Is it overrated?
Is it overrated?
No. If anything underrated.
no. the controls are literally A++. it's like it was made for speed-running.
Yes, shit outdated game. I tried it on an emulator but had no idea where to go and how to play. Its one of those boomer games where they tell you nothing and thats supposed to be "fun"
The only not so great thing about the controls is wall jumping otherwise I agree.
Only to those who started with Zoomer Mission.
Yea, I honestly thought it was a launch title but I replayed it on the mini and found out it came out real late into the SNES life-cycle. Ugly game, bad music and the GBA games did everything better but go unrecognized
The first 80% of the game is good but everything after ridley completely drops the ball.
I don't believe in things being overrated.
One of the very few games I could play for the rest of my life and not get bored
Definitely not. Holds up very well today, just like link to the past, probably even better. The atmosphere is top notch as well, music is amazing.
Shit like ocarina of time have aged worse though, it's very barren and ghosty.
Once you figure out that you have to hit the opposite direction before you hit jump it feels fine.
I always found it a lot easier to wall jump on the same wall not the opposite one.
Nope. One of the very few instances where the one of the first games in the Genre is also the best
It's one of the few games that's perfectly rated
my 2nd favorite game of all time
after 3rd strike
>the GBA games did everything better
I used to think that when I started and quit super a few times due to the floaty controls. Now going back to them they feel more stripped down and formulaic than 'tight'.
Sometimes there are games that got made and you just don't understand how it happened. This game is a fucking masterpiece.
Absolutely not. This was one of those SNES games I missed out on as a kid, but even playing it 15-20 years later it still holds up. This game is flawless IMO.
>This game is flawless IMO.
No. The difficulty curve falling off a cliff towards the and the grapple beam are two obvious ones.
Even if it were, it does nothing to diminish the value and quality of the game. Asking about overrated is irrelevant.
absolutely, the collision physics are bad like in most 2D Metroids and the movement is slightly janky, it's overrated but nowhere near as overrated as the 6/10 (without the Nintendo Bonus) BotW
>GBA games did everything better
nope, Fusion has better movement, but worse map and too much hold-handing
Post more samus
I want samus to shove me onto bed so she can hold me tightly as we sleep
that pretty neat looking there user
why is samus so cute
It's a shame the only 3d third person metroid was wasted on one that used the wiimote dpad as the primary input.
Careful you guys are going to attract ACfag here with all that fanart you're posting
let him come, as long as no one bites itll be fine
Samus Returns was great. Just playing it safe.
i want to run my hands across samus' muscles, feeling how firm they are
i prefer the bikini, but samus is still samus in the zs
>metroid thread
>no one talks about the game
>they just spam porn
>is it overrated
what do you think
if Yas Forumsincels couldn't COOM to it then no one here would ever mention it
>Is it overrated?
No but it was surclassed by other games in the years
most people who post in these threads have long since discussed the games merits, and not many new people come in and play the games
Just what the hell is Retro doing?
>Is it overrated?
Yes, the only real good Metroid game is Other M.
Yes, but that doesn't mean it isn't a great game.
Literally didn't even win GOTY, Final Fantasy VI did
yes you are right, can you please stop making these threads?
you won, now we can talk about more games that are not 25 year old?
so when do you guys think prime 4 is releasing. Im guessing early-mid 2022
for the dumb anons out there development had to restart last year
>making another prime
Creatively bankrupt.
No, Super Metroid is one of the best games of all time.