Is Crysis still the pc benchmark 13 years later?
Is Crysis still the pc benchmark 13 years later?
No and it hasn't been in at least a decade.
I guess? It's an unoptimized and terrible game that needlessly uses resources without benefit. If your computer can handle that then it can handle anything else, aside from ray tracing.
Doesn't really matter because it looks worse compared to modern games. Even Resident Evil on consoles. I wouldn't brag too much. You could just use stress testers specifically designed for this.
Crysis 3 still looks great I guess even though the game is complete garbage
crisis ray tracing mod when?
the Cryengine looks good for foliage
one area where it still wins out is the destruction of trees and buildings. Leaving an area wrecked in the first game always felt good. Too bad it was inconsistent in some areas which buildings you could do that to, and Crisis 2/3 abandoned it outside of a few set pieces.
>new consoles still won't be able to run crysis at a real res and framerate
Someone post that tesselated road separator
Do people actually play Crysis or do they just record gameplay for "muh graphics"? These games that put so much of an emphasis on graphics just seem like glorified tech demos that only autists with too much money would find fun. Am I wrong?
the first game is pretty fun until the aliens appear
witcher 2/3
No. It was replaced by Crysis 3 in 2013.
I love that people missed out on 8 or 9/10 game because graphics were too good.
why aren't they dropping health after the glory kill?
It's a pretty good game and so is warhead. And to this day I still think crysis wars is the best Battlefield clone to have ever existed and better than most Battlefield titles.
It's the best I've ever seen for foliage.
warhead was pretty great
the part against the korean is the benchmark for hit scanner only fps. the part with the aliens is everything wrong with fps since half life
Was Crysis 2/3 really that bad?
>no ray tracing
what do you think?
the start of the game is fun, but yeah it wears itself thin very quickly and didn't need two more games
if you ever get the chance just play Warfighter first
Crysis still looks great to this day but I think Kingdom Come: Deliverance has got Crysis beat in the foliage department at this point. Interestingly enough, both games run on the CryEngine so I guess the CryEngine is really good at foliage.
yes it's console garbage
The only discussion that I see when Crysis is involved is MUH SPECS. Is there anything about the game besides PC dickwaving contests?
Yes it's really fun
there's no discussion about the game because no one was actually able to play it when it came out, so it has no legacy
my only recollection is that crysis was a glorified tech demo wrapper around far cry. they learned their lesson and made crysis warhead a proper game with better pacing and level design, set pieces, etc.
kcd was nuts. i had to step back things were getting a little too real
played the game stoned and would drink irl when drinking in game, it was like playing in 4k vr
The Germans are about perfection and high quality, this game is just a manifestation of that work ethic put into PC gaming. For years it was the gold standard for gaming graphics and even today it still looks a lot better than most games due to the effort put into it to make it look just good, gameplay be damned.
The brothers who founded Crytek basically arrived at E3 with no money and somehow found investors in the late 90s to fund their project which became Crysis.
i thought they were turks
You meant warhead, right?
exactly, germans
Sure but they adopted the German work ethic and culture and were born in Germany.
>These games that put so much of an emphasis on graphics just seem like glorified tech demos
that's because it quite literally is just that. They made the game to sell their game engine.
It's a very oldschool pc-game tactic, quake, half-life, unreal. All were made just to emphasize on what they were selling alongside. And it works, people play those games and buy those engines, mostly because the game is also fun.
Explosions in that game were so satisfying.
Crysis 3's AA is horrific really. It isn't so obvious in this image but actually playing the game it stands out.
It still runs poorly.
That webm looks an awful lot like Star Citizen dogfighting. What are the chances they straight-up copied this vehicle and then altered parameters and gave it a different skin?
Extremely high. now donate more money please
>Star Citizen
Holy shit, I forgot that this thing exists. Has it been completed?
>Has it been completed?
>Has it been completed?
Shut the fuck up
It is bad. I don't have to watch some nobody faggot playing a bad game to know a bad game is a bad game WHEN I FUCKING PLAYED THE BAD GAME.
>Still can't run Crysis
>CPU Benchmark
Dwarf Fortress or an Eve Online fleet battle of 4000+ ppl on grid.
>GFX card benchmark
literally any Unity game because apparently low-poly pastel-color facebook graphics require a fucking NASA super computer to produce.
Crysis was so good (until the aliens arrived). Shame 2 was a shitdump from the start
It stopped about a decade ago and has now come full circle and become a benchmark once more.
First half of the game is pretty fun, super non-linear.
>the falling leafs getting blown away
name a game that does this