DOOM Eternal thread

How to deal with Marauders edition.

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Saw someone here say he could be stunlocked by hitting him in the back. Is this possible?

>you now realise the Khan Makyr shares the same VA and same voice as Pic Related

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Marauder is a fun concept but the game basically forces you to use the SSG and Ballista exclusively

remote-detonated missiles stagger him, then you can get a SSG shot off

Guess i'll ask again seems how the last thread is already ending:
How the FUCK do i kill the marauder? I can't just wait for the .000000000002 second chance when he's attacking. There has to he another way. I'm sick of him

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i wanted to play doom eternal had to cancel preorder for food and meds because the lockdown in cali,today my mom was takeing by an ambulance my bday is tomarrow FML

It'sj ust weird, the Chaingun issupposed to be a weapon that shreds a whle room but you can do that with other weapons now, it feels so piss weak.


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fuck off with that shit


Wait for the green eyes and stay at mid range

They literally tell you this

>Ballista, SSG, Ballista
>do this twice
>he dies

So, Eternal basically confirms that doom 2016 is a sequel to Doom 1,2 and 64. But what about Doom 3?

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Marauders biggest issue is that he fucks his own rules and randomly decides to throw undodgeable projectiles at close range, then dash at you from long range to just stand at close range and do nothing.
Then next encounter he will do nothing but dash at you and do his green attack and he just dies in 10 seconds, lovely enemy for ultra nightmare runs, fuck this thing.

Asajj Ventress, probably Nika Futterman's most famous VA role

literally who?


What ABOUT Doom 3?

One of the many universes attacked by hell, while doomguy was napping in the sarcophagus. Doom marine is just a regular guy from that universe

I would enjoy the game more if it gave you more fucking ammo from the start. I get the need to seek out upgrades n shit, but 12 fucking shells?

If he gave more than one opening he would be too bad. It's just a really weird enemy design that breaks the flow of the game.

fuck doom 3

The Maykr tech is also heavily influenced by the ancient martian tech. Soul Cube looks a bit like a maykr face.

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Did you guys notice you can superjump in this by hitting certain objects and walls with a punch at certain angles? A good place to test is in I think its the snow planet level when you end up in that room with all the prison doors you punch open. I think there is like 9 of them and they spawn various enemies.

Doom 3 is a Warhammer game.

You only get 24 shells maxed. I wish it was at least 40 or they separated the shotgun and super shotgun ammo.

Is Doom 64 worth $4.99 on Xbox One?

Just press C every time you come across a fodder monster.

i now realize that i never watched some shitty soiwars show

does this only work with the upgrade?

I think 3 is still in the "non-canon, but heavily referenced" space.

all wads are canon
so doom 3 is considered a wad

The ads in Marauder fights are annoying as fuck, you wouldn't need them for health if they weren't there because they're the reason you even get hurt at all.

i do have the master rune so probably, its either that or fully upgraded grenades also stagger

that webm of the games all mashed together looks exactly like this gameplay, that's insane.

Pretty obvious, desu. I realised when I heard her voiceover in the trailers.

But user, clone wars is (mostly) good

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Not only is it just not fun, but add a few other large ennemies and it's just not possible to do that.

we'll find out next time, in the sequel

>How to deal with Marauders edition.

Whatp art of 'stay in mid, shoot when green' is too hard for people?

That's pretty dark for a cartoon network series

Her face looks a lot like the Arachnotrons'.

Every time i try to go mid range he just sends his fucking mutt on me or pulls a *teleports behind you* and instead kills me

Its pretty hot too

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It's actually mediocre at best at that in classic doom, so that's funny.

Chaingun does two things depending on the mod:
>mobile turret
burning down single targets or shredding fodder. It's your money shot, the "i want this thing to be dead right now" button at the cost of all of your machine gun ammo and some of your mobility.
Dealing with fodder efficiently at relatively low risk, as well as generally avoiding damage. Upgraded, the shield does some really cool shit like allowing you to ram enemies to stagger/damage them. This is REALLY GOOD at dealing with aggressive melee range enemies like hell knights, dread knights, and prowlers.

I've seen a lot of people shitting on the hub and saying it kills the pacing but honestly I really like it, it gives me Facing Worlds vibes when I'm outside looking down at Earth. My only problem with it is that I wish you could warp back to it after starting a mission.

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I miss my bread and butter pre-reved chaingun mod.

the chaingun is already revved in this game so that's pointless, though.

Don't you just push return to campaign or does that only work after the you beat it?

Yeah but it did more damage when it was pre reved.

considering how action packed are mission especially on last difficulty
hub is a breath of fresh air
but its too big to move around
and couldn't they place all albums in one hall

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>dude you can't use any of your weapons except the SSG and balista to hit him
>btw here's an annoying fucking leopard to slow you down and get combo'd

Literally kills the fun of a fight when this guy comes in.

just detonate rockets behind him lmao

>couldn't they place all albums in one hall
I thought the exact same thing
I don't mind the posters being all over the place, that's kinda neat, but I wish I could browse through the entire collection in one place, for example that mancave room.


Marauder was an amazing fight and enemy design, but all it did for me is make the game feel more like Quake.

In what way is Marauder similar to anything in Quake?

This is what Quake 1 was supposed to be.

>Doom Slayer pulls that guy on Mars by the card key

That was amazing

Double frag grenade also works, sperg.

What was up the body in the purple liquid?

>all these dumb skins and none are just doomguy without a helmet
too lazy to animate anything besides the eyes?

It's not, he's clearly retarded and doesn't know what he's talking about.

They have a helmet that shows his mouth

by default the music is pretty quiet and the doors make big fuck off noises
also each ripatorium visit is a one-off? wtf

o-oh my

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