VR isn't the future of games, it is the future, period

It's so tiring reading all these Yas Forumsirgins denouncing vr because they're either
>too poor to afford a headset
>too poor to afford a pc good enough for it
>console retards, likely snoy fags who got psvr and got their tum tums upset
what gabe newell said about being closer to the matrix, he wasn't wrong, but he wasn't right, there is no real way to directly interface with computers to the degree we would need to convince ourselves that we occupy the digital space and have it be real to our minds, but it isn't necessary. I was driving with my brother and I was listening to news radio, and someone said something particularly shocking on the broadcast
>"vr is the greatest invention and innovation in human history since the wheel"
for a moment I too doubted,
>how is a display strapped to your face with waggle remotes as important as the wheel?
then it's use cases began to flood to me
>the cockpit rigs used to train pilots would only become more immersive, no longer needing it to be specifically built for the model you are flying, only approximate panels with the rest duplicated in vr
>high risk job can be and will be simulated so we can be acclimated to the risks and carry out the job effectively.
even in the future if data transmission rates somehow manage to get better
>a bipedal robot with a near instant response time to your inputs, safely traversing the surface of mars
>at the bottom of the ocean
games are too limited, but they're a footnote in vr history, it doesn't begin with half life: alyx, it began years ago, in 10 years, we will have a hand in its progression, as society wasn't built by a few chads, it was built on the backs of wage slaves, we will have the tools, and creativity, and initiative to create the world's we occupy in vr. So in closing, sony fans are the biggest fags on earth, and the vr road map is ambitious and will factually, carry humanity forward

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What does NeoTokyo have to do with VR?

games where you fuck giant creatures?

OP is a fag and probably doesn't know shit about NeoTokyo. He probably just saw le epic vr-goggle-shaped visor, deemed it "futuristic-looking", then chose it as his OP like a quadruple mongoloid.

>He doesn't know
Why aren't there flying cars yet retard kun

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Gay thread

Go fuck yourself, faggot. I could give two shits about the fucking cost. I refuse to play ten hour long games and strap screens so close to my freaking eyes.

NeoTokyo was pretty lame, I preferred Dystopia by a mile
Valve's going to get hammered until they release Source 2 SDK

Can you use it a long time? Can you read small text in it?
If I can’t program in it comfortably then what’s the point?

flailing arms funny glasses man

>Games are to limited so lets destroy every genre for immersive movie games am I rite?
Is the other way around retard.
Look at how many sacrifices half life alyx does just to get the game up and running

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I miss Neotokyo. I heard they were making a singleplayer spinoff is that true?

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>what is iteritave technology?
All of the with vr are already being addressed and will get better within the next 5 years alone, retard kun

This. Name a single vidya genre that's been perfected

>I is being addressed though
Yet were gonna be here with the same old shit retard kun

Not games as we would call them, I seen googles vr painter, and it was marvelous, what it could mean for sculpting 3d models, even animation would improve with little know how by neets
>sculpt or download your waifu
>implement your own animations as they are full scale models in 3d space, right down to the wrinkles or pores on top of community made presets
the interface as to fucking them would be tricky but doable, there are broadband based fleshlights that accuate on input/output

>what it could mean for sculpting 3d models
Oculus Medium got picked up by Adobe recently didn't it?
VR has also been used for cheap mocap solutions too

>the cockpit rigs used to train pilots would only become more immersive, no longer needing it to be specifically built for the model you are flying, only approximate panels with the rest duplicated in vr
Kek, the FAA is going to have a good laugh at this one

What same old shit, we have oled screens at 5 inches with 4k at 120hz, just because you are dumb to see progress, doesn't mean the people who do are as retarded as you.

Yes user tech for tv's and cars will advance but nothing like flying cars.

Same is happening with monitors like these

I only mentioned alyx as a means of stating that vr just doesn't start there, I'm not bigging up the game nor impressed with it honestly other than it being an entry into half life lore as a whole. When I said that games are too limited for vr, I misspoke, vr as a whole will eclipse what we know of games and become experiences.

>equating vr to flying cars
you are completely retarded, flying cars can be done now, but having cars the size of personal helicopters and as loud as boeings isn't optimal. plus how are you going to regulate the populace or get them acclimated to it? when 9/11-pearl harbor can happen daily as suicidal retards are flying into shit, use your fucking brain.

Why, it's true, believe it or not the barrier of entry would evaporate on many fields
You don't have experience driving a rock truck? Simulate it vr, cop, firefighter, pilots, mechanics, everything can be done now in vr, who knows how much it will advance in 10 years time.

>B but we can have flying cars now!
Because it isn't convenient retard.
Neither is wearing a headset and doing it 24/7 which would be tedious.

>components are shrinking to the millimeters, as are display sizes
and that is why you are retarded, because you think it's always going to be just a headset. you are so retarded, that if we were back in rotary phones, and I told you you that phones would fit in your pocket.
>how can a phone fit in your pocket where is the rotary dial going to be?
you stupid fucking faggot.

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Nice false equivalence you got there faggot.
Not going to wear something that cuts me off of my real surroundings 24/7

No one said 24/7 you retard, and don't be a hypocrite, you have to exaggerate the worst scenario which will, and is being dealt with
>the fact that it is the size of a toaster stapled to your face
as though it will carry forward into the future, the more you speak, the further you are digging into a foxhole of retardation and making it your home.

