Japan takes on western style games

>japan takes on western style games
>”wow I love soulsbourne“

>west takes on Japanese style games

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>unironically comparing games with actual effort put into them to sakura shit
kys yourself dumb ironic weeb

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all the people screaming "ironic weeb" do the bare minimum of fap to anime and watch seasonal pirated shows.

weeb is an insult and not a badge of honor so calling people "ironic weeb" as some kind of insult doesn't even make any sense

How's the gameplay in this one?

Are there any ecchi dungeon crawlers with decent gameplay?

i agree, the whole thing is retarded.

>neets that brag about consuming Japanese media exclusively as if it's something to be proud of are fucking retarded
This should be obvious to anyone after browsing Yas Forums for 5 minutes.

>Japan makes a game with fan service in mind.
>Mechanically sound.
>Well done art.
>A little bit of autism in the numbers.
>Plenty of Tiddies and Assets.
>Overall good product.

>West tries to make a fan service game.
>Just a VN with "make choice that doesn't matter."
>Art is all random commissions from deviant art/college dorm.
>No mechanics to speak of.
>Art is mostly geared towards a particular niche fetish.
>Overall bad product.

Guess which one is stinking up the steam store?

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The ironic weebs call themselves weebs and think it's cool. I can't insult them by calling them actual weebs because actual weebs put it far more effort into their interests and hobby than these pieces of normalfag trash. Also western takes on japanese shit is always done in an insincere way instead of any genuine attempt to explore the style in question.

>actual weebs put it far more effort into their interests and hobby
such as?

Learning more japanese words than just waifu or yare yare.

How are Souls games a take on western style games? The west certainly doesn't have a monopoly on knights and fantasy and shit considering JRPGs have been doing that shit forever. The combat is all Japan too.

Is there anything more cancerous than this generation of ironic weebs?

Imagine basing an entire genre around people pretending to enjoy something. We've gone past "fake gamer girls" now we're stuck with self proclaimed fake anime fans.

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desu 99% of anime adaptations are lazily written, sloppily animated piles of hot garbage turfed out to make a quick buck off of low-iq brainlets who can't appreicate the superior source material because the pictures don't move.

If you exclusively watch anime (and especially if you only watch popular ecchi comedy shows) you're no better than zoomer who claim to be ironic weebs to justify their weird hentai obession.

That would probably exclude most of Yas Forums then unless "desu", "nani" and "baka" is something significant.

Sakurashit is not only trash but garbage as well.

Here's some free VNs if anyone wants

All of those have significance to Yas Forums history and culture. Especially desu.

>unless "desu" is something significant
begone newfag

yea but we're talking about what makes someone a true weeb not a Yas Forums poster.

"Ironic weeb" is an absolute buzzword. Weebs are faggots on an universal scale.
The fact of the matter is that 80% of all weebs do have homosexual tendencies, lowkey partake in ERP, have autogynephilia and experience feelings of dysphoria, all thanks to the feminizing influence of moeshit anime.

Honestly, how are the sakura- titles? Are they really bottom of the barrel shit like some people seem to imply, or is it just another case where the average Yas Forumsirgin claims they like PSX and SNES rpgs and then get walled by simple 4th/5th gen rpg mechanics.

>"Ironic weeb" is an absolute buzzword

an apt description is not a buzzword

Moero Chronicles, Dungeon Travelers, Demon Gaze, etc.

Having an actual interest in the medium as oppose to knowing surface level memes simply to bandwagon for attention.

Wow thanks user! I heard SeaBed is really good

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Does anyone here actually know what weeb even means?

i do, but do you?

I actually kinda like the Sakura games. Sure they're ergoe trash, but the girls look cute, they do slutty things and the games are paced as such breakneck speeds that you get to the good parts fast and it's all over before it gets dull.

What exactly is everyone's problem with these games?

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>japan does something good
>"wow i love this shit"

>west does something bad
>"wow i hate this shit"


For me its always been people who suck Japan's dick above all else and wish they lived in Japan. everything from the west is generally inferior everything from japan is generally superior.

