Seeing the success of Doom, how much longer until Quake is rebooted and what are your predictions?

Seeing the success of Doom, how much longer until Quake is rebooted and what are your predictions?
Champions doesn't count, I'm hoping for campaign and multiplayer

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Not sure. DOOM has a really barebones but basic and simple setting and story so building a modern day campaign for it was easy. Quake from the start was fucking weird, absolutely noone knows what the story is and it stretches from medieval shit to eldrich horror, so trying to adapt it to the modern day would be difficult. Id day they should just reboot quake 3 arena and leave it at that.

we can only hope
there was a semi-new one, Quake 4 or whatever after the old ones and Q3A

There’s a Quake reference in Doom Eternal when you get to the lost city of Hebeth and pick up one of the codexes. They can probably tie it into Doom lore easily considering all the world building they did with Argent D’Nur and the Sentinels.

I really doubt they could recreate/reboot Q1 campaign without it being casualized, dumbed down, and made mainstream with bandwagon trends and frills instead of good core gameplay. Look at how they ruined Q3A/QL arena gameplay with QC class-based microtransaction BS.

Doom Eternal with brown instead of red tinted castles.

why does no one talk about the original unreal tournament. it was pure soul

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Quake is really similar to doom, just a different theme/aesthetic. Even the stories would eventually be the same
>Spider Mastermind and Shub-Niggurath are basically the same

Because epic gays doesn't want to revive series. Reason is simple:fortnite

They probably won't get into rebooting singleplayer Quake until after Doom 6. But they should be easily able to fit in slipgates and the Strogg + Lovecraftian gods into the Doom universe.
The problem with QC was that they outsourced the development to third party devs. They didn't even bother to put it on the same engine as Doom 2016 so it runs like shit too. If they did a proper reboot with in-house devs and support, then it would be successful.

I guarantee the lack of a real multiplayer in Doom Eternal was saving it for Quake, obviously to be announced Quakecon 2020 assuming COVID doesn't kill us all

No shit. But unlike Doom Quake has fast movement.

What's the reference? I hope they don't try combining shit.

If they didn't put fast paced movement in the new dooms they wouldn't put it in a new quake

>But they should be easily able to fit in slipgates and the Strogg + Lovecraftian gods into the Doom universe.

I miss that weird Industrial-Medieval-Lovecraftian vibe from the first quake.

> Amidst the long and enduring history of Sentinel civilization, there are moments in antiquity that have become buried in time - forgotten chapters that remain concealed to Sentinel historians, waiting to be unearthed. The fallen city of Hebeth is one such tale, all but forgotten to the tomes of legacies past. Once a prosperous port city - a proud, gleaming marker of conquest for the distant tribe of Bethian clansmen of the outer worlds - Hebeth bridged the disparate Sentinel cities with the ingenious design of slipgate invention. But it was not meant to last, and among those cities lost in the crusades of Sentinel past was Hebeth, now little more than a smoldering ruin swallowed by the quaking surface of a once habitable Mars.

Keyword “quaking”

Epic didn't even want to touch "UT4" until community mappers/modders did most of the work

How the fuck is that a reference you nignog? quaking is just a word, a word without any context relation to Quake at all. Quake was the codename given to Shub-Niggurath by the military of whatever Earth that the Ranger comes from and wouldn't have anything at all to do with Mars

Please ignore tripfags.

he picked the wrong word
prior to doomy dermal, 'slipgate' was exclusively a quake 1 term

>Quake reboot
>All sound for the game is now done by some shitter like Post Malone

We already got it with Champions. Unlike Doom the normalfag crowd only knows Quake for its multiplayer. And even if I'm wrong I'm 100% certain that Arcane Dimensions will still shit over anything AAA money can produce.

QC had Chris Vrenna (part of NIN during the TDS era) score its soundtrack and it was great, but nu shitters wanted more generic vidya buttrock so they added/replaced it with Andrew Hulshuldht.

Vrenna's soundtrack is still in the game. The devs actually made a smart decision by letting you choose which soundtrack you want to hear. Even better, you can have both play randomly. There's absolutely nothing to bitch about in this situation, especially when both soundtracks are great.

the gog version has the music?

this and they already rebooted it like 10 years ago with quake 4

Doesn't 4 directly follow 2?

Yes. 4 and 2 are in their own continuity. Quake 2 is only called Quake because id had no faith in the game selling as its own original IP (as it was supposed to be) so they slapped the Quake name to it.

They didn’t ruin the gameplay regard. The problem was the horrible vodka outsourcing and engine

If we get a reboot it's not going to be Medieval/Lovecratian like Quake 1. Get ready for more generic sci-fi shit.