>Everything I say is literal
Imagine being this retarded.

i sure fucking hope so.

>no argument
Keep digging dummy

You didn't make an argument nigger you took 24/7 of what I said as literal.
>and is being dealt with
Oh you mean the same fags that are still developing it have said they have no idea how to tackle some of the legit problems vr has?

>a bipedal robot with a near instant response time to your inputs, safely traversing the surface of mars
That'll need FTL communication, light speed to mars gets you 6 digit ping

Here is something that isn't false equivalence, computers in the 60s where the size of buildings with only 64kb of ram, now we have technology that dwarfs it in wristwatches.
now, don't be vague and answer this question, what are the problems with vr?

Imagine being this mad that they are shitting on your vr.
Just accept no one besides you autists that care about it.

Well, a six digit ping is enough to map your replicate your input on earth
>depth maps scanned from mars transmitted to earth and virtualized in vr
than you just role play it vr and have the action replayed in a minutes time.

> what are the problems with vr?
>Ya I am ignoring the cons is perfect!
Lol imagine ignoring the glaring flaws of vr.

VR will be used to train workers and will remain niche for games.
It's had several years to catch on in the gaming industry, but it still remains niche. Alyx is the last chance that vr has to make it into the mainstream. Valve is the only company that is willing to blow such a large amount of money on making a vr exclusive AAA game, if they fail to dramatically increase headset sales then nobody else will.

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I don't own a vr headset honestly, I thought about picking up a psvr or valve index, was holding hope for the pixmax 8k but that shit the bed and no news on starvr, no, I just see where it's going, where it can go, and what it can do, it will eclipse games and all media, just as the cellphone eventually l absorbed
>the TV, the radio, books, GPS, camera
So too will vr.

I asked you specifically retard user, what are the problems, of vr?

You need to shut the fuck up HOLY MOTHER OF CHRIST you Yas Forums niggers are getting on my fucking nerves vr is fine, is because you cant even fucking afford it that I cannot wait half life alyx to make ypu seethe over and ober agaon I cannot wait until eclipses over your falt screen and I bet you are going to blame the fucking jews arent you retarded fsggot!

Your false flag needs to be firm enough not fly off user. otherwise only you would be the only one who believes its credibility

>last chance
The thing that'll make it mainstream is when they make the headsets as comfy as studio headphones. That's probably 10 years off, but it'll remain a sustainable niche for gaming until then.

Why are you ignoring the glaring flaws.
LMAO imagine getting this angry over a fucking shitpost you can't even spell correctly.
>Bet your going to blame the jews next.
What do jews have to do with this?
Unless you are a kike that's pushing this of course.

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>Is a false flag
No is some legit vr tranny that's mad.

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Regulations for avionic modules and controls in cockpits run as deep as font readability under vibration. You don't spend that much money on human factors R&D just to run the certification training for it through VR lenses with finite resolution, image distortion and limited FoV.
Good luck certifying emergency procedures while pilots are poking at thin air with VR controls, just because you want to cheap out on the physical simulator hardware

What are the problems of vr? It is a very specific and easily answered question retard user, so answer it.

Why are you ignoring the glaring flaws of vr?

vr wont catch on because it requires effort
people just want to sit on their asses
not move their heads around and waggle their arms

maybe in some distant future were you can put images in peoples brains or something

It'd still be quite useful for early training

>getting frustrated

I didn't say it was you, idiot. as though someone else can't act like a total retard, I'll show you how easy it is
>blarrgh, vr is gonna make nintendo obsolete faggots, sony and microsoft are behind the times, my toaster headset is the future man

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What am I ignoring? be specific with their issues, retard user

But seriously do what do fucking jews have to do with /vr/?
Unless your some fucking Yas Forumstard that got so btfo by the last thread about doom and decided to offtopic with no one believing in alt hype or jewish nonsense you need to fuck off with that shit.

>I was pretending to be retarded
>LOL YOU MUST BE A Yas Forumstard!

You probably are aren't you?
Again what do fucking jews have to do with /vr/?
Yes I was being ironic you dumb faggot.

>be Yas Forumstard
>I was being ironic

Why do VRfags ignore legitimate criticisms (it's not comfortable to wear the headset, it causes motion sickness, it runs out of power quickly, there's a very small selection of good games on the platform, there's a limited selection of possible game mechanics because position movement is limited) and insist that everyone skeptical of the idea that VR is going replace video games is a poorfag?

We VRfags only do that in response to Poorfags, tho. If you Poorfags would just let the VRfags be happy in wonder with their current-gen VR, then they would probably realize those legit criticisms anyways.

Attached: NOW THIS IS LULRACING.jpg (720x357, 19.18K)

>. If you Poorfags would just let the VRfags be happy in wonder with their current-gen VR, then they would probably realize those
Welcome to Yas Forums
Reddit is down that way,

I was considering buying an Index when HL: Alyx was released. Here's the calculus that went into my mind.
>Well it would cost $1,500CDN and all I'm going to use it for is Half-Life and porn.