GameStop "essential business" Damage Control


>pic related wont even apply if your city/state is on lockdown

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i know you saw the other gamestop thread hit bump limit and you want those (You)'s too but the image says you can still get your games

>unemployment rate skyrocketing, far past Obama's low and soon to pass the Great Depressions
>government unable to pass a bill to help Americans because they keep trying to make sure less Americans get less money
>murders and looting already starting to happen
>stores are not getting restock, empty shelves now collecting dust
>more and more grocery employees and truck drivers just not showing up, not even calling out sick


What are some companies more retarded than Gamestop right now?
>muh wife had a vision from god so everyone go to work also no sick pay

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gamestop isn't alone in this though

a lot of small business will literally up and vanish if they close up, so they might as well try kicking and screaming as they get put down.

Dafuq you say, user? This is genius. "Go to work anyway, even in defiance of the worldly government's ordinances. After all, you're doing God's work, and God will protect His own." *crosses fingers and rubs hands*

almost like that's the real target and not some bullshit virus

Yup, the virus was engineered to eradicate us gaymers. Gamestop is just the first victim.

i was referring to small businesses in general, not gamestop

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This is why capitalism is a failure and shit

>Literally putting workers health at risk for money

Communism is a failed system
National Socialism is a failed system
Democracy is a failed system
Capitalism is a failed system

We need a new system.

>another episode of China conning the entire world by pretending some fake virus exists


Hobby Lobby has always been retarded.

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>Capitalism is a failed system

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>National Socialism is a failed system
says fuckin who

glad to know even if world war 3 kicks off i can still get craft supplies

Getting a better job IS the new system.

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So they lose a war that means the ideology fails? Better throw out any idea that's ever existed then.

>Literally putting workers health at risk for money
They know what they're doing. If they don't want to work, nobody is going to force them to. It's capitalism, not socialism.

based and reddit(you)fagspilled.

lol fuck. I actually worked at mcdonalds during this and went outside with all my co workers for this. my gm was extremely based and fun to work with

I sorta get it, big business like Walmart is mopping up right now as everyone else gets fucked

Who’s going to buy things if nobody is working then?

no one cares about your life or your mcdonalds experience, faggot.

wtf is this true?

no one. I hope the retarded panic of memetic coronavirus makes the current western civilization collapse so hard that the bug-men will take over and finally make what the globalists always wanted: an united chinese confederacy.

oh no who hurt you sweetie???

I'm just stating the obvious: no one cares about your life or your mcdonald's experience, faggot.

Why is US job/healthcare system so fucked up ? Why won't their job contracts factor in already paid leave and sick leave and proper monthly salary ?

No one cares about your opinions either.


Money's gotta come from somewhere and if customers aren't buying then the business isn't making money. If you don't want to work during Corona them you're not gonna get paid either.

that's a lot of words just to say "we're not doing shit so you better come into work tomorrow wagie"

>National Socialism is a failed system
Wrong, it's literally the best economic system

>Who’s going to buy things if nobody is working then?
If a store is open, they are not going to lack for people willing to work, user.

I care

no one cares about your samefagging caring or your mcdonalds experience, samefaggot.

If they are jobs that can't be performed by any asshole that walks in off the street, they have those things.

>The Twitter furor comes on the heels of a recent investigation that discovered pieces of the Dead Sea Scrolls featured at the Museum of the Bible – an organization that is majority funded by Hobby Lobby and the Green family — were fake. In 2018, the museum and Hobby Lobby also found itself at the center of controversy for smuggling 4,000 ancient artifacts from Iraq without authorization.
Damn Hobby Lobby is deeper than I thought

Oops, meant if they are not those jobs. The more effort it requires to do what you do, the better youa re treated.

Was he a man? Because only guys do this kind of stuff.

>murders and looting already starting to happen
I just want Tyrone and Jamal to savagely murder a couple of old white people at a convenience store robbery so the race wars can start, is that too much to ask?

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I bought a cast iron pan, canned bacon and an AK just so I can lure niggers in with the smell of pork and then shoot them during the inevitable collapse.

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>Amazon delaying all non essential items until after April 21st

Hope you didn't preorder any games, anons

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Yeah no shit that's everywhere. But not even fucking caveman society has companies pay employees only for their working days.

>muh wife had a vision from god so everyone go to work also no sick pay
>Making fun of someone's faith
Fedora much?

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Did you get your economics degree at McDonald’s University you fucktard?

>Ordered car parts because I need to pass emissions inspection this month

>Dude lol Amazon can't give you those parts they're not essential for you! Enjoy failing emmisions!

Fuck Amazon I pay prime for THIS?

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Yeah. We all really only work 24 hours a year.

>Pre-ordering games
You deserve it

Evangelicals are a menace to America and our constitution.

This. Target, Walmart, even Best Buy all get to stay open claiming the "muh essentals" excuse even though they will inevitably sell vidya to customers in the interim. Gamestop meanwhile has to lockup with no recourse. It's literally unfair.

Amazon still has Persona 5 royal coming in on Mar 31st for me. However the copy of Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth is pushed back till April 21st.

There's obviously tiers of priority going on here.

Not every war was an ideological war. That being said, the entire 20th century was one massive ideological conflict.

Auto shops are considered essential and are open, just do it in person

>managed to order an Animal Crossing Switch through Amazon Fresh
I've already won

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Pre-orders will be honored though. If it's paid off, the employee can finalize it and hand you the game no problem. If you have a standing balance you buy a gift card on the site for your balance and read the pin number to the employee, then it gets finalized and you get the game.

How long until they start making human sacrifices?

I bet you didnt knew Hobby Lobby was a major shareholder of Blackwater, the mercenary company that worked in Iraq and smuggled all those artifacts

Auto shops are making me pay 3x the price for the part I need. It's bullshit.

>government won't let me get guns
>worried Canada is going to collapse
>can't even get games now
I guess I'll keep playing animal crossing until tyrone decides to break in.