No one is asking for a new Quake.

Every single game in the series (except 4) is entirely unrelated to the rest of the series. There's no one setting or "IP" to "reboot".

Quake 1 is sci-fi, dumbass. It uses some "medieval inspired architecture", but it doesn't take place in "medieval times". You literally step through portals and getting warped to another dimension at the beginning. It's sci-fi.

Actually Q3 and QC connect all of Quake, Doom, and Wolfenstein.

hopefully never
unlike doom, a quake 1 reimagining/revival would be ruined by major changes to the style, gameplay and story.

>class based ability gimmicks doesn't ruin arena gameplay
zoom zoom

Oh my fucking god are you brain dead? Why the fuck do you want another Quake after 4?
Let the series rest, seeing it desecrated with QC was bad enough.

Not many people care about Quake 1 and modern writers/designers are incapable of making this type of game.

Really hoping for shub spawn and strogg in the same game, fighting each other like marines vs. zombies in Half Life or covenant vs flood in Halo

>QC confirms that the Makron knew about the Elder Gods
>tfw we'll never get a game playing as Ranger duking it out against both the Strogg and Elder Gods in a three-way battle

There isn't single bad Quake game. Pleb.

after playing eternal i dont want a quake reboot honestly. the movement systems in it felt fantastic for a multiplayer game, and they squandered it all on that stupid 2v1 meme mode. the singleplayer wasnt that fun either, none of the encounters feel organic, its like a twitch reaction puzzle game and not the action shooter that 2016 was. if they patch in real multiplayer modes i can see myself playing alot of eternal though

>Not many people care about Quake 1
It's the best game in the series though.

Anyone here made any maps?

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best for singleplayer, second best for multiplayer. the amount of awesome quake mods i used to play on my PSP back in high school was sick too. me and some friends had this quake version of halo 1 that we would ad hoc at lunch, shit was awesome

As long as they keep the original physics and air control I'd be happy

QC more or less did, so i cant see why not

Lots of map scraps, nothing ever released, at least not of note. Maybe some day.

Same, I've got a couple release candidate that are individually underwhelming, so I'm hoping to gather a few to release as a shitty "episode". Might try to make a custom soundtrack to help it stand out, but it's hard to nail the atmosphere, I just end up making goofy beats.

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>quakeguy is now an ancient viking slayer fighting cthulhu for centuries
>quakeguy now has several different skills with cooldowns like grappling hook, axe, rocket jumping (yes, rocket jumping is it's own input now, doing so manually will gib you), quad damage you can activate anytime
>you must now do special finishers on monsters to get resources
>game takes place in rly'eh because let's make it a point that quake takes place in lovecraft universe instead of being merely inspired by it
>one of the secrets is niggerman toy

id really hate it but also play it

Is there even a person left in the entire community who even develops something for the game? It feels completely abandoned from both sides.

>game literally has a hub world and "slipgates"
>tripfag latches on to the use of the word "quaking"
Even when theyre right theyre wrong.

yeah that shit is dead. it was very promising at the very beginning but it's completely dead and unfinished. very sad to see it go such way considering Epic has enough fortnite bucks to hire skeleton crew to make slow improvements and engage with modding community to make it work

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I made & released one awhile back, was received decently. Started another last year but hit a brick wall with development and abandoned it for now. Pretty easy to make maps for the game these days, just need to have the inspiration.

It's a mixture, the setting is mostly ancient dungeons and castles. Just calling it Sci-fi doesn't do it justice.

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It doesn't take place in "ancient" anything. They just used D&D for aesthetic inspiration.

>Quake reboot prediction
Start with a Quake 2/4 Strogg setting in a stock generic space war, but a discovery early on during the campaign on whatever planet they're using as the theatre reveals some ancient massive medieval-ish fortress just underneath their futuristic facility. It gradually shifts towards Quake 1 Shub-Niggurath setting, with Marines and Strogg being fucked with and corrupted by eldritch horrors while said horrors rapidly adapt human and strogg technology to augment themselves. Slip in a bit of Hexen

To distance him from simply being "Brown Doomguy" and the game just being a New-Doom reskin, Ranger is not some ancient good awakening; he's just a normal guy in comparison (with sci-fi shit to give him some hardiness and unique mobility rather than Doomguy's raw speed). More of a horror edge since you're fucking with juiced up aliens and body horror monsters.

Rather than Glory Kills, he'd need some unique gimmick. Ranger may not be alone - he could have some allies under his command (or just tagging along the likes of Quake 4's Marines). Combat scale and scope would be notably larger than New Doom's tight arenas with a half dozen demons at a time.

I would kill for a new Quake.

I don't see single player Quake ever really being a thing again.