Half-Life Alyx

Can you believe that in 15 hours we will play the next Half-Life game?

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I'm hyped gor HL: Alyx, but I'm not going to buy a vr headset just to play a game. I'll stick to watching YouTube gameplays.

I'm poor, I want but cant.

I’ll be watching a streamer play it

>15 hours

More like 24 hours. I'm looking down the barrel of 12 hour shifts for the foreseeable future, courtesy of Corona-chan.

The whole series is the advertisement for Valve's engines, and Alyx will not be an exception. They couldn't give less shit about making a good game, all they want is showcase for their engine they will sell soon after the Alyx release.

Which industry?

So who is everyone going to be watching?

"So wake up, Janny, Wake up and...smell the ashes

Cannabis cultivation. For whatever fucked up reason, we're considered "essential" due to the medical angle, so I don't get a paid vacation.

Yas Forums is going to implode tomorrow

well at least Valve implemented a new spectator motion smoothing filter so watching it in 2D won't be quite so nauseating and jittery
Have fun spectatorbros

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Cannot wait for absolute SEETHING of poorfags who cannot play ot

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Imagine not being able to afford even a $250 dollar headset. These are the wagieposters.

Nobody cares now that Doom Eternal is out lol

Oh shit, I was thinking wether they'd implement something like this, I wonder how theyre handling sensitive hand and head motion for the actual player also - I don't want my hands or ingame camera doing 1:1 with every constant micro shakes, jitters and movements of my actual head and hands. Makes it seem really hard to aim guns from the gameplay of other VR shooters I've seen - though it's not an educated opinion since I've never gotten to try VR before, so maybe it isn't all that bad, will find out when my VR delivers on Tuesday I suppose

Cant play until Valve ships me an Index.

it's already started, number of threads spiked up starting about an hour ago, mods are currently deleting all but a few, there may end up being a sticky a full 12 hours before release.

That shit will be forgotten by next week when RE3 hits.

Imagine spending lots of money on overpowered PC and spending even more money on a headset TO PLAY ONE GAME.

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You don't notice the stutters in game because your mind is used to cancelling out 1:1 motion of your head and hands. Your head is constantly moving about yet you don't perceive it. Same thing in VR.

How do VR streamers even manage? Can they even read chat via overlay or something? Even with the index it'd have to be fairly big to read it easily.

I want you to imagine all the people who want to play it but can't because everything VR is out of stock for a good while now.

Corona literally fucked VR's only shot at being legitimatized and purchased with an actual real title to come out exclusive to it.

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Vinny and Joel of course

People are stuck at home and bored, a lot will tune in to a HL:A stream and discover VR
It could be worse

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Its too expensive, I have a Vive but I dont want to pay $55-$60. You never get the value because its a novelty experience.

Full VR games should be $30 tops, and dont even get me started on the the tech demos which use that as their base price.

Based opinyot
Joel's ADD 12y.o. level humor is pretty annoying to me nowadays, but watching him fumble around in VR for his first time in Garrys Mod was priceless

Not even close. Eternal is the closest thing to a perfect FPS released while Alyx is a VR meme. Sad state for HL in today's market lol

I've noticed the more ambitious VR games on Steam only ever go up to €24.99, I've yet to see one that is over that price tag not counting HLA

If they tune into VR and then do research since they have unlimited free time now they're not going to buy it in the future. They'll all do the "Not going to buy VR for one game that I've already seen played through fully" line.

If they saw how cool it was and had a chance to impulse buy, it would be huge, but there's like 4-6 more weeks of out of stock stopping that from happening which is long enough for normies to literally forget HL Alyx exists. Corona fucked VR good user, fucked it real good.

Can't beat the corona.

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That's what you get for being an attention seeking tripfaggot

Just like you watch the bull fuck your wife lmao imagine waiting 10 years for a HL game to watch someone else play it, vidya cuck

You seem really emotionally attached to this fantasy so I'll permit it for now

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Even if it fails to take off, just means it will take longer for the normies to move in and fuck everything up with microtransactions and toxicity reports and all the other bullshit they bring. Enjoying playing maps ripped from other games in Pavlov while I still can

All these seething console fags have never used vr but it doesnt stop them from hating innovation and the progression of games im general.
Hl1 was one of the first games to need a dedicated graphics card to run. Poorfags seethed back then too.
Get jobs, vr is obviously the future of videogames

Wouldn’t VR eventually ruin your eyesight because the screen in the headset is so close to your face?

