This is the best controller

This is the best controller.

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This is the best controller

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I gotta admit it is pretty comfy.

yep i'm thinking that's based.

why are you faggots so obsessed with controllers? fuck off

the one i got has it's left grip ever so slightly crooked
also the d-pad feels good but has weird inputs do to it's squishyness
the xbone and 8bitdo pro+ controllers will remain the top of the line

>High failure rate analog sticks
>worst D-pad of the century
It was so close

It’s awesome but I wish the B and A buttons would be switched.

Fucking THIS
Stop fucking talking about videogames and videogame related hardware. I NEED TWITTER THREADS

>literally just the Xbox controller but shit
The Xbox controller is the best on the market.

>X and Y are inverted
are japanese retarded?

is there any joycon-like third party controller that doesn't drift? i like playing in handheld mode

The bone remote is a cheap piece of dogshit compared to the perfection that was the 360 pad

The 360 was good, but the battery pack always got in the way. The Xbone is literally the same controller but with a much better back. Plus, the Elite Controller is literally the greatest controller ever made.

Need to bust it back out for New Horizons but handheld mode is so comfy

>High failure rate analog sticks
That's the Joy Con.

The pro controllers use the same sticks and are just as likely to experience drifting
t. Ult tourneyfag

Not bad, but the Wii U Pro controller had far better build quality

Dpad is shit for anything with rapid inputs, actually favoring the joycons with that weird ass grip that came with the switch for Project DIVA megamix.

Anyone got any reccs for a controller that doesn't have shit dpad/face buttons for the switch? Tired of the misinputs when I try to hit left rapidly

I'm on the same boat and it never happened to mine nor ever heard of anything like that happening to theirs.

This is objectively the best pc input hardware for being comfy. You cannot change my mind. I'm too comfy.

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I saw nihongogamer using a hori fighting commander with an adapter and had good results

>Perfectly thick handles
>Satisfyingly smooth shoulder buttons
>Big A Button synergizes well with B, X and Y

>Z Button is uncomfortable to press, but you rarely need it anyway
>Right yellow Control Stick should be like the left Control Stick

If you updated it a bit for modern controls, it'd be perfection.

Attached: s-l500.jpg (500x385, 32.62K)

they apparently have problems as well, despite feeling amazing. Mine have never crapped out so i'm pretty sure it's something pretty uncommon.


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The world reads from left to right, user. It's inverted. No one cares that Japan reads right to left.

>tourneyfag can't clean his hands and fingers, removing the dead skin falling into his sticks causing the drifting

It's only second best. Here's the best one.

Attached: wiiupro.jpg (266x189, 5.33K)

Why did they put every one of the letter-buttons on the right the wrong position? Or does this correspond to some Wii controller somehow?

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>If you updated it a bit for modern controls, it'd be perfection.

Attached: PowerAGamecubeController.jpg (1500x1158, 123.38K)

This bullshit stops working properly after 2 weeks.

Too bad you can't use on an actual GameCube.

Inferior to the Wii-U pro controller.

came here to post this

>Xbone controller
>DS3 D-Pad
>Switch Pro weight, feel and quality
>DS3 joystick material
>Switch Pro shoulder buttons
>Xbone triggers

That would be the GOAT controller.

the only correct answer is Dual Shock 4

>4 over 3

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It was my favorite up until my left joystick started having issues, the main thing I noticed was when I was playing rune factory 4 and I'd try and crush rocks and it would flip me around and crush my crops.
Minus that issue it's great, DS4 is my second choice. Nothing wrong with it but not as comfy as switch pro and it has micro usb and not usb-c.

If it had Gamecube's shoulder buttons and ABXY layout it'd be perfect

Switch Pro quality, button size, triggers, and force feedback + the Xbox's button order (A/B/X/Y) + Wii U Pro's button placement and battery

I don't know if the switch pro has high failure rates too with the stick but mine has, and I don't want to pay to replace it. Thankfully the only game I'm using with it is animal crossing so precise stick movement isn't needed.
Third fav

That might not be your controller..
I have this cheapo wired controller and it works perfectly except in Rune Factory 4, when i'm farming and trying to water my crops, or hoe the ground if i press left my character will flip to the right and vice versa.

the N52 was so close to being amazing

It's definitely their most ergonomic controller since the gamecube, just feels fucking good in the hands

Also I'm so fucking glad they went with digital shoulder buttons. I really wish the analog trigger trend would fuck off already

Stick drift if 2 months. I'm not paying for another one if it's going to break like that.

just clean out the sticks and it should go back to normal

>Have 2 launch joy cons
>Have a lunch pro controller
>Have never had any drift issues on either

Am I just lucky or is everyone else retarded

I did. It was only one of them and it persisted through cleaning. It's failure of the hardware.

can i use it on Mupen64 or Project 64?

Does Steam natively support it like it does the Switch Pro and DS4?

Also, does it natively work with just Windows (for instance, for use in Retroarch)?

just use the actual gamecube controller

What the fuck are you talking about, they arent even close to similar to the joycon sticks

>Z Button is uncomfortable to press, but you rarely need it anyway
SSX Tricky and SSX 3 beg to differ.

Not having rumble kills this for me unfortunately. I wasn’t sure if I’d miss it but I sure do.

>really big A button
Why did this never catch on? It’s the most used and important button, it should be the center. Having the main button the same size and off to the right doesn’t make sense to me.

I really, really don’t like this controller. The grips feel like shit and the right analog should be below the buttons.

Wavebird is expensive as shit these days.

my d-pad is stiff as fuck i think you got a gimp controller.

It's not just dead skin, retard. All joysticks shave grooves into themselves from slamming into the rim when in use. Plastic sliding against plastic makes dust, and that plastic dust fucks with the sensors.

The whole reason I love the controller so much is presisely because both analogs are above the buttons, never had such a comfortable setup before.

there must have been some science behind this but fuck knows what it was. what's wrong with a simple playstation/xbone pad?

Every one is retarded. Their controllers are fucked because they're too autistic to play Smash normally and throwing your controls on the ground doesnt help.

>Symmetrical sticks
>Digital triggers
>no Gyro sensor
It's shit.

Oh, and last but not least

>Steam controller
>worse than KB+M for shooters / strategy
>worst than a normal controller for platforming / fighting
Is it good for anything? It's just a cool proof of concept

I'd say the Japanese probably care.

>Symmetrical sticks
Literally what makes it good, pleb.

>Literally what makes it good, pleb.
How are symetrical sticks good without gyro?

Imagine being in denial.

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