Just be honest: all your bravado that "I get more enjoyment than I already am knowing New Horizons makes people seethe"...

Just be honest: all your bravado that "I get more enjoyment than I already am knowing New Horizons makes people seethe" is just a coping mechanism that you use to avoid confronting how much people actually dislike the game.

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You're having a stroke.

Snoybro it's not fair
This sold more in two days than tlou2 will in it's lifetime

I really don't get the seethe over such a benign game

It's boring af so far.
Tired of shaking trees for cherries, and picking up weeds

It's undoubtedly the slowest start to an AC game, and that's fine by me because so far I feel like I have something to look forward to each day rather than just logging on to do a few chores then logging out again immediately.

No you

>slowest start to an AC game
Not that you have anything interesting or fun to do later on. These games are literally mobile-tier but we didn't care when we little kids.

Isn’t this literally New Leaf HD? It’s the fucking SAME!

No, it's pretty drastically different from New Leaf in basically every way. It plays a lot differently from the previous games.
Is this your first AC?

Yes,but I didn't really enjoy Stardew Valley either so it's to be expected.

Filling out my collections of items and the museum is fun to me, and that generally takes about a year.

imagine thinking up this thread, this is what you're sitting around thinking about in your free time, then you actually think it's worth posting

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The snoy cope campaign continues

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My concern stems from how stupid the Resident Representative system is. It's like the Mayor from New Leaf but far more obtuse. If you're going to put all the important decisions on one player, why not at least give players the option to denote someone else as the Resident Representative after the fact? It's not like a Mayor which is and official title with an office, it's arbitrary. It seems like people trying to play this console Animal Crossing title together are getting screwed over because they let someone else play first only to be locked out of a majority of the game.

The whole "things is 'based' because it makes others 'seethe' " is just a demented us vs them mindset that you only get if you spend too long on shitholes like this board.
Nothing else warps your perception like this.
It's like if Nintendo started making the RRP for games $60000 instead of $60 you'd have people saying how 'based' Nintendo is because they make 'poorfags' 'seethe' or something else similarly outlandish.
It's not how any sane mind works but you don't find many sane minds on this website anyway.

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No regrets, if I die from Covid my mark on the world will be making sure the world knows I didn't like the new AC game.

It feels about the same as every other AC game except I can place furniture outside.

this is going to outsell you favorite Sony exclusive and there is nothing you can do about it

I don't even like sony, I just hate what AC has become.

The way I see it, the people who actually like the game are busy playing it, while the retards who are console fanboys just spend all their time jerking off to the metacritic and sales.

If you truly liked Animal Crossing and weren't a subhuman piece of trash, you wouldn't be frequenting these threads talking about how your company btfo some other company. Now go on and call me a snoy and say I'm seething. That totally got me to like Xenoblade and Zelda, right?

animal crossing (and harvest moon) didn't change enough per game to be worth buying each time
it's like if they kept re-releasing minecraft as new versions with some minor content increase every couple of years


I hope yall niggers aint doing both of these at once.

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I'm honestly bored of it already. Went back to playing NetHack and IVAN. $60 wasted, I should know better by now.

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its fundamentally the same exact game its always been

So can anyone give a short rundown of the differences in this version? The only thing I've gathered so far is that the start of the game is slower

This game is great I just wish I didn't get limited 1 island per switch.

Thats your own fault I guess.

AC is still the same game mechanically, you dislike that its become popular

I fucking hate time travelers. All my friends are doing it, why even bother buying the game if it's too slow for you?

What's wrong with that?

there's "popular for good reasons" and "too popular for its own good"
AC probably won't reach the latter like some franchises have, mind.
also AC was 'popular' at first it's just some normies picked up on it and made things that were previously funny not very funny and instead tiresome

Naw, my favorite franchise gets shitposted into the ground here and I take it as a point of pride knowing that a bunch of smashposters, troons hiding from the purity spiral on somethingawful, and shut-in NEETs get buttblasted when it gets mentioned.
Sorta like how even though everyone hates the Patriots, there's no doubt that they're the best franchise in the history of the NFL and the derriere devastation just proves how much people hate admitting it.

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>Why bothering doing thing you think is fun if you don't do it in the way I like reeeee!
Pls user contain your autism.

anyone have an open village? I got peaches

>totally not just playing the victim after goading everyone else with a stick
tranny mentality

I'm playing it and it's a relaxing game with no thought or heavy inputs required to play, but that's what ultimately makes it fucking boring past a certain point. Combined with all the daily menial tasks and you can see why many don't like it or care about it.

It's to discourage you from sharing switches.
You should have your own copy of the game and your own console.

"the world needs this game" is the most retarded shit i've ever heard

Yeah, you can only do it so much before it just turns into "nothing else to do with my time" busywork that one day you just turn on the game, ask yourself why you bother and look for something else

You realize families play games together? I guess you live alone and have no friends so you wouldn't get it.

I figure the mind set is if your ok with sharing a switch a switch your ok with sharing a town. Me and my brothers really didn't mind on city folk, though I'm not saying that I think having unique towns shouldn't be an option.

Can I not make any money after 10pm once I've got the shop? I know about the drop off box but that's gets paid the next day, I wanna grind out my loan NOW. Why do they literally make it harder for me to sell stuff as I progress?

>everyone complains about the slow start
New Leaf's first week was fucking awful.

>paid off my house
>built the museum
>built the shop
>made 50K fishing on my island
alright i'm bored. i've played animal crossing before. nothing's changed. they should have added fake NES games. the switch item should be able to play mini games for nook points. that would be better than fishing non stop. i redeemed all the basic items. my store will be finished tomorrow. hopefully the nook miles unlock more quality of life features. the first inventory expansion is barely helpful

Not really, I mean I got it for free I didn't buy it.

You did all that in a few days...?

No. Completely different gameplay loop.

yes its been out for a few days and i did those things. i'll do a lot more in the coming days. the cooldown on animal crossing is fun but annoying. it'd rather just make money all day and keep upgrading.

I like this game. it is fun. I dont care what you play, but I hope you enjoy it.

>bro what if its takes 2 real life weeks to get the bare minimum that you start with in every other game
>then after those 2 weeks there is nothing new and in fact less content than previous games

needed delaying longer feels unfinished

> added fake NES games
whats the point in playing a game to avoid playing a game?
you might just not be into animal crossing

you paid ALL the levels of debt for your house?!

cheater, that's not the way nintendo wants you to play it

Clearly that's not what he meant, but you already knew that.

I'm pretty sure it was delayed because Nintendo needed a game for Q1 and not because it wasn't ready.

How is it different

I'm actually enjoying it

I like it, Visited a friend's world today and we had a lot of fun.

Only thing different is it removed the plaza and dripfeeds content through DIY grind.

I'm having fun with it, even though it has a lot of flaws.

>weebs on Yas Forums
>the world

Its the best and most comfy ac game

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