>There'll never be an MMO as good as old school Tera ever again
There'll never be an MMO as good as old school Tera ever again
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it's not the game you're feeling nostalgic over, it's the point in your life where you were young and lived carefree. Now you're a depressed boomer seeking to relive the past.
>BAM soloing pre-nerf
easily the best part about that game before they casualized those fights
yeah i really miss the open world pvp and corsair stronghold with all equalized gear, FUCK this game’s pvp was so much fucking fun. why cant games just fucking make an action combat with these things. it was literal perfection.
This is not true at least for me.
t. someone who quit early
not everything's all gloom and doom like that, user
No it was genuinely a good game.
>Dungeons were mechanically varied and required actual teamwork
>Combat was fun and required skill
>Even healing and tanking were fun roles to have
>OwPVP was fun as fuck
Really wish BLESS wasn't such a pile of shit.
I don't really have hope with anything right now.
WoW is still garbage
BDO is cancer
FF14 is literally the worst MMO i've ever played.
Archeage is p2w garbage, and even the f2p version is fucked beyond belief
All the korean MMOs are just p2w and usually just pretty bad in general.
When will someone save us from this drought?
>Even healing and tanking were fun roles to have
I only ever tank and TERA was by far the most fun I've ever had tanking. I dont understand why other games dont use TERAs threat and block systems. It was perfect.
The game is just what you were doing in that period of your life. Had you been doing something else then you would feel nostalgia about that indeed of TERA. That's how nostalgia works in the human brain. Everyone wishes they could be young and live carefree forever. No one wants to grow old and watch people/things/objects change and/or stop existing as time goes on.
definitely not true for me, at least not yet. i've enjoyed plenty of MMOs but TERA was probably the last one I actually liked. I can't be going back to ones like FFXI and FFXIV for obvious reasons. My recent addictions were genuinely not good games though, and I hear current TERA is on the big downhill so I fight the urge to play again.
genuinely my problem isn't nostalgia or a good portion of the genre being bad at the moment(which i still believe is true), its a problem with addiction, which i believe is a lot more common than what you're proposing.
but regardless, TERA was good, at least at a time.
When Project BBQ comes out.
Take your meds, tranny.
TERA was never good.
I was playing multiple MMOs at the time retard
Pretty much the only MMOs I'm interested in are idling in very early development, and I don't know if any of them will come out any time soon.
Because normies would be afraid of change which is why WoW and FFXIV still use the holy trinity.
did you play it or just jerk off to the children you fucking pedo?
Tera was fun until endgame, fuck that stupid upgrading system that sucked the soul out of everything.
Why the fuck do so many games use shitty potato races instead of just copying Elins? Elins were absolute perfection
>he didn't do both
look at this homo
Elins were just TOO perfect.
no one played TERA for the combat, just the degeneracy, Drama, and ERP
Graphics weren't nice to them.
And potatos have a charm too.
But I definitely want more elins.
what mmo are you playing while quarantined? i just got banned from my main game and i dont know if i want to go on my alt and play again. I want to try something new before diving back into the hell hole that is BDO again.
What's your main game, and what'd you do, user?
>install tera when they go f2p
>have fun
>get enough gear to access top level content
>never get BiS since kimchi grind
>hear new gear patch is coming out soon
>along with a gearing event right before
>get BiS
>new patch hits days later, sometimes only hours
>the cycle continues
tera's combat system, with wildstar's housing system would be so top tier
That game was cancelled some time ago after NEXON declared itself up for purchase. Many other NEXON games got cancelled too.
black desert i was fish botting for money i shouldve stopped but two years ago i did non stop and didnt get caught. at this point i dont really care i mean it is what it is there are new things on the horizon bdo was just a good placeholder game for me.
Man I was pissed when ghost in the shell online got canceled. it wasn't great but it was entertaining at least.
>Gw2 about to rape Gw1 Cantha
Is this how the Wowfags have felt for the past decade? I feel like a lifeless husk watching everything I ever loved die.
There isn't recovering this genre user. It's dead.
i see no news of this game being cancelled anywhere
there will never be a fantasy race as good as Elins again
>Tera was the last "traditional style" mmorpg I played
>Consider it the sail-off of the mmorpg genre
>there are now teenagers on this board acting nostalgic over it because it was the one mmo they played when they were a kid
this is weird bros.
thinking about PSOBB
Ghost of the Shell didn't get cancel, it got shutdown.
plenty of mmo youtube creators and mmosites talked about the nexon situation.
>was an unapolgietic Blessfag
>was convinced the game wouldn't fail because Neowiz would go under
>throw down 150$ for the LE praying this game would be the savior
>Play the game, get to level 13 or so and realize the game is dogshit
>Lucky enough to get a full refund
I don't think I'll ever play an MMO again. Nobody has that much time to sink into a series. Instead, the way forward should be like Monster Hunter or Destiny where you get updates and new content and upgrades without the need for pvp forcing meta or endless grinds to not fall behind.
TERA was literally the FIRST Action game MMO. I remember asking MMO players why can't MMOs feature action game combat and they told me it would be impossible. The main reason I hated MMOs was the slow paced combat. Then TERA came out and with it came a ton of other action game MMOs. That and those sexy ass Castanics... I was sold!
is tera worth playing if i enjoy solo pve shit?
Why don't we have a class similar to Elins in other games? Are those thighs just too based for this world?
it was the first free roaming action mmo at least. what i mean is, after this game came out, not many other mmos actually came out. basically we got Overwatch and other game as service multiplayer shit like that.
