Why doesn't Crash attract as much autism as Sonic does? They both went through similar downfalls

Why doesn't Crash attract as much autism as Sonic does? They both went through similar downfalls.

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he's orange

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Sonic came before Crash and Crash is ugly and uncool. Stinky fucker.

Less popular
Tony the tiger probably has more autists following his twitter telling him to choke them

Furry porn?

Crash isn't as kino you fucking idiot. Also stop posting the same thread over and over.

Crash wasn't pushed nearly as much as Sonic was. Sonic had comics, cartoons, and a shitload of merchandise outside of the video games. So chances were most people were exposed to him in some way as a young child which gave more time for an attachment to form. Meanwhile if you didn't have a PS1 growing up you probably wouldn't have even known or cared that Crash existed.

I've seen this thread 5 times already, starting to think Yas Forums attracts more autism than Sonic desu

he likes shadow more

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Sonic keeps trying to take itself seriously more often than not which attracts copious amounts of autism. Then you have people debating over if Classic is better or modern, or which comic series is better or which cartoon is better. Crash is a product thats endearing to all hes literally a Tex Avery inspired loveable oaf.

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Crash literally was dead for almost 10 years since his last before the remake while Sonic haven't.

>posts the same thing for the 100 times
>Yas Forums is supposed to believe OP isn't autistic

sonic is advertised as being cool while crash is a canon retard
sonic has a cast of characters with specific rules on color, specie, personality etc that made it so easy to inspire "original characters"
sonic also has anime elements and crash is like spongebob in comparison


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Lemme see
>Mickey Mouse cutesty or 90s WB toony?
>2000s Shounen storytelling
>Worldbuilding that implies that a lot can happen, like a sandbox
>Alternate universes have existed in Sonic's games ever since Sega allowed DiC and archie comics to experiment with the character
>There are cute characters and edgy characters
>Dragon Ball inspirations
>Sonic's more attractive

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He's not blue.
That's the literal only reason.

Because Crash isn't as popular. Simple as that.

Crash is more overtly and slapstick cartoony. It never had the air of "coolness" that early Sonic used to set itself apart from Mario,and it didn't go through a period where the games and stories took themselves (arguably) too seriously the way Sonic did.

show me a well drawn well Rendered image of Crash bandicoot stabbing tiny because Crash is infected with something

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>They both went through similar downfalls.
Fuck no. Crash was flopping so hard that it had to take a 9 (NINE) year hiatus with no fucking games to speak of, only to come back with remakes of the only games people care about. Anyway, the main reason the Crash fanbase isn't as autistic is because, unlike with Sonic, the games don't have a million gameplay styles and shitty characters that fracture the fanbase.

wait, you all forgot about crash retold?

Nobody cares about Crash

Maybe if Crash of the Titans and Mind Over Mutants didn't flop that would have happened. If the franchise had started with something like these games the crash's and the sonic fandom's venn diagram would be a circle.

More like Crash Rebold fuck you

He was too good for this world

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Why doesn't autism attract as much Crash as Sonic does

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he had jet packs

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Sonic had a few comebacks, Crash never really had that.

Do you think this youtu.be/1t_4YclrGqM
Would attract as much furry autism as this? youtu.be/mqHxGoFERZw

I love that Animaniacs inspired unused intro they had for Crash 1. If only it spawned a Crash series.

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Crash ended on a high note with Crash Team Racing on PS1.

>Crash ended on PS1
Huh, user...

sonic isn't allowed to be goofy by sega, so actual autists take him seriously. the god awful comics also don't help

meanwhile, crash is practically a punching bag, there's no pretensions that go beyond being a cartoon character for kids


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Crash isn't Japanese so he didn't attract as many weebs. Sonic also had regular games that were occasionally good while Crash had little more than shovelware spin-offs for several years.

Sonic's characters have a clear termplate which encourages original fanmade characters and their stories tend to be more serious, very shounen inspired. Crash characters are varied and the tone is heavily inspired by Looney Tunes.

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This. Fracturing your franchise will always lead to autism. Look at pokemon and all the various iterations. And that fandom rivals the Sonic one on the spectrum.

>sonic isn't allowed to be goofy by sega
I dunno man, the past decade says otherwise

Compensation for the previous period(s) of its history, the one that attracted all the autists. It was too late by then.

By the time they started self-deprecating the character, there were strings of games that took him seriously, which clashed with part of the fandom's interest, which also clashed the other part of the fandom that wanted a simpler premise.

Good point

That's cringe tho

>that little jeep wasn't a CTR cart
disappointed severely

I like Sonic and Knuckles 3 but I LOVE Crash 2 and 3 as well as CTR especially their remakes. Both have their merits

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Crash stayed on the down low during the autistic deviantart era of the 2000’s, and then sprung back up when the coast was nearly clear.

Crash was late to the party

Sonic's eyes looks perfect in this, the right amount of green

Crash is a Warner Bros. cartoon and even the bad Crash Bandicoot games embraced a feel that was cartoonish and didn’t take itself too seriously, whereas Sonic over time became a furry soap opera for a while in multiple forms of media. I mostly blame Ken Penders and Sonic Team Japan.

They both have great evil scientists though. Cortex and Robotnik are both top tier.

>Crash is a Warner Bros. cartoon
Huh, I never really thought about it like that.

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After the success of N.Sane Trilogy and CTR Remake do you think they will finally make a new game?


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Something that really puts it into perspective is the first link posted in It shows unused intro and ending cutscenes animated by Universal with Jim Cummings singing a very 90s cartoon theme song over the intro.

Unless Activision suddenly stopped liking money, we should be greenlit

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The comics are mostly to blame for the massive autism

Because Crash is a simple Looney Tunes cartoon and Sonic tried way too hard to be hip and cool with these weird edgy storylines.

Crash's supporting cast is also far more goofy and the stories are never taken very seriously. The darkest thing the series probably has is Cortex took Nina's hands because she thought she was growing too soft, but even that is buried pretty far down to where nobody except huge Crash fans are going to know about it.

Crash didn't have 30 different mediums to get introduced through like Sonic.
Sonic's got four separate cartoons, two or three comics, two movies and all the different gameplay styles.
Crash only had his platformers, Bash and the mutant games.

Coco looks really cute in a dress even if her eyes aren't green like they should be

He's too 90's warner bros.


Fuck the hell off. Crash is a sexy motherfucker.

That's his point

I hope so. CTR's gotten boring and I've been waiting over 10 years or a new platformer.

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Crash has better waifus overall.
Every bandibabe is a treasure. All Sonic has is bat tits and rabbit milf, and SEGA is ashamed to even use them all that often anymore, especially the latter of the two.