meddling so she left the company and position.
i think she was picked up for another project but i can't remember it off the top of my head.
Who is this e-thot and why should I care? Also is she really a coalburner???
She let the attention go to her head
I don't think that's why she left Tango though, I suspect zenimax was trying to force something that would ruin ghostwire so she abandoned the company to protect her reputation since she was the face of the game far more than the director was
Wonder what she is working on now, brought back for bayo 3 maybe
Or maybe project GG
Go one her Twitter right now, she is kissing a black guy
She fucks black guys? Hot...
Contain your jealousy.
She got kicked off her own project by higher-ups and now has to bank solely on her cuteness for new work.
>no pls, my jap waifu isn't like the cancerous white roasties
Sorry mate, they are all the same kind of cancer.
She's an industry vet
Todd got so threatened that she might eventually eclipse him at Bethesda because of all the attention she got at E3 that he initiated events to force her to resign
Elon-senpai didn't notice her
What is it with grown ass middle-aged females still acting like teenagers? Females are simply cancer man.
Cry about it
Glad I am not the only one who thinks she is fleeing executive meddling
Why does Todd even work anymore? He should have mountains of cash to climb by now.
gamer simps praised her
This unironically
Just as any female. They are all insufferable attention whores.
I've seen Todd, and he looks like he's losing his cool every time we see him and the failings of Bethesda are making him angrier.
>stupid fucking haircut
>ugly glasses
>wowow so quirky attitude
thats a yikes from me
He doesn't do this for the money. He does it out of spite and enjoyment.
She was born that way
>publisher meddling
Proof of this?
Fook you
Tango gameworks is a subsidiary of one of the more scummy game companies
Burn the coal pay the toll, stupid rice-roastie
Every thread every day.
Ugly chink with manufactured reddit personality.
Shes getting new projects and going to work with kojima with the acquired ips of sony from konami...
If thats bad, i dont know what bizarro world you live in
Its owned by a fucking ZeniMax
Fuck dude, i thought the same!
Me thinking: Man, i'd drill her so hard.... but probably all she does are black dudes
She though she was a big shot, left the company and now sucking dicks for money, because nobody wants to hire her.
>Ikumi fags