Break it down

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Pass is vee
Forgot about experimenting with Carmine jBB and just played ranked this weekend

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How did that go for you? I played some ranked recently and ran into frosty and got double perfected. enkidu 236BB is a good round start option for him I learned

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Frank posted a webm of him messing around against razerflash last time and I basically did the same in the mirror.
Would have made some webms but I'll save that for the end

>not wanting to play a fun duo character

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Are you all properly stocked for the weeks to come?

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Despite not liking uni's design style when I first started out, I can't say my opinion of CC's designs have changed.
But then again, I dislike Ban's style

>still can't play this on pc

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I hope this wave of PC players will be able to make lobbies for themselves instead of pussyfooting around and waiting for each other to make one instead.

Not in the slightest. Nearest WinCOs was swarmed with people and they had security guiding people in and out on a limited max occupancy for the store. Didn't even have anything left to buy despite going early


Mika's j.623A/B, j.AA is frustrating to land but damn if it isn't satisfying when it's successful. Being more than a few millimeters off the ground makes it not work and tkj.623x has completely different trajectory, but the damage and corner carry is really nice

Enkidu FF can beat Mika's EX missile? Good to know.

I keep forgetting that could be used as an AA. It registers as a low to me.
Mika Missile can be swatted out of the air by most things but she's generally fast enough to make it too difficult to rely on.

I should probably practice this jBB stuff before going live with experimentation

Right, I have to remember to pick Carmine against the up-back perennials

If it crashes this time I'll skip on ya Clawz so you don't lose a turn.

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>the secret to jBB > FF connecting was 1/3FF instead of just regular FF
I love it when new shit mesh together

I wish I could be a moving hitbox

It's really fun

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>that freeze frame each character of finger pointing before the crash
That was pretty awesome. Also, I'll skip 1 since I'm not a fan of people losing their place in line because of me potentially.

How many you got on right now?

Full room

Damn, I'll hold off until later.

Maybe I'll just stick to zoning
I'm too allergic to gorillas to try and outdo them in their own game

Anyone getting Chaos Code on the switch in a couple days? Albeit, they haven't implemented network mode but it's something to play locally assuming there's people to play with.

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How many merk mains play here? I just got the game and wondered if his 4c was comboable.

>they haven't implemented network mode

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I'm on board. It's pretty cheap and what I've played elsewhere I had fun with it. Would be also nice to help the devs out as I've read they're in a bad place right now.

Cuts and Clutch are the Merk mains around here, I don't play Merk but I'm sure I've seen Cuts combo off of it before.

Around 3 merk players

I've been implementing safer things and it feels good.

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Maybe it will come down the line. It's probably because it's short timed work and it's arc sys publishing this. They'll probably add online a bit later.
Yeah, Mickey is in deep shit. Might as well get the game while it is cheap.

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j236C132 wonky

>Assault happens
>Crouch anyway

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I'm a dipshit

You are able to combo with his 4c if close enough.

I think I saw that in a ranked match I played earlier today actually. It seems to have some pretty good hit stun.

Getting drowsy a little earlier than usual so I'll call it a night. ggs everyone

GGs lad. Have a good night!

Enkidu 4C?
If you get a CH off of that, you got fucking decades to follow up with something

Shouldn't have tried to practice OSes. One day I'll figure out how to fight Orie

ggs. Hopefully that was enough to knock the insomnia out of me.

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GGs m8. Good luck in your sleep efforts!



Gonna jump off after my next match

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GGs broski. Take care.

Vertical range isn't the only thing this 3C needs

Oh, is the flashkick no good against Lond FF or was I just timing it poorly? Maybe waiting for the second half would've been good there.

No, I just knew you weren't going to respect naything

Fair point, haha. It's pretty rare that I consciously choose to not mash out.

Anyone utilizing Akatsuki's a tatsu and j6c more frequently? Seems like the only thing that should be utilized besides b tatsu being a combo ender.

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Oh it's past 3
Just a bit more then

Would be nice if we had more regular Aka's to share their thoughts. I do like A Tatsu in combo though when I can get em' playing him every once in awhile.

Haven't gotten j.6C happening yet in a combo.

ggs guys


GGs lad. Til next time!

Thanks for the games everybody

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