Don't mind me. I'm just the best Doom game ever made

Don't mind me. I'm just the best Doom game ever made.

Attached: Doom_64-box-cover.jpg (640x440, 48.47K)

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Based hipster

Zoomy just played it

For years Yas Forums said 64 was the second best Doom. I think it WOULD be, if not for three huge flaws: lack of actual DOOM music (it's all very quiet spoopy ambiance), too much filler (game is at least 10 levels too long) and WAY too many Hell Knights, (more common than Imps).

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>Best art style.
>Best soundtrack.
>Best Super Shotgun.

>lack of actual DOOM music (it's all very quiet spoopy ambiance)
Actual Doom Music is shitty plagiarized ass-rock, though.

all right except the best shotgun

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The Doom 64 SS is crunchy and satisfying.

Yeah but the fan remake is the superior version. if youre trying to claim youre a fan of doom after playing the new rerelease kill yourself my dude

Apparently if you preordered Doom Eternal it comes with Doom 64 and a new add-on episode. Has anyone played it? How is it?

>Yeah but the fan remake is the superior version.
Which one? Because they're all made by the same person. And the new version is the only one that accurately implements the Hectic demo, among other things.

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Saw this was just released on Steam, wish it would come to GoG. Anyone played it? How does it run compared to the original/ current emulation? N64 version even have good frames?

>And the new version is the only one that accurately implements the Hectic demo, among other things.
ohh this is news to me might have to give that another look its been years since D64DX

I don't know who you're shilling, but I would like to know why you're doing it.

It is the proper sequel to Playstation Doom.

Doom64 actually has a terrible level design, although the maps look interesting.
The problem is the combat. There is no strategy at all in Doom 64. The game fills you with shotgun shells in the first quarter of most levels and then throws Hell Knights and Barons of Hell in front of you to be killed with the Super Shotgun.
There are rare occasions when devs try to create a slightly more interesting combat (and usually they ruin everything with an excess of misplaced Pain Elementals among other shits).
An experienced player can beat almost all levels blindly, with pistol start, on the highest difficulty, because there is no strategy to develop.

The source port is competent and well polished. The extra campaign has only 6 levels that you open after finishing the original campaign. It is not worth buying because there are free options as good as.

payed devs do it, people call it bad design
mappers do it, people call it genius

>It is not worth buying because there are free options as good as.
This isn't true currently. All the other source ports are broken and/or unfaithful in various ways.

>An experienced player can beat almost all levels blindly, with pistol start, on the highest difficulty, because there is no strategy to develop.
Good luck beating the Mother Demon with a pistol.


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It's called buttrock and it's art

Amateur mappers would probably be called geniuses when doing something like Doom 64 because they would have created a totally different version of the game, with new sprites, with improved lighting, with modernization of the engine, with an excellent atmosphere, with music that creates an atmosphere of terror, etc.
But when it comes to gameplay, few people would praise the game. It is a good example of how Doom can be boring if creators do not know how to make a creative use of enemy placement and restrict ammo and powerups correctly.

Doom 64 is ultimately far less combat oriented than the other Doom games. Combat is a major part of the game, but it's not like you play it for the combat. On the whole, N64 games tended to be more interested in puzzles and exploration than twitch shooting.

I like it, but it's level designers are total assholes.

I agree, and I think the guys were successful in trying to create a unique feeling in this regard. But these characteristics need not necessarily exclude good fighting. There are parts of Doom 64 that are inexcusable. I mean, how a developer puts 6 Hell Knights and a Baron of Hell in a long corridor, gives the player 100 shells and a super shotgun, forces him to kill all these monsters to activate a swich behind them, and doesn't realize that this is a shitty design?
With a more interesting map layout he could use 1 Hell Knight and 1 Baron of Hell and provide a better experience.

it gets surprisingly hard at certain parts.

Just finished the new Levels yesterday

Attached: DOOM64.png (2560x1080, 693.47K)

I only have one worry... How long is it for a full playthrough? I want a good old school shooter, and i loved it when i was a kid, but... things are tight right now.

5-10 minutes per level, 25 levels with 4 secret levels and 3 fun levels
the new one has another 5 levels with an extra fun level

>things are tight right now
if you can't afford a 5 dollar game you shouldn't be buying it

It depends on your skill, your previous knowledge of the game, the way you play and the difficulty you choose.
I'm playing on the highest difficulty with pistol start, and it took me ~5 hours to reach level 21. There are 30 normal levels in the game, 2 secret (I think) and 6 extra levels exclusive to this version.

Therr are four secret levels.

Absolutely based. Also play PS1 Doom and PS1 Final Doom since they're similar in atmosphere and have the same composer.

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Nahh, those are just gimped ports with butchered levels

Even so, they're still worth playing for the horror atmosphere.

not really, they're dog shit, Doom 64 is a completely new game

It's really god damn good. I couldn't stand it on n64 because i couldnt see a god damn thing, but the remastered version is kino. the graphics and atmosphere are unmatched. I was replaying through the episodes of Doom 1 a few weeks ago having fun but Doom 64 is something else.

Final doom>Eternal>64>1>2016>2>3

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>shit taste
>not enjoying Doom in any form
>not enjoying based Aubrey Hodges
I'm sorry, you're a lost cause.

Now this is zoom even more than zoom eternal

>that filename

mate if you like doom on ps1, you are the lost cause

I still have this case and game. Playing as a kid in the dark was real scary in 96. Music and sound effects spooked the shit out of me.

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did you lower the environmental lighting? it's a bit too bright on default

Wasn't this game developed by Midway and not ID? How exactly is it good? What makes it good?

Yes. Its good because its DOOM, but with a creepier atmosphere and more emphasis on puzzles.

>What makes it good?

I too enjoy it when I'm playing doom and then arrows and homing missiles start shooting from the walls

I love this doom. The lighting, the soundtrack and the sound reverb effects make it feel like a whole new game.


Doom 64 is okay, but you can really feel the absence of Revenants and Arch-viles, when the Hell Nobles are severely overused.

No, here's what's actually wrong with it:

>bland level design
>lack of texture variety

After 33 levels, shit starts getting a little tired.

i like the colored lighting

No it isn’t. The entire game is running around the map trying to figure out what door opened from the switch you just pressed and solving obtuse “puzzles” like standing still in a specific place to make something open on the other side of the level. It has the worst level design of any doom game.


So, was the exclusive new final level any good?

I played it for 30 minutes today (got to level 6 I think?) and I could tell the level design was definitely poorer compared to any level from Doom 1 and 2 (besides Unholy Cathedral, and the secret level in E2, those maps are fucking dogshit). Also the sprites are kinda hard to look at. But they're recognizable.

The original Doom ripped off real songs, so if D64 did, it's only appropriate.

(cont) I forgot to add this, but the music really added to the atmosphere. Great sound design for a game made 3 years after doom

weird ranking choices user but I'll allow it since its also based and plutoniapilled

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