That's a big ship

That's a big ship.

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Fun fact: Space is black so this makes no sense.

However it does begin to make sense once you realise that the white is due to all the cum on OP's mom.

in theory the death star should only be a capital ship among many others but scale in scifi iswrong 90% of the time. W40k is the exception

how did we go from this to that ugly monstrosity

Attached: H2-ForerunnerDreadnoughtKeyship.png (1020x600, 155.93K)

what're you talking about?

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4 u

Fuck 343 that design looks retarded. How did they fuck up something like forerunners. It's a mess of floating fucking blocks like who the fuck would invent something so shitty.
It's not fucking star trek for fucks sake they are increasing scale to make up for lack of fucking ideas I hope you're lurking 343 because I want you to know something. I want you to know that I fucking hate you for what you did to halo.
I fucking hate you.

I don't understand the infographic. What's the shin guard with the red lights supposed to be and how big is it?

That looks like shit, BIDF.

Someone post the story of the Eclipse Super Star Destroyer.

What a retarded ship. In-game, I thought it was the size of a Supercarrier at most, but it dwarfs High Charity.


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That's a Halo Mantle and its approach is 371 kilometers long. It can travel from Paris to London by rolling like a log.

>mfw 343 design

how did they build these?

Oh I thought they meant mantle like a geologic feature. Like halos are 371km wide. Who the fuck names a ship type mantle?

Same way they built pic I assume.

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Ridiculously oversized megastructures are stupid. It makes me appreciate ME way more in hindsight when I go through their Codex to see that they use their bullshit space magic to justify their few and far between giant space structures.


The Empire used an entire planets species (billions of workers) in absolute secrecy over a ~10 year period to create the first Death Star.

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He's trolling. The ship is called Mantle's Approach and it's from the game series Halo. It's 371km long from tip to tip.

>Ridiculously oversized megastructures are stupid

Took me a while but I found the Yamato

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Okay. I'm going to have to go on record and say that having the words associated with it being randomly above it while the ones for the Death Star and Reaper are directly above their images is a bad call. It makes you think it's something like the London to Paris distance as something with no image.

incorrect, space is, in fact, colorless

Mantle's Approach is 343i fanfiction.

Is V'ger in here? I dont see it

the amarr horsecock titan always tickles my pickle

Spoiler that dude, my fucking eyes.

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>just draw a regular sized ship and say it's twice the size of a planet

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All the star trek ships are in the upper right near that Sun looking thing. I'm looking for the ships from the Alien films but can't find em.

Reading all of this made me laugh really hard

The V'ger is in another one that has bigger spaceships

actual yikes, never post again schizo

was that the prison world they boiled the surface of as a test?

And there are other bigger ones.
I wish they were updated with the ID2 ships

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They hired people who hate Halo.

It's a bad joke, but at least I got it.

When you have ships this big, I wonder how much of it is just empty, unoccupied space. The Death Star's a military weapons platform of a totalitarian regime, not a social community hub. There's probably little more in it than the minimum requirements for operations and habitation for soldiers and fleet crew. Just look at these two jackoffs. Their job is to just stand around this platform and watch computer monitors until somebody decides a planet needs to be blown up. Besides the second shift crew there's probably nobody around them for miles.

Also, working this close to a planetary destruction beam can't be good for your health.

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Starcraft 2 leviathan is the best one

Because something as big as the Death Star would take several thousand times the combined effort of all human beings to ever live to construct even if it was physically possible.

Meanwhile in reality you could effectively destroy a planet with either a few hundred bombs the size of a SUV or one deorbited asteroid.

Did they reach that platform by just pulling themselves up there?

For you

They had to have lost a few engineers from falling off that stupid shit, cant put up the most basic handrail ?.. jesus

>Also, working this close to a planetary destruction beam can't be good for your health.

that one nigga is using his own ARM to shield himself from the beam, you'd think the empire could afford to give them proper attire.. or a better work station...

>O'Neill class battleship

can't get over the fact that they named a ship after him only for carter to fucking blow it up before it was even finished being built

Sangheili, AMA.

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It's easier to build things bigger in space when you don't need to worry about gravity fucking things up. In fact, depending on how FTL travel works in your universe, you could build literally anything in space and it wouldn't fall apart even if a slight breeze would topple it on earth.

You know, I never really thought about that before.

Why is there so little walking room there? Like accidentally trip and you're either dead or injured

Good thing they died a few hours/days later with the Death Star itself or else they would have suffered from horrible radiation exposure.

The death star's chief engineer hated the empire and the empire are assholes in general. The guy was like 'lol no railings and tiny place to stand on' and Palpatine was like 'lol yeah good idea'.

First of all, construction robots exist in that universe. Second, why would it not be physically possible to build it period? Third, you are missing the point. It's primary purpose was intimidation and force projection. Deorbited asteroid is a stupid """hard science""" thin that only makes sense in universes where FTL travel doesn't exist. In reality, you have fucking weeks to detect and deal with it. Bombs might be a better option, I admit, but literally blowing up an entire planet in an instant instead of a prolonged bombing operation just rendering it lifeless and uninhabitable has a huge psychological effect. Weapons of terror and psychological warfare absolutely exist. Remember that WWII Germany literally just attached airhorns to their stuka bombers to scare the shit out of people, and it did a great job of that.

I'm imagining like a comedy of errors situation.
>Two officers pull themselves up to the platform
>One pulls out a banana
>One turns too quickly and knocks the banana off the other one's hands
>"Ups, dropped by banana"
>Officer jumps down
>"Laser engaging"
>Officer on the platform tries to help the other one climb but ends up failing himself
>Banana gets thrown to the platform while the two officers are incinerated by the laser
>Commanding officer arrives to see why the two officers aren't responding
>All they find is a banana

why can't your women stop raping me
i thought we werent at war anymore

>all they find is a banana

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What the fuck even is the point of having those two fuckheads there? That's what I wanna know, like, were they the fags who did the Final "we're good to fire you fucking faggots"

Someone's been spending too much time in Imperium ships.

Could you theoretically build the Death Star around a planet? So instead of it being a separate object outside the planet, it'd surround it.

>space is black
Black isn't a color you mong. Its just the absence of light.

i can't even imagine the amount of steel you'd need to keep it from collapsing to the surface

Why not just make the planet itself the Death Star? Which is exactly what the did in the sequel trilogy.

I hate people that type this instead of 'oops.'

tell that to the "people of colour"