It's incredible to me that people can see games like dragon's crown...

It's incredible to me that people can see games like dragon's crown, where a woman's boobs are flying all over the fucking place, and go "yeah, what's the problem?" To me it just looks ridiculous. And painful. And yeah, maybe I should be progressive enough to really care about it because of the messages that it sends, etc etc. But I guess I'm selfish, because really, I find it hard to get into a number of games these days because the fanservice has gotten so extreme.

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Shut up fag

How's dragon's crown on Vita?

fpbp /thread

Those pits need to be censored, too dangerous.

Then don't fucking play it, faggot. Not everything revolves around you and your shitty tastes.

>and go "yeah, what's the problem?
The real problem is that vanillaware really loves detailed backgrounds, that use similar color palettes to the player characters. meaning between the backgrounds and foreground particle effects it can be a right clusterfuck seeing exactly what you are doing when the body count on screen fills up.

The pirate fight where you summon the djinn was frustrating doing co-op.

Damn nigga you couldn't keep your complaints about an old ass game in the thread could you?

I don't care. Just don't fucking buy it and stop trying to change shit. Only give your money to games that cater to you and then leave the REST alone. Always vote with your wallet. Not your whiny mouth.

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I like it, it's worse than Odin sphere but better than muramasa imo

Mariah Carrey and Gianna Michaels lug those things around just fine, STFU fag. also she's literally fuckin magic, for all you know she's an ugly hook nosed new witch using glamor magic to lure retard men in

It’s fags like you that got Tifa ruined. Burn in hell you fucking pussy.

Imagine looking at a sexy curvaceous lady like Sorceress and thinking "yeah this is wrong", faggot.

Good thing fags are going to hell then

Why don't we booob the gay away from this poor faggot instead of arguing with him?

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tits too small

Did you step into some kind of time warp to 10 years ago or something? What fucking fan service? It’s at an all time low thanks to whiny PC bitches like yourself, so kindly take your pissing and moaning and jump feet-first into a wood chipper. Thanks pumpkin.

just don’t play it nigga
but we know this is bait and you’re falseflagging, nice try tho

I love big fat huge milkers.

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Why do we have this thread every day? It's always the same starter, same responses calling OP a fag(which he is, btw) and then some descending argument. Nothing ever changes

What are you gay?

What's this sluts name? Trying to find porn of her


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AAAAAAAAAA i'm calling the ethics department!

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I have this crazy suspicion that OP just wants people to post lewd pics.

>women: *exist*
>sjws: wait that's illegal
really makes you think

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Her class in dragons crown is sorceress, but her name and where you find the most porn is Falconhoof

>posts 2d drawing

I only have it on vita and love it.
One of my all time favourite games to just chill out and do a few dungeons on endless. Love the food porn and cooking minigame.

you're right the drawing doesn't exist

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Top reverse shill. I will now buy your game.

>noooo that's unrealistic!

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So, why do we continue having this discussion? Saying that video games cause men to objectify women is like saying violent video games make people violent. Oh wait, there are still retards who believe that

but user that's just a video it doesn't exist

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but what about the back pain!?

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And her face is gorgeous too. Just wow.

I'ts a price i'm willing to pay user

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There is quite literally nothing you could hang on that museum's wall that would make you look at it instead of her chest.

I don't have large breasts and I still have back pain. Bitches complaining about back pain are weak.

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My sister is mega busty and she always chose the sorceress. And I chose the dwarf and she kept making jokes about dick size throughout the entire fucking game (that we always stopped playing when the levels started repeating).

>I find it hard to get into a number of games these days because the fanservice has gotten so extreme.
do people actually believe this? the no fun brigade has been working overtime to remove all fan service from AA and AAA games

my back hurts just looking at this...

We're not responsible for your shitty taste in games.

You ever stick it in her?

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do people really think pretending to be prudes will make women like them?

Yes, simps really do exist.

No, because I'm younger and at the time too naive to understand how perverted she was. She kept grabbing my dick over my pants all the time, however, and I thought it was just that kind of game that older sisters play to annoy younger brothers.
She once downloaded a pirated version of Playboy Mansion where the girls were all naked, but we never had the opportunity to play together. I'm sure she would have abused me if we had played that game, because it had a nude photo section that was kind of sexy.

Fanservice is less these days than it was 10 years ago you pussy ass.

Damn i wish i had that sister


shame. i'd still fuck my sister if i could.


>I find it hard to get into a number of games these days because the fanservice has gotten so extreme.

AFAIK you can just play as other characters, you don't even have to put up seeing the Sorceress in action.

>I find it hard to get into a number of games these days because the fanservice has gotten so extreme.
Fan service is at an all-time low, you fucking faggot.
Nothing in the last 10 years compares to Soul Calibur IV Ivy.

>Wuh...wuh...WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! I don't like big meaty breasts in entertainment media!!! And because I don't then YOU SHOULDN'T EITHER!!!!!
1. The game is obviously not meant for you.
2. Fuck off, pedophile.

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Is Sorceress even fanservice though? Big titties were always a symbol of fertility and vigor since ancient times. As a necromancer bestowing life to creatures I can think of no better quality to have.
I consider Elf fanservice however. Flat drives me wild.

You tell 'em, boss!

Pro tip: Most guys are willing to give their woman back rubs if her tits are making her back ache. It's just an excuse to straddle her while rubbing/groping all around her bare back and sides. Which leads to ass groping and, when she turns over, even more fun groping.
Or the guys just sliding their hands between her tits and the bed sheets while poking her butt crack and other, more fun areas.

there is a thing called artistic liberty
if piccaso can draw cubed boos so can game dev make flying ones

>She's a porn actress
Kind of ruins the aesthetic for me, honestly.

so you're worried about the sorceress having large tits that are still smaller than many actual women have in the real world but not worried about the knight's stick legs?

fpbp fuck off baito op

Nigga who cares? hahahaha
Just enjoy the tiddies.

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Don't shitpost with pictures of my mom you faggot

the japs don't care about your schizo bugman whining... although on the other hand you are redpilled about women needing to be covered up and kept out of sight. The more civilized a society is the less visible wombmen are