Games as service and mobile games took it all away.
What are you talking about? MMOs are the same and those games are the same too. You think when a MMO first reason it's full of content? LMAO you're so wrong. There's literally nothing to do at the start of a fresh MMO besides leveling and looking forward to new content just like a Monster Hunter or Destiny. If someone goes to play Monster Hunter World right now there's a fuck ton of things to do before they even reach Iceborne. It's the same thing except MHW doesn't have the same lifespan as an MMO so the content with stop growing at a certain point.
Just play Bless.
Elins with titties.
there werent elin boys. so yes, there is room for improvement.
are there any lifeskills in tera like gathering cooking or armor crafting?
where you not there for the steam release? you arent actually playing bless are you? i liked the games combat and i really wish it wouldve not crashed and burned as hard as it did
>tfw still talk to friends from my tera days
its pretty nice. they think I'm a weirdo still cause I loved elins, but its all fun.
>If someone goes to play Monster Hunter World right now there's a fuck ton of things to do before they even reach Iceborne.
This is good. There *is* a lot of content.
>It's the same thing except MHW doesn't have the same lifespan as an MMO so the content with stop growing at a certain point.
MHW is finite, MMOs are not. A lot of content is good but churning out grinds to keep numbers up like MMOs do is not. It feel like what you do ultimately doesn't really matter since you are going to fall behind those who have no life. Ranking systems or PVP also force this feeling much faster. And oh god the GRIND.
yeah b ut I don't think it makes money anymore
>is tera worth playing if i enjoy solo pve shit?
Hell no. Well, somewhat, but hell no. There are BAMs but that would get old. You can't solo dungeons because they're designed with the trinity mechanic in mind (you can solo older and lower level dungeons but you can never solo up to date content). And you're force into open world PvP because there are epeen and emo edgelord everywhere looking to increase their status.
>Nobody has that much time to sink into a series
I haven't played it at all but it looks a lot like the OG TERA. What's wrong with it?
>catering to faggots
Nah gas yourself.
GW2. Haven't played it in a while, but I don't have money for subs and the game is actually doing better than I expected. Strikes have been fun.
Most MMOs offer and 2nd slot gear that is good enough to run all content in the game. You do not have to get BiS gear unless you're trying to PvP. So you don't have to grind.
pedophiles getting triggered by gay people existing makes me laugh every fucking time.
I know the game is past its prime, but is it worth trying it out now?
I log in at least once a day to water my plants in XIV, but I've lost most all interest in playing it.
I was going to start playing TERA, but it just feels empty on top of being supremely unoptimized. Even at max settings everything looks straight out of early ps2 days worse even than XIV.
My Elin for comparison.
Can't stop playing Starbreak.
I'm thinking of trying it out. It's been so many years since I last played it.
bless? basically had no end game content. devs promised lots of group content and a "true mmo grind" but everyone maxxed out in less than a day and then there was nothing to do. servers also were overloaded and people spent 10hrs in queue. lots of refund lots of broken hearts youtube.com
damn nevermind then i was going to go into it but if theres no one there then i dont see a point in playing.
Phantasy Star Online 2 dude! it's fucking out on Xbox and coming to PC a month after. So 4 weeks from now.
Just unsub, you'll feel like a free man. It's what I did.
im excited for this
Is it worth getting into BDO? I like the customisation but some of quests feel padded to shit.
I haven't played TERA in a while but i swear it's supposed to look much better than that.
tera fucking sucked. Not even an actual MMO, zones are split up into channels.
It wasn't though. There were many games before it which is why they came up with "true-action combat" term so they could pretend they were the first at something
PSO2 was out 8 years ago.
the fuck? I thought it was f2p. It is on xbox,
I'm looking forward to this to an extent.
I've liked Mihoyo's games in the past, but usually they're pretty shallow so I don't see this one being much better. They're enjoyable for what they are, but I don't see it being anything more than a casual thing that'll probably quickly run out of content and rely on grind/tournament modes.
But hopefully I'll be surprised and this is amazing, because it looks nice at least.
that's not an mmo
People are still playing, but the new crowd is pretty thin. It's mostly the higher level stuff that is where all the people are.
I'm on a time card. When that runs out I'll probably take a break for a while.
It has it's moments. Sometimes it looks really fucking good, and then sometimes it reverts to
I would be if you had an actual party that you fought with and can switch control of.
>It wasn't though. There were many games before it which is why they came up with "true-action combat" term
List them. And you better not be talking about instance base shit. Those aren't MMOs.
to speak only the truth, all homosexuals are also pedophiles
elin are just a bootleg lineage race and potatoes too.
I guess your life must be full of laughter then, seeing as how half the population thinks you're disgusting.
No, BDO is horrible.
Content is literally just grind grind grind all day, if you life skill its the same but life skill grind.
And then, with all those months of grinding, you get a 2% chance at upgrading gear that'll just regress or break.
And after all that hard work.... you get to do literally nothing with it. And then you go pvp where you get 1 shot anyways while a 12 year old screeches into his mic to push the enemy base.
I don't really believe this study for multiple reasons.
1. I find maggots kind of fascinating.
2. I find gay guys kissing adorable.
Off the top of my head: Neocron 1 +2 , asherons call 2, darkfall online, earthrise, planetside
this game too, NC soft was pumping out games like this back then
avoid that shit like the plague