You can change this later

>You can change this later
What do they mean?

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You can change your appearance later.

You can now use the axe to chop your cock off.

unlike in real life, you can be the little girl in Animal crossing if you were in the little boy before.

It's okay when Basedtendo does it.

fuck off pol-flake

seethe/cope/dilate promptly

Wasn't it more respresentative of transgenders before, where if you weren't happy with your character's gender, you had no choice but to delete the character?

It means you don't need to use gameshark to change your digital avatar

For when you don't pay your debt to Tom Nook and have to whore yourself out for him

And you can use the vaulting pole to dilate!

Sure you can change it later, but I want to know what it does in the first place. There seems to be literally no difference, even in villager dialogue.

it determines your underwear
you get boxers if you play as male
i don't know what females get

Everyone wears the same white tank and boxers as underwear regardless of gender

>other versions clearly say gender
>it is just style in the US version
>this means the US version says you can not change your gender


It means the question of gender in vidya is irrelevant. Also if you're hung up on this shit, congrats, you're Tumblr

But what gender do we start off as?

Your biological gender

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which instantly becomes irrelevant as you're allowed to identify as any style

If you could change genders effortlessly whenever you wanted in real life wouldn't you?

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of course

only if I turned into a cute and funny girl

yes i would like to know who has the superior orgasm

>if you were in the little boy before

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Ellen degeneres


in the other versions you can change between boy and girl. in the english version since they removed gendered terms i guess it's completely meaningless honestly.

As long as I stayed my current height then I'd have zero issue. Fuck, I'd start pumping out super tall children just so my sons would be able to flex on manlets at age 10.
I'd single-handedly have so many fucking kids that they'd have to change the cut-off line for manlet by increasing it by another 6 inches just to account for the change.

This is the most important and realistic new feature desu

Why is nintendo of america allowed to purposefully change the meaning of the original work? Hell, they're not even changing the meaning to adjust to the US, 90% of the US doesnt even like this idpol bullshit.

>Being a woman should be more than barbies, high heels, makeup and purses

>In order for society to accept me as a woman I should wear high heels and makeup

which one is it?

What does it even do?


changes what gender others refer to you as in all the other languages i suppose

being able to change it later is completely pointless in english version since it doesn't do anything to start with other than select your initial gear

Those aren't contradictory, the first is a statement of how things should be while the second is stating how things are.

Yeah, imagine the shit you could pull off by being able to assume another appearance at will.

Come play on my island and rate my house!

Code : 9QS64

nah, it was okay when Saints Row let you get gender swap surgery and it was okay when the Sims let you make a custom gender.

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you will never be a woman lmao

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You gonna get yourself pregnant with your own semen?

any of them dead yet?

Yes, that way I can take cock without putting it in my ass

And gain an axe wound

If it was a hot girl instead of just girl me then all the time.

chris' life will probably spiral out of control after barb gets corona'd.

yaniv pleaded guilty to a weapons charge. it's wokenada, so he'll probably get a slap on the wrist.

sammytrans95 is on the verge of suicide and fluctuates between woke far-leftist and far-right fundamentalist.

the canadian adult baby tranny will likely die in a freak BDSM session (he is a sadomasochistic slave to a couple).

I'm a professional tard wrangler and one of the women I take care of looks eerily similar to this person. She even has the exact same smile and tooth gap. Kek.

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>implying there's ever an advantage to being male in current year

how do you even become a professional at that
any tips/tricks

What if you want to lift or carry something? Fuck something? Sound more intimidating? Not bleed out your crotch?

I'll do it but only as another way to mask myself when i commit a crime

There's a lot actually it's just easy to not see it when you are a male.

>Naturally stronger
>Usually taken more seriously in times of leadership
>Female attraction is based more on what personality/skills/social worth a male has than physical appearance so you always have room to become more attractive instead of being locked at what you're born with
>Can actually be a comedian

Being male is a lot more satisfying when you realize what you can do that women never can have and will find attractive in you

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those were both comedic games

According to Tiresias, women have 10x stronger ones.

Do I change my whole identity?
And can I change my appearance to whatever I look like or only my female equivalent
If so I'd turn myself into a Yas Forumsfu and advocate for segregation in america again

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10x less frequent and 10x messier, though.

>less frequent

oh man, I'm sorry for the girls you've been with

Putting Chris in there is cheating.

>implying anyone on this board has pleasured a woman
I wish

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If didn't turn out ugly and had a functioning womb then yes, I would and I'd never fucking turn back. Only reason I'm not going full tranny now is because the current process is barbaric and leaves you an infertile freak with an axe wound.

>japanese version
boy or girl
>english version

I find it weird that all the complaints go at nintendo and not treehouse it's almost as if nintendofags are ok with this