Do you have what it takes to contribute to the Garyc thread?

Do you have what it takes to contribute to the Garyc thread?

Attached: getIMG (36)c.png (800x600, 19.7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder to use NUMBER) to get the image without giving it the JPEG crust.

Attached: BRUH.png (1187x945, 23.22K)

>Posting porn in a blue board
What were you guys thinking?

why'd mods delete the last thread

>What were you guys thinking?
The real question is "HOW were you guys thinking?" and the answer is "With our dicks"

Not sure, if there were offending posts, they really should just delete them.

Attached: getIMG (6).png (800x600, 8.43K)

what is happening in the OP pic? what is that skin-tone part to the right of her sweater? it can't be her left arm. don't think that part was supposed to be colored in

Either it was the nudes,or they decided that this was not VIDEO GAMES.
Who knows.

Wait a second! I recognize those ballistics!

Colorfag here, I thought it was her arm pushing into her breasts, cause the shape there doesn't make sense otherwise.
Don't read too much into it, things that were never intended to get color often have things like that/

Here's that part with the sweater color, looks like it might be the intended effect?

Attached: getIMG (36)cc.png (800x600, 19.3K)

pretty sure that part's just not supposed to be colored, and the bit in the lower right corner is the forearm

Well, whatever is supposed to be, take your pick.

Attached: getIMG (36)ccc.png (800x600, 19.39K)

No way, fag

Attached: getIMG (39)c.png (800x600, 23.35K)

Attached: sketch(579).jpg (800x600, 58.12K)

These are pretty cute

Attached: sketch(603).jpg (800x600, 61.04K)

thank you cutie

Attached: sketch2.jpg (800x600, 35.48K)

Iris i hate you so much.

Attached: sketch(604).jpg (800x600, 16.43K)


Attached: sketch(1).jpg (800x600, 33.75K)

I'll post more detailed pics! Just with a mouse though, tablet doesn't work for some reason

how do you guys draw such straight and well ploted lines? I always just chicken scratch my way into an ok circle.

pro tip: drawing porn makes mariel go away
furry porn is more effective

Attached: 1583330920991.jpg (800x600, 45.47K)

Attached: sketch(10).png (800x600, 68.02K)

Add ketchup.

Steady hands first and foremost.

Here to tell you guys that Marielx has no problem with pedophilia.
Tell him to fuck off when you see him!

Attached: marielx casually shrugs off child porn.png (1344x486, 43.13K)

damn guess i will never make it.

What's going on ITT?

Attached: 1579639053583.jpg (585x800, 85.58K)

Or you can just ignore the avatarfags

That does nothing, he'll just smugly say "no u" or ignore you. You gotta say something about his whore sister or dead aunt. Sis doesn't even know who the father of her baby is!

literally this, giving them attention only makes them post more

We swap drawings with strangers, OP should've put that in the OP

Where did you get these cute Midnas? I don't remember them recently

Attached: 1584930753879.png (800x600, 59.48K)

Oh hey, speaking of that, how did you know about the whore?

It's been said here and on garyc a bunch of times. I know about the aunt because he drew a sad maid saying "brb aunt died." Dude suffers a major loss and his first instinct is to avatarfag in a place that doesn't accept him.

knowing the dumbass, probably just admitted to it.
much like admitting to finding loli agreeable so long as it doesn't have fat tits.

She looks like she fucks green anonymous males

Attached: 01-06-21-getIMG.png (800x600, 19.45K)

Snow > Sleeper > Luna > Rella

Attached: 6673992.png (800x600, 20.95K)

This is the second story, someone else compiled the first story already.
> GaryC is for Reset

Attached: OKITEEE.png (800x600, 55.38K)

Please tell me someone has been saving all of may friend's art

Attached: may.jpg (800x600, 85.93K)

Are you still hurting about Kemono friends S2?

Yas Forums's archive up to pic 6673000

Attached: 6674021.png (800x600, 11.54K)

Attached: kemono3.png (798x598, 75.17K)

how do you fuckers draw so well with a mouse

$1000 tablets

mine was $65

Keep dreaming Tanoshii dreams.
It still hurts

Attached: sketch(1034).jpg (800x600, 51.99K)

I go really slow. For finer details, I use Ctrl and + to zoom in.

just do it

Years of practice.

Attached: 6673984.png (800x600, 13.75K)

I just keep undoing repeatedly until I get a line I like, then repeat. Mine aren't particularly amazing, though, if you want amazing shit you're pretty much gonna need a tablet of some sort .

Attached: sketch.jpg (800x600, 83.44K)

Yeah, I'm gonna need more of that Assriel

I've never been attracted to Sandy Cheeks, but godDAMN

Attached: 1553988408449.jpg (640x480, 22.87K)

goatboy is not for lewd

why is the paper bee making non vidya threads

Time to take a pis

Attached: what the hell are you doing 1.png (798x598, 59.52K)

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Attached: what the hell are you doing 3.png (798x598, 83.93K)

Attached: what the hell are you doing 4.png (798x598, 115.76K)

For her collection

Attached: sketch (2).jpg (800x600, 55.17K)

who keeps drawing dicks


no one played her game, tell her to stop

this pic needs an update

Attached: marielx.png (1992x3088, 2.36M)

I-i played her game...
It was fun, no really.