I like them unironically, and this is a steal


yeah, I'm seeing people in the thread claim it just means "I know more nip than 2 words"

That's effectively the definition.
The "baka gaijin" people.

Weeb was never something that was "lost" it was effectively the nigger-word for anime obsessive fans.

don't forget hes implying Yas Forums is one person.

i really dont know. I would say otaku but japanese people even categorized the type of otakus from bearable to intolerable. I would assume the latter

Is crunchy roll the worst thing to happen to anime?

how do you gauge whether someone has actual interest in anime based on a few post you see them make on the internet or what games/shows they like. some dragon ball spic could be every bit interested in anime but he just likes shows similar to dragon ball.

That's literally how it is though. Westerners interested in Japan get caught in the autistic anime filter 99.9% of the time and never leave. When the Japanese look back at us there isn't anything to grab them like that, especially since Hollywood has been utter trash for nearly 20 years, so they can actually be adults about things.

I don't know. Ive never payed for anime before

But that's true, any "Western take on Japanese games" are just trash VNs targeted at ironic weebs, and if you can't see that then you're one of the ironic weebs that they're aimed at. The same goes for Chinese gacha garbage like Azur Lane and Arknights, they're targeted at the "lol I'm such a weeb haha" crowd who seem to think liking Western and Chinese trash makes you a weeb if it's "anime style".

That's the actual meaning but now it is used to describe anything remotely asian.

can japanese be ironic weeb? not all japanese have unified opinion on such culture

For all the retarded new fags.

weebs: People that want to live in sword online and want to move to japan

non-weebs: People that enjoy japanese culture

Ironic weebs: An in joke where they mock weebs by pretending to like naruto in 2015 and that katanas are the strongest steel known to man

Ironic non-weebs: Normie fags that think liking anime on social media will get them in trouble, so they pretend to do it ironically. Typically use cropped porn avatars and talk about 'Muh waifu". Will over react to fan service and post jojokes.

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>western style games

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And you're calling other people new? Lurk for two more years before posting again.

Gets someone everytime.

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Jokes on you. i say "normalfag" but came to Yas Forums in 2019.

>Yas Forums bitching about irony

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yomi is best girl

enjoying something ironicaly is zoomer shit.

General low quality but it's not like most people pay for erogre anyway so I personally think that shit works for a quick read.

This is true. Weebs are easily the most obnoxious category of people I come across on the internet.

It's not really apt.

Do weebs even exist anymore?

It's annoying that you can't hate bad games like Hyperdimension Neptunia, Senran Kagura or whatever other trash "ecchi" games being pumped out en masse because you're an "SJW" otherwise. Doesn't matter if you hate how the softcore porn is to disguise the game's poor gameplay/story/everything and not the softcore porn itself.

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You're posting on a weeb website.

Hi li

Just play the softcore porn that isnt garbage to get a good argument against the bad ones.

if you think this site is weeb you're retarded.

>reddit post
>katawa shoujo image
checks out

I never said I did.

>Just play the softcore porn that isnt garbage
Now that's an oxymoron. The closest I can find it Xenoblade Chronicles 2 but even then, it's only passable.

why does everyone bitch about ironic weebs
weebs in general are just a plague. God damn sub human pedos can't get enough of their shitty cartoons and women who sound like they are 8 years old.

>Hating on the term "normie" to try and show how much of a non-"normie" you are
Normie has been around since 1997 and just because facebook and twitch kiddies hijacked it doesn't mean I'll stop using it

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None of that is true though

Isn't that all of Yas Forums?

Yes, they're just slyer about it now. The "Ken-sama going to go to Japan and master the katana" types have been near totally bullied out of existence by the internet, but the impulse and core adoration is still there. Hence the rise of the ironic weebs. The straightforward earnestness has been replaced with a clusterfuck of mental gymnastics and insufferable cuntishness.