>game switches genre for 5 seconds and ruins the whole fucking thing
Game switches genre for 5 seconds and ruins the whole fucking thing
It was shit but it was ignorable enough to not ruin the whole experience.
Fuck you and this thread you off topic mongrel
wammu,kars,and king nigger
Where the fuck is this goddamn chick from. I see her posted literally everywhere by zoomers.
>mandatory stealth section
>in a card game
>later turns into a racing game
Guess the game.
card games on motorcycles
She's from Spider-Man:Into The Spiderverse
If that doesn't work,than look up "blue waffle" and you'll find her
Itadaki Seieki lol
I'll kill you nigger.
>a fucking hentai big tiddy succubus
the jews have won
You mad or something you fool? You know i have ten alternate accounts i can troll you in,right? You think you're the one in charge here,you bitch? Say sorry and kneel dick eater.
was unironically based. I miss when yugioh games were actually games instead of being shitty, instantly outdated battle simulators with nostaalgia milking
shes half vamp half succubus, get owned
>when she reveals she can make herself fat
>when she starts grinding his cock between her fat thighs
just some generic vampire girl,since she's also a succubu she cucks the protagonist in the last episode
don't even watch it, it's nothing special
this cringe piece of shit needs to die already,10 fucking episodes is enough, what's even the point of this shit?,they literally make something worth but only for 5 seconds,fuck this trash
what are you talking about my dick demands answers
i sleep
All porn is NTR.
And if I watch lesbian porn?
Only fags look or care about dick.
Itadaki Seiki has a weight gain segment in it, it really short but... FUCK It's good.
you're being cucked by a girl.
Thank you, I will beat my dick to it
What if it's POV VR hentai with real stimulation?
Yeah and women are the niggers of gender so if you get cucked by a woman you're getting cucked by a nigger. Even worse.
single tooth is retarded and flesh tooth is retarded
might do the same, to be honest, been i while since i watched that one.
the best part of it was a really shitty translation by d0ggyboy or something, the only reason i know that name is because he really wanted people to know he did it by just it in the subtitles
Changes nothing. You're still sitting in the corner masturbating to two people having sex.
>Filtered by Kamiya
>YGO Over the Nexus
Kino game minus the .............
Loadin times at dueling.
*putting it in the subtitles
>only 15 seconds of thigh grinding and nothing more
Fuck this gay shit
>He doesn't fap to pin ups
>Someone was so mad about people watching porn they drew a dude masturbating and now they go around calling others cucks
Its not cuckoldry if they're not real
Just like how it isn't a sin because you can't commit adultery in your heart with a drawing that's eternally single
At this point, anything can be called cuck shit if it bothers someone enough
>last episode
Nigger, there's only one episode. Easily one of the best hentai's of all time. Shame it didn't get more episodes.
I thought there was like 2
bad reply. try again
Are you perhaps referencing the NTR?
>t. watches black'd hentai
All sexual desire is a sin in Christianity.
My first hentai is Milk Junkie. Sadly, no one knows about it even though there's 4 episodes.
This is such a stupid argument, because the viewers is not even acknowledged in most porn
The point of cuckoldry is getting off on the fact of being cucked and knowing it, if the viewers isn't even a character then it doesn't matter because he doesn't have any relationship to the girl.
Wrong on both accounts.
Read the Bible, dumb shitpostnigger
Isn't that the one with a daughter and mother duo who are both lactating titty monsters?
It was one of my first hentai,
Didn't she cuck her bf and got it in the ass?
Hmm? I'm not hearing any argument.
let your future wife be with a black bull then. It's okay so long as they don't acknowledge you right? kek.
Maybe that's why you faggots are being outbred by towelheads.
why did you specifically bring up black people?
really makes me think
Everyone is being outbred by third worlders BTW.
Here's your argument
i'll have you know i edit all ambiguously brown dudes out of any hentai i watch
keep in mind we are also being outdied by them
lol cuck watching people play sports instead of playing them yourself
lmao cuck watching people act instead of being an actor
why do all animated hentai need to delve into shit fetishes like monster girls, dick girls, NTR, extreme rape and mind break
The Chinese seem to be doing just fine you jew worshipping faggot.
not for long
*glug glug glug glug*
>Not only watching Lesbian and POV stuff
Because it's for the degenerates in society?
Just stick to still one-off images
Every time she goes catgirl mode I nut in three seconds
>Only gets fucked in the ass and makes fun of all the other dicks compared to her boyfriends
Not exactly cucked when he still ends up fucking her pussy and is the only one capable of making her cum
Chinese are second world
So is all hentai? But doujins have a wide variety of material, whereas 99% of hentai is ruined with wierd unfappable /d/ shit
I mean no one animating hentai has done anything even halfway decent since Mezzo Forte came out so who cares?
ass > pussy
>NTR shit
Get the fuck out
Sports and acting skill can be admired. Do you admire the man in the porn? New level of cuckoldry right here.
idk m8
i generally ignore porn with plot. if i'm trying to jerk off, i want it over in under 10 minutes so i can get back to life.
desu might just start using my imagination
You know why.
Porn and nudity in other countries doesn't have as big of a stigma as it does in America, that's why we're stuck with mostly producing basic shit while Japan and Germany (at one point in time) caters to the more advanced kinks.
>doesn't want monster girls or dick girls
>doesn't want rape or mind break either
Well what do you want user, hand holding?
>And if I watch lesbian porn?
Even worse, you're being cucked by someone without a dick. Also lesbian porn is objectively gay porn.
>Sports and acting skill can be admired.
sure why not
>it's fine if it can be admired
>this level of mental gymnastics
ok retard
don't post yuuka in this shit thread
I've been fapping to the same vanilla shit for over a decade and I love it, how do I reach the next level? I don't even feel the urge to look for more extreme stuff.
You sure proved me wrong by just quoting me.
>admiring a bunch of men running into each other
Fuckin yikes bro
At least there's a woman in the porn
I mean I'm not the queer that looks up to people who play pretend for a living.
>complains about zoomers
>fells for the old "blue wafffle"
>or acts ironically
Should I do another month of nofap, bros?
Did it back in January
you got a source bro?
masturbation increases your immune system to fight corona
no-fap november is why we're in this mess
that's exactly what an actor is though?
>monster girls
What the fuck are you, a turbo vanillacuck?
monstergirls hasn't been considered /d/ for one and a half decades
lesbian porn is literally r/MenWritingWomen tier garbage that only appeals to straight males. it's not realistic at all. no porn is.
In this quarantine? lol good luck
monster girls are hardly any better than furry/beast shit
What's worse, coomer thoughts or violent thoughts
You are delusional
Both are bad in their own way.
Neither as long as you distance them from reality
sounds like you're in denial about your shit fetish
No thank you.
how is this even a question?
why do people think sex is bad now?