Doom Eternal

What went so right?

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Why dont you tell us?

Something almost did

Its fucking fun but I hate that he can punch through walls but (not blood) punch only staggers fodders


dubstep soundtrack

game is absolute trash , repetitive as fuck , all u do is shoot anything that moves for hours on end ...was fun in the 90s...not so much now. shit piece of software

the heavy metal orchestra was a brilliant fucking idea. Every song with it sounds amazing.

>How dare this game be only gameplay and not a cinematic experience with hours of custscenes that go nowhere!

Does the console version having a weapon wheel make this easier? Playing on keyboard hurts my fucking fingers having to piano between wsad, shift, ctrl for nades, 1-8, F for swaps and all the other glory kill buttons.

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You know you can use Q to switch to your last weapon or open up weapon wheel right (hold)?

>i prefer my hours of cutscenes in 1 second bites!

PC has a weapon-wheel too, hold Q.

>when you find a hazmat pickup

I can tolerate the platforming, I like Mario and Donkey Kong fine, but who greenlit these "lol move as slow as an Overwatch character" segments?

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Being locked into a rigid gameplay loop. I hate having to come up with my own strategy and experimenting.

the shilling went right

Those areas usually have enough islands scattered around that you can extend your normal movement speed by jumping, double-jumping, and double-dashing from a vantage point, and even if that's not enough it's enough to clear most of the Blighttown goop

I think glory killing is much more interesting mechanic in Eternal than in 2016. It felt incredible frustrating to me in 2016 to glory kill since each arena had like 10 demons and killing each one with glory kills felt extremely frustrating. Eternal you have arenas much more packed and killing one with glory kill doesn't feel too bad when I can explode 8 imps a second later.

What I don't get is why they decided to make ammo more limited instead easily available since you're killing tons of demons. I think they should've used granades as similar manner that the flamethrower is used for armor and make granades drop ammo from demons.

>kill first Doom Hunter
>they throw two more at you directly after

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well shit, i was wondering why it was so difficult swapping weapons. Still beat Ultra violence without it though.

>that one platforming sequence on Urdak
I didn't really mind the platforming up until that point, even the few platforming sequences after weren't as much of a pain in the ass

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Why the fuck did they decide the latter fodder enemies needed to be fucking headshot to drop ammo? I run out of all my shit fighting 2 tyrants and these floaty fucks cant be chainsawed? What the fuck were they thinking?

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Yes, it takes a moment to kill a demon with the chainsaw. Are you going to whine about the ballista's charge animations too?
PC has a weapon wheel too. It's useful for the reasons you described.

just use the rifle and headshot them

you can chainsaw them but they're evasive

I ran out of rifle ammo

I tried chainsawing them a million times but it said I didnt have enough

What's your favorite weapon to use, Yas Forums?

Who is the based Demon lord who warps in a guy for me to epicly own literally any time I am in the slightest danger of dying or running out of ammo? Really makes me feel powerful and always just barely clutching from my great skills!

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>overclock CPU to 5.00 MHz
>overclock GPU +200 clockspeed/+50 voltage and 112% power
>no difference in performance

is this an issue on the game's end? I'm playing this on max ultra violence settings with an rtx 2080/i7 9700k on 1440p. I should be getting 100+ FPS at all times easily but I fluctuate between 55-110

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I think the idea behind limiting ammo capacity was to encourage aggressive play. It's totally possible to play Doom 2016 Serious Sam style, backing away while shooting. Can't do that in Eternal, and I think that's by design.

Super Shotgun of course, the free armor with the mastery makes it invaluable. Second is probably chaingun.

How foes performance compare to 2016
My old x6 1055t and 1050ti handled it

Bethesda marketing department

runs smooth on gtx 970

You can't win Yas Forums, Doom Eternal is based.

If the plasma rifle was the only weapon in the entire game I'd still have a good time.

Protip on the doomhunter: focus on their jets. Forget about taking down their shields. Once their jets are gone so are their shields.

>comparing the monotony of watching a glory kill for the 500th time with a reload animation

>Application has been blocked from accessing Graphics hardware

what do

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Savefile corrupted after electricity died in my house and bethesda launcher doesn't even support cloud saved. Fucking epic. I wish I could get a refund.

I found that it's still pretty well optimized but it gave my CPU much more of a workout than 2016, which is odd because the load times in Eternal are maybe 1/5th of what they were in Doom 2016.

>headshot a fodder demon

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>bethesda launcher

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Just start a new game user

Mobile Turret. It's fun to unload all your bullets on one target while being able to dash around. It's also huge as fuck.

Same, the bing bing wahoomguy parts didn't bother me but fuck those orange portals. Feels like it's a dice roll hoping the physics don't shit the bed with some of them.

Shit was cheaper. I was saving money.

You get what you pay for.

There has never been a more blatant statement of affiliation with Zenimax. How much do they pay you? Do they do it by the hour or every time you can control your trembling, pudgy hands well enough to write a post?

>I ran out of rifle ammo
stop using it all up, or just headshot them with the gauss

im not sure. i havent played this or doom 2016 but im really enjoying shitposting as if i love it or hate it in all the doom threads.

If you're glory killing every demon you're doing it wrong. You do it when you need HP or blood punch charge. It's generally to you benefit to just blow the demons away.

A minor gripe I have is how easy it is to accidentally gib a small demon that you want to glory kill for HP.

Does 1440p really murder performance that bad? I play 1080p locked at 60fps on highest settings with much worse hardware. I honestly thought I'd have to lower the settings since other modern games I need to do that but this game is really well optimized for mid range pcs I guess.

ballista is good for ez headshots, it's really useful when they show up in the what's-his-face bossfight

nobody even implied that argument, fucking creep

I wish you could just fucking punch a fodder for health or a glory kill but they made the basic melee attack do nothing now and so now you have to switch to shotty and lovetap a fodder if you want to get health now, its really aggrivating.

Oh Jesus give it a rest user, pay the slightest bit of attention to Beth and they try to actively ignore that Zenimax has any other game companies under its belt. Or did you forget how badly Bethesda treated Obsidian while and after developing Fallout New Vegas?

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Probably my only real complaint, just finished the game on nightmare and loved it. but i wish i had a reliable way to stagger the zombies. melee needs at least enough damage to stagger them

You know that you can still chainsaw imps and soldiers, right?

Where do I get this icon?

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Let me give you a bit of advice, user. Use ZXCV for weapons too. Reaching all the way to 8 or 9 is for faggots. My control scheme is:
1] shotty
2] SSG
3] HMG
4] Plasma gun
5] Crucible
F] Flamer
Z] Rocket Launcher
X] Ballista
C] Chaingun
R] Chainsaw
T] Switch weapon mod
Everything's there withing easy reach, I NEVER use the weapon wheel, unless I'm cheesing the BFG (although I dont know if that still works in Eternal).