Xbox has no games

>xbox has no games
>xbox was never good
>xbox makes no exclusives
>xbox is irrelevant
>hourly Xbox hate threads
What's going on here?

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What games does it have? Generic shooter....generic driving game...generic soccer game.

Not even the point of the thread but same sinple shit can be said about Sony shit.

What IS the point of this thread then huh nigger?

all the pc glorious master race games.

euros hate anything american

Snoyfags are mad.

Don't forget generic cinematic experience game, oh wait

The OG Xbox was decent and had decent games, if they focused more on exclusive they can pull it off.

Sony ponies are on full autism assault because everyone is meming up their favorite console being less powerful than the new Microsoft mini-fridge.

My point is there is a lot of hate and seething over an apparently dead and irrelevant video game brand. Almost seems like someone is shook.

>Xbox had no movies
That's the answer

Xboners coming out of the wood work thinking anyone gives a shit about there powerful paper weight no exclusive system.

why the fuck DOES it look like a fridge. dumbest fucking shape for a console i've ever seen.

Halo is dead lol

You mean pc fags are trolling seething snoys right?

Microsoft has been milking one (two if you count gears) franchise for literally like 15 years now

Gamecube was based tho

Air flow you dumb nigger

The ps5 is retarded and they're going to have to create a second model in 2 years so they can make it bulkier, cheaper, and cooler.

Everyone else can do it though?

the only way to get discussion going these days is through negativity. fabricate hate, outrage or whatever and people will talk about X ("[insert fans of something] ETERNALLY BTFO"); talk positively about X and nobody will give a fuck ("what was your favourite [insert game] moment bros?")

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is the top part housing a jet engine?

I will bite, how is Halo a generic shooter or Forza a generic driving game? Articulate your response in a way I can believe you actually played any of these two games.

This and it makes sense to be rooting for Xbox as a PC gamer because all of its games are likely to get PC releases unlike Snoy's movies

It's an AMD APU, so yes, AMD is notorious for their GPU's running hot and loud.

Xbox even has a bunch of play anywhere games that work on pc or xbox when purchased.

it happens everytime something bad happens to sony.
>during the Censorship rage; threads about xbox being horrible pop up
>A exclusive becomes PC title; more Xbox salt appears... shocker
>ps5 was radio silent for way to long; daily xbox series X threads about why it even exists
>ps5 releases specs but cant even show console and can only hypothetically say certain things about it becuase it doesn't even exist yet ; more xbox hate threads then ever in the history. add xbox threads made by PC chads trying to bait sony bois and we are here.

it lives fucking rent free in the mind of sony fans and most xbox fans dont even make posts becuase they are to busy playing COD, FORZA, HALO, GoW, and all of the game pass titles

>Forgetting about the best game of the year so far

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Seething Sonyqueers.

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Microsoft is actually confident enough to show off their system. Meanwhile Sony spends half an hour talking about SSDs without even showing the console or controller.

Mad your shill threads aren't working?

To be fair, Xbone kinda got the shaft. OG Xbox got shit like Crimson Skies, Phantom Dust, Blinx, Amped, Strangers Wrath, Halo 1+2, and so on. Xbox 360 got Mass Effect, Dead Rising, Halo 3 + ODST, Gears of War, Forza Horizon, and so on. Even if you go by the rule of which games were "Microsoft-Exclusive," i.e. initially only available on Xbox One and Windows 10 Store, then Xbone only got Halo 5, Sea of Thieves, Killer Instinct, Forza Horizon 3, Dead Rising 3 + 4, Crackdown 3, and so on. There's a couple of great ones like Killer Instinct and Forza Horizon 3, but the rest vary from contentiously ok-meh (DR3/SoT) to downright shite (DR4/Crackdown 3).

Basically, it's easy to forget how good Xbox was a whole because even if you excuse the terrible shit Don Mattrick was pushing, the only things Xbone has to its name is the best online and being able to play older gen games. Not having fresh and worthwhile titles of its own is an all-encompassing black hole that's nigh-impossible to escape.

>It's ugly what the fuck! Xbox looks like a BOX how stupid!
>Let me just turn on my school eraser shaped inversive movie simulator!

I'm idort. I'm not mad at all, just curious. It's kind if been amusing actually because Xbox is less of a punching bag and fanboys crying entertain me.

An Xbox has to be hueg

Say, OP, you know how xbox completely and utterly fucked this entire generation up? That has consequences in how people feel about your brand, you know?

Well big dev games like Sunset overdrive and Quantum break really flopped and weren't good games. If they delivered on a few big boys then it wouldn't be as bad but they definitely shit the bed this gen with shit they published.

lol. The Wii U has a lifetime sale of less than 14million sold.
The switch is already past 50 after 3 years.

They did and have also done things to recover from it as of late. What does that have to do with constant hate threads? PS4 literally buttfucked Xbone and they don't make exclusives. Why would you even care enough to make threads like that. Are people unironically shilling against Microsoft?