"I'm not buying vr for one game."
>buys launch day ps5 with literally no games

Only if you use a VR headset with AMOLED screens
AMOLED is the worst thing that could happen to your eyes. LCD is fine as long as you don't wear it 24/7

Does it unlock at 12 or is it some bullshit 8am nonsense

>Hl1 was one of the first games to need a dedicated graphics card to run
uhhh I'm pretty sure I ran it in software mode back then
ran like shit but I still had fun

The focal distance is normal due to the stereoscopy. It doesn't make my eyes tired ever but reading articles on my phone will fairly quickly

It's just poorfag cope. There's plenty of good shit for VR at this point.

10a PDT
late sleepers win again baby

>VR game



>In less than 24 hours, I'll be blasting headcrab zombies in VR.

I'm actually getting pretty hyped.


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How could it be poorfag cope if they can afford a ps5?
It just furthers the point no one fucking cares about vr other than a small group of individuals.


Yeah I used to play it on my family's unaccelerated Pentium 1

Any welfare queen can go to walmart and get a Playstation.

Yeah, they use OVRDrop or something similar. Random image from google for "ovrdrop twitch chat" attached, they just glue a popped out chat window to their wrist and scale it to phone/tablet size so checking it is like looking at a watch.
I like to use it to place video windows on my dashboard during Euro Truck/Elite Dangerous.

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I dont have an expensive as fuck headset and tons of room.

Not really cope just saying how it is, again if people truly cared about it vr would've blew up years ago, yet were still here with people talking more about the new consoles and doom than either vr or half life.


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Senpai I've been looking at VR headset shit all fucking day today because I was willing to drop 1k for an Index and 2day shipping.

There's literally 1 normal priced Index that you can only purchase with bitcoin (and is most likely a scam) and those shitty overpriced 700 Vives that are somehow inferior to not one but two 400 headsets, and the 900 clams Vive Pro which is substantially inferior to the 999 Index. All the Vives are trash at this point which is why they're the only ones available.

Alyx caused a moderate VR purchasing spike but since supply had been completely destroyed the game will be out for literally 1.5 to 3 months before people can buy new VR sets, and the people who do buy that shit will be the madlads getting constant updates sent to them from nowinstock.

We're not even talking about people not working and being strapped for dosh thanks to Corona-chan yet. Corona is absolutely raping VR's big moment and will continue to rape it for an extended timeframe.

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So no argument? Gotcha.

Lmao as hard as in real life you dumbo, your head and hands shake in real life just the same, goddamn with Yas Forums sometimes

And they're damn good engines.

>Corona is absolutely raping VR's big moment and will continue to rape it for an extended timeframe.
And that's a good thing
is god's way of saying fuck vr and fuck the faggots the fell for it.

Alright poorfag, keep crying

>low energy come back after inexplicably leaving the franchise without answers a decade ago
>same decade old textures, models, audio, etc
>probably source engine+ that was teased in 2014
>original writer/creator is gone
>spend a months rent on a gimmicky toy you'll never use after this
>incredibly retarded movement mechanic that is so dumb I had to look around to make sure it wasn't just some alternative mode

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How will this be ported to pancake mode?

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Lmao at these """physics""" the bottom of the chair doesn't even spin, nice one valve

He brought up a valid point though

Who the fuck waited 10 years for an Alyx off-shoot game? We wanted HL3 not this bullshit.

>That slow moment
They Nerf the shit out of headcrabs....

No shit you dumb mongolois, do you have a lack of basic reading comprehension in English? I was curious if they were implementing something to counteract it literally due to hands jittering IRL - but other friendly user explained that your brain automatically filters it out in VR too.

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people buy iShit day 1 when it costs 1k+, they just don't want to pay for VR

You have as what you first replied to was for spectators, good luck with parkinsons tho

because you have to do more than flick your wrist and click to stop it retard