Who does representation of historical figures better? Japan or the west?

Who does representation of historical figures better? Japan or the west?

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depends on the target demographic

Why is Japan like this? why do they rape our history too?

Shin Megami Tensei > everything from the west > everything else from japan

they fucked up Jack's update

Warhorse studios

west if you're a fan of having your politics wanked or your extremely autistic niche historical interests pandered too

japan if you just want to coom and literally don't care about anything else

fuck off, paypig

Japan makes dumb versions that I can't help but love for their ridiculousness. AC was pretty cool too but I stopped after Black Flag.

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japans fapbait is boring now, the devs behind this stuff you can probably imagine how they looked. Typical incel types

> Although there are numerous theories about who Jack the Ripper could have been, she is one interpretation of the series of gory murders in 19th Century England. Her true nature is that of a collection of wraiths born from the aborted children of prostitutes in Whitechapel, London. Because she is a collection of wraiths and not a single entity, piercing her heart will not lead to her immediate death, but the spillage of said wraiths. Once the number of aborted children who were disposed of in rivers reached the ten-thousands, the collection of resentment that the children shared eventually formed the shape of a human. Because she was created from children who had yet to even be born, she lacked common sense and morality, and simply killed prostitutes so she could return to the womb. To put it another way, this is the heretical Jack who was born from the “side of the victims”

Japan managed to make me want the murderer to be my daughter AND wife at the same time, so definitely Japan.

You're not the first person I've seen say that and I don't get it. The NP looks great and actually incorporates the mist and London into it. The sprite makes her a bit lankier but they're accurate to her actual proportions, she's always been very lithe.

They actually get her creepy back arching in too which is fucking great.

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holy shit, japan never does a good job at anything history related

>Who does representation of historical figures better?
> Japan managed to make me want the murderer to be my daughter, so definitely japan
are you fucking retarded?

Fate/Apocrypha was a mistake.

Why is this japan's answer to literally every design choice?

If OP is going to create a question with a bait image, I'm free to give a facetious answer as an excuse to post her.

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> The sprite makes her a bit lankier but they're accurate to her actual proportions, she's always been very lithe
nobody knows a think about jack the ripper but im glad the japs could make her sprite accurate to her actual proportions

Just look up their Thomas Edison, bro


the op didnt post a bait image tho

just look up their wu zei tian

this makes my pee pee go hee hee.

tbf, loli jack the ripper isn't fate's only portrayal of jack the ripper. There is also Fate/ Strange Fake.

japan easily

What was the name of that PC tactics British game but it's all animu versions and super sexy? I think it was Korean or Chinese. Was posted in this board a few times.

leave Heracles to me

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But I don't want to jack off.

Based japs

There are plenty of more potentially accurate representations of Jack the Ripper as an entity from Japanese media than the Fate one, he's an entity that is used in tons of fictional material.

OP specifically chose the Fate depiction because it's a comically blatant attempt at taking a historical figure and making it female. One I personally love, of course! But OP intentionally created a juxtaposition here.

He's either baiting with it, or he's genuinely dumb enough to assume Fate is representative of all Japanese media.

Everyone in early FGO was a bit chibified, most animation updates change them to be more accurately proportioned. Jack is definitely more in line with her proportions in official character art now.

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The west does better historical representations, but they are in bad games, so it's worthless.

West pleases interest in historical accuracy and story (whatever i meant by that)
Japan pleases my fun and my dick

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Japan is fucking based I love cunny

yeah, japs/nips dont know history
they only want to get their dicks hard

this is a video games board tho so which other games by the nips dont fuck up historical accuracy.

>West pleases interest in historical accuracy
No they don't, they just push their political agenda by doing stupid shit like having female soldiers in World War 1 and 2

depends on if your main concern about historical figures is whether or not their enough loli porn of them or not.

I want to know something:

When Kaneko was designing demons for SMT he always did research into the lore of the figure as well as existing portrayals of them. He always happily discussed the sources used in interviews, hell Soul Hackers back on the Saturn had a limited edition that came with a CD encyclopedia for every demon in the game with full citations. This isn't even considering how hard to find these sources were due to the fact that he doesn't know English and could only use translations, even moreso when you realise that SMT and Soul Hackers in particular has the most obscure shit like sub-saharan african bird gods and native american spirits

Can anyone else say the same?

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the jews dont belong in the west, user.
They are subhuman after all

>why do they rape our history too?
don’t be a fag, they just don’t care avout shot. let them have fun
also answering OP, the west of course

idk that sounds based to me

Child porn was legal in japan (it still kinda is)
The loli shit is just some alternate way for them to consume kiddie porn in a legal way.

And thats fucking based

based, i know

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What game

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Age of Empires is the only series where I care about historical accuracy. Too often historical pulling is just a crutch to cover for bad writing or to make the main character seem more important.

>Assassin's Creed started as a serious historical game
>End up with giant snakes, minotaurs and Medusa's
What the fuck happened?

Neither, he was a polish immigrant.

>Assassin's Creed started as a serious historical game
Dude, did you even finish the game?
It literally says ancient aliens made our civilisation.


But it was in a believable way. The new ones feel like jrpg fantasy trash.

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Can you prove they didn't?

Yeh. The bible. Read it nigger

>the book that's infallible because the cult of God (totally not an alien btw) says so

>turn King Arthur into a girl
>somehow it works and catapults the series into massive success
>keep genderswapping any historical/heroic figures in hopes of catching lightning in a bottle again
>people get tired of it

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It’s just the way the world works

I mean, after a point you just want a cool anime take on a mythological/historical figure and not just more coom.

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I don't get tired of the porn desu

Both is good

FGO does this with 90% of historical figures that have existed. It's cheap and waifufags swallow it as if they were trained dogs.

It's not for nothing that FGO is the lowest denominator when it comes to fan service, or anything for that matter.

People aren't tired of it though. Jack's fairly popular.

This thread really raises some good questions. Epic post, OP. If I could upvote you I would.

nips are sexual deviants thanks to hentai and the red light industry, so it's easy to make big sales in japan when your game has high sexual themes. Those sales also translate to coomers in the west as well.
TL;DR sex sells, without it, most jap games can be as vapid and bland as their western counterparts.

Literally the definition of souless.

user sex doesnt always sell. Thibk about how DOA will never outsell games like Street Fighter or even shit like Mortal Kombat. People want more than just muh tits and ass if that's all your game has then soon the well will