I ain't talking about sales, I'm talking about reasons xboners had to be happy about their purchase. There's no comparison between the Wii U and Xbone on that front.

>not a purple covenant box

The Wii U did more harm to the Nintendo brand than the Xbone did to Xbox. The Xbox brand is fine.

>Wii U
Don't remind me
I'm STILL mad I fell for that piece of shit

How long before they realize PlayStation is American too?

they've done nothing to fix the #1 and only problem with Xbox as a brand which is no fucking games everything else is just empty lip service. they've already told us they have games coming down the pipeline for the next 3 years, and MS's track record most of the game they have in development will either be canceled or outright shit.

Same. It's the only console that I every sold.

it was all good a week ago when the sex specs leaked though wasnt it? whats got you guys so spooked that youre playing defense so early?

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To be fair, Sunset Overdrive isn't what I would consider a bad game, you just have to be able to get past the shitty humor to be able to enjoy it. The problem is that "you have to get past the shitty [anything]" is the worst condition for a first-party-published title that's supposed to inject life into the console's image after a particularly shitty and looked-down-upon launch. It's already starting to become a cult classic, but by definition that means it's done nothing to help the Xbox's look.

As for Generic Shooty Man vs Time Traveling CIA, I wouldn't say it was ostensibly bad. In the climate of story driven games and retroactively-given the success of Control, on paper it shouldn't have been a failure. It's just that nobody knew what the fuck it was, especially with the whole mixing it with TV bullshit that confused people even further. Pile on the fact that it suffered from the usual plays-like-shit-on-PC mess that all Xbone ports suffered from the time and it just screams mishandled.

It was a huge 'oh yeah that happened' moment. I worked at a smaller game store when it launched and we had to start asking customers if they actually had 'the new Wii U system' when they'd bring the games to the counter. Most didn't and thought it was an optional tablet for the Wii. After tons of discussion online with other people it seems it went that way with a lot of game store clerk employees. Marketing was fucking piss for that thing.

imagine still clinging to halo in 2020 like it's some holy grail of gaming even though now it's passed around between shitty developers like a cheap hooker and it's the most by the numbers fps in the genre.

I don't follow you. So the xbox specs somehow triggered a bunch of Sony fanboys into posting Xbox hate threads by the hour? Like Xbox was always been shit on here but this has been pretty ramped up. It's even lazy bullshit at that.

now I will buy your product

no, the xbox specs had a bunch of people gloating about its power. now its all gloom and doom. why?

I was gifted an Xbone just to play sunset and it was pretty shit to me, well beyond the humor. I played through Quantum break and it was extremely generic though I did like the story. These games needed to deliver the goods and failed bigly. Crytek with their game as well. Microsoft shit the bed outside of Forza shit and I did love gears 4 multiplayer.

because there's no authentic library behind the brand.

Where is doom and gloom? The specs got leaked and a bunch of PC fags started trolling snoys so now have have constant xbox hate threads? It just doesn't add up to what's normally said around here. Maybe Sony fans are actually taking xbox seriously.

Sony damage control. MS finally pulled their head out of their asses and actually are providing consumer friendly features and post an actual threat to the PS5's marketshare so sonyfags are going crazy.

I dont think Xbox will be able to outsell the PS5 but this is a long time in a while that I want to get a console simply because of how many friendly features it has. It'll take a while for MS to gain trust and to build their first party library so people will be confident in them but at least they're going to be a good competitive force that will make other gaming companies improve just to compete.

Exclusives aren't relevant in the 2020s. and having them won't cover up Sony's disadvantage in the next gen.

Killer Instinct

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wins again

Just look at that ridiculous thing

i unironically want the controller

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You have never seen a photo of a living pig that didn't look smug. Search you memories, you know it to be true.

Don mattrick almost murdered Xbox. Here's a quick reminder of the shit he's done.

>Slow destruction of Rareware
>Loss of Bungie
>Botched development of Fable 3 so badly that Molyneux left and Lionhead were closed, killing the Fable series for a decade
>Running the Halo, Gears and Fable series into the ground (Fable Legends, Spartan Assault, Gears of War Judgment lmao)
>Closing Ensemble studios
>Very nearly permanently lost the Gears IP
>Complete fuck ups at Microsoft Vancouver and Victoria
>Having Turn 10 (a simulation racing developer) as the only competent studio across the entire company
>Not following up with sequels to million sellers such as Alan Wake, Perfect Dark Zero, Halo Wars etc
>Letting Bizarre creations (the PGR studio) get snapped up by Activision
>Turning Halo 3: ODST from an expansion pack into a full priced sequel and then launching it alongside Modern Warfare 2 (LOL)
>Letting Mass Effect, the best new IP of last generation, get taken and subsequently ruined by EA
>Halo 4 being so bad that people were comparing it to the Red Wedding.
>Literally everything to do with Don Mattrick

And then finally the disastrous Xbox One launch. Xbox has mostly be fixing and recovering from the disastrous decisions he's made for the past 5 years and now they're ready to try again.