Fallout New Vegas

he is the canon choice

Attached: caesar srcn.jpg (924x520, 101.32K)

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...for brainlets

Incorrect. You see, the term "canon choice" implies it is the objective, determined choice of the writers regardless of any greater factors. You are coping

Does anyone have that webm where the partner trips a mine and the player uppercuts her before they explode?


Attached: didnothingwrongexcepttotallyfuckingup1.png (599x983, 416.88K)

I'd guess it'd be ncr, but its easier to write a sequel on anarchy ending

>help a cripple with tech
>help a cripple without tech
house and caesar are objectively the dumbest choices, and are only chosen by betas who are attracted to desperate retards telling them what to do
The only faction with any real hope is BoS

Profligates are never innocent, and even with that said Caesar is tolerant of xeno-traders who go in and out of his territory. When you speak to the trader in the fort he mentions how colorado is extremely safe because of his policies. Additionally, the crucifixions in Nipton were justified because the NCR are niggers who allow niggers like the powder gangers to form and run around. Other then that your image is correct

I can't believe legion trade routes are safer than ncr

No he isn't. Obsidian has a hard on for the NCR like Bethesda does for the brotherhood.

Legionfag always use their fanfic to justify Caesar's Legion.

ncr basedjak post

>BoSfag is fucking retarded
Tale as old as time

>rob merchants in NCR territory
>get five years hard labour, plus room and board
>rob merchants in legion territory
>get nailed to a fucking cross


The canon choice is obviously Mr. Robert House.
The House ALWAYS wins, user.

more like
>rob merchants in NCR territory
>get locked up with other niggers
>get given dynamite and forced to build railroads
>gang up on dumb NCR niggers and kill them with dynamite
>infest wasteland with my niggers

Name one faction more well equipped to take on the wasteland, and actually prosper. BoS is a better legion in every regard.

Dude there's like 30 guys in the BoS bunker and half of them are retarded shitters

The only faction good all around in any of the fallout games is 3's Enclave. Even though for some reason they are presented like assholes all they want to do is restore DC.
>inb4 they poisoned the water
that was eden, autumn just wanted to save America

>a single computer leads to the death of their entire faction
>caesars death doesnt lead to the death of the entire legion

ya really hard to see whos better

The wild card ending is very close to being the best ending except that your MC fucks off to parts unknown right afterwords.

>Name one faction more well equipped to take on the wasteland
Literally anyone else. The BoS are all just a bunch of tech hoarders that think they're the best because they have all the shiniest gadgets and never share them ever because technology bad. But only for you, not bad for us.

I choose to believe that the MC fucks off to big MT to further advance science to the point where the wasteland recovers to its prewar state.

>caesars death doesnt lead to the death of the entire legion
A chicken moving without its head isn't a sign that it going to live.

there once was a chicken that lived for 18 months without a head

i remember finding a terminal where they wrote that they planned to give free water to settlers and when they gained their trust , kill them, it was in one of those campments they have around the wasteland

I'm aware. The entire quest line was trying to make them not be retarded shitters. But there are factions in BoS that make Caesars legion look like children. Have you never played the other FO games?
>caesars death doesnt lead to the death of the entire legion

except that they are roman pagans and believe that caesars spirit would be conjoined to the being of the new dictators. their religion DESTROYS your argument

technofag post

No sources and also no.

is there really no given reason for what the institute is doing? i feel like it's a lie peddled by Yas Forums but i never bothered to look into it.

Actually I like the ending where the robot with the smile turns on mister house, I don't know it was years since I played but it was very good that way, you helping the robot

>>caesars death doesnt lead to the death of the entire legion
It really does though. Neither Lanius or Vulpes (if you allowed him to live) have what it takes to lead the Legion. They're fucking done for once Caesar dies.

>no sources

Attached: swk.jpg (387x437, 41.06K)

vulpes has what it takes to lead the legion, it's just that he has to kill a few people in order to be put in charge

source pls

Ya damn right

I actually enjoy that ending too my first time through, but its too easy to argue that you, the player, should rule Vegas.

Literally everyone you talk to about it including Graham and Ulysses. Neither of them are smart or charismatic enough to lead a bunch of random tribes and keep them together.

graham became christcucked and ulysses = nigger. cope more fagoid

Death is the answer we found. I need lots of money. I'm basically Iron Man at this point but I like to play video games so I don't have to socialize with lessers.

>is there really no given reason for what the institute is doing?
There was a reason but it was pretty retarded and felt like a "step 2: ??? step 3: profit" plan. I just thought that it would be funny.

>vulpes has what it takes to lead the legion, it's just that he has to kill a few people in order to be put in charge
People don't respect the spy.

There is. Originally, the Institute wanted to redeem humanity, but when they tried to share their superior technology to fix the Wasteland, the raiders and scum living on the surface attacked them so they retreated below ground again.

Now they've functionally created the next step in human evolution, the Gen 3 Synth. Besides one small undetectable component chip embedded in their brains, they're 100% human. They also have no fallout mutation in their genes and due to some small combination with a refined FEV are immune. In most respects, they're smarter, faster, stronger and more resilient than average humans while still not having any inhuman traits. They can think, love, hate, have goals and ambitions, etc.

The only issue people have with synths is that they were created by humans, so I guess they figure they have no soul? But in all respects, they are functioning human beings meant to replace humanity.

They're still right though. Keep seething that your Legion of faggot larpers get raped by NCR forever.

fear is the greatest respect. vulpses is in control of the frumentarii meaning he has information on all of the higher ups of the legion, insiders within the institutions of the legion's enemies and an understanding of caesar's tactics.

ya ill keep that in mind the next time an entire platoon of ncr troops is BTFOd by 5 legionnaires with rippers

Rippers get put down by the Ranger with the rifle on the grassy knoll.

>Now they've functionally created the next step in human evolution, the Gen 3 Synth. Besides one small undetectable component chip embedded in their brains, they're 100% human.
Isn't that just the Master's plan but the evil stuff being completely unnecessary? Why the super mutants? Why the kidnapping?

Legionnaires only respect combat prowess. He is considered a coward.


Yes ruling Vegas is cool, but that way with the robot and doing all the side stuff and partially working with the other crews a little and the dlcs makes it the longest story

fake and gay

Shut up you dumb larping faggot, you know as well as anyone else that violently conquering tribes equates to the deaths of innocents.


How they nearly got fucked over if they didn't accidentally came across a tribe with the Bitter Drink formula makes me dislike them a lot.

Why? What's their plan?

ncr basedboys cant get over themselves

How would the Legion deal with tunnelers?

Attached: Tunneler.png (764x782, 485.9K)

But they haven't been tried. The master's unity was fine other than sterility
The Enclave's return of humaity was literally fine 100% but got fucked over before we could see more
Legion was an interesting experiment and is still around so their continued success remains to be seen.
Westcoast is even less canon than obsidian which is also NOT canon.

How is poisoning the water a bad thing. It harms infected and outright kills proper muties. It's a necessary step in returning to the Old World.

All order requires the death on innocence. It is part of the deal. Order in principle demands sacrifice and subjugation. Whether it's a slimy deal starving people in a democratic system or a village chief killing his rival with a rock.
Name one ordered system of individuals that was brought about without harming the innocent. Matter of fact name one that doesn't subsist by doing that as well.

>The Enclave's return of humaity was literally fine 100% but got fucked over before we could see more
you're mentally retarded, they'd wipe out almost the entire population of the USA. not to mention how many people they would kill across the world.

I killed house but I got bored. This game is grindy and drags for too long. Also the setting is fucking retarded.
Objectively bad game.