Are you fucking kidding me?
When will Nintendo stop shoving lgbt sjw shit down my fucking throat?
How long until they make mairo trans? Donkey kong bisexual? Princess peach poly?
Are you fucking kidding me?
do you think all lawyers in a firm are ass fucking each other because they're partners?
Who cares moralfag
it's ok because he's a shota
i hope his bf is a huge bara jock bear or something
is right. With no other gay context, this isn't really a gay character. You're triggered at nothing.
If he were gay in this way, how would it be "Shoving lgbt shit down your throat." If you go into a story that happens to have a gay person behind the counter irl, do you yell at the store for shoving lgbt shit down your throat?
Also, Princess Peach is definitely already poly.
I guarantee that this isn't in the original version. This is the NoA translators playing fast and loose with propaganda.
People work together? They're called partners.
What is the propaganda? The possibility that people would say the word partner?
Where's the gay
If it's intentional it's a brilliant bit of trolling.
Geez op I figured you'd be ok with gay people considering the sheer volume of dicks you must suck apparent from this point.
In OP's ass.
What facts have you to back up your assertion about Peach?
Joining the other replies in this thread. Wash the spittle off your quivering triple chin OP. "Partner" does not inherently mean something romantic or sexual.
>This is 47$ + shipping
Time to learn amiibo spoofing.
>know more background about two brand new gay characters than we know about literally any of the other dozens of NPC characters in the game
>"You're just homophobic!"
i have that. how do i invite her ot my village?
Yes, but you can fug the town animals?
Business partner, retard
Fug you gib card
You progress far enough with the town quests nook gives out and you can invite villagers through the atm tp. dirty time traveler.
>partner means gay now
nigger you've been legitimately brainwashed
get off Yas Forums and especially Yas Forums and Yas Forums for a while and go do something productive
hello oneangryrentfree
That's incredibly hot, not gonna lie
>calling your coworkers "sooooo" talented
Bro just go to Etsy, search for animal crossing amiibo coin, and you’re golden. You can get a custom made Ankha amiibo coin for like three bucks. You’re welcome.
>Paying for something that can be done for free yourself
nigger partner doesn't even have to be a business friend
minnesota fuckers call friends "partners"
it's animal crossing.
if that's gonna be your reasoning everyone in animal crossing is gay
>Howdy partner!
wtf is every cowboy gay?
I want a double blowjob from CJ and Flick
i don't get it
Partner doesn't always mean romantic.
It's okay if they're cute, he's pretty cute.
AC is a literal game made for trannies and fags. Its their safespace. If you dont want fag shit don play fag games
US ebay has it at 27.25 right now
you know, just because fags use that word to be discreet doesn't mean everyone who uses it is a fag. he probably likes to call him that
Yeah, he really REALLY likes it, if you know what I mean.
I think they fugged on stream accidentally
hugged? how's that accidental?
>"howdy, pardner!"
wtf Woody is gay
how to tell you never had any friends in your life
They had sex while the camera was accidentally on
first tumblr, now Yas Forums, the lack of human interaction has led them to believe any sign of sympathy means they want to fuck regardless of gender as long as they feel someone's touch. no wonder this place is filled with fags and trannies
Spotted the person with no job.
I don't think anyone has a job right now lol
No-one has a job right now you dingus.
>not working for a major chain retailer
wew sure feels nice to be a wage slave rn
It’s a trannie/gay game. What did you expect?
>be salary so I still get paid no matter what
>but job is "essential" so I have to work anyways
Which one of you fucks has the chrona I want to catch it.
You can easily find it on e621, dude
I work at home. Hello
I just want Apollo, Bob, and Ankha. Is that too much to ask?
user even japs are making tweets about justin-kun and rex being a couple
Am I missing something here?
Maybe it's time to stop playing the EOP version
>work security at a tech manufacturer
>job is essential, but the site isn't
>forced to come to an empty site and literally do nothing
All my buddies are staying home and gaming without me. I just wanna relive that NEET life for a few weeks. Is that too much to ask?
>ha, you have morals?
>I'm too young for that old man
>my teachers taught me moral relativism, that means I can do anything I want
AC is a series for women and faggots. if you're complaining about this, you shouldn't be playing it in the first place, you flaming fucking faggot
Everyone has always talked a little fruity in AC. It's a cutesy children's game where you run around collecting bugs, the fuck are you expecting?
Peach is already a low or High poly model.
>old people
The only reason lawyers don't fuck each other's asses is because they can't find the time after getting paid handsomely to fuck other people in the ass.
None of the animals in AC are in relationships retard, hes talking about a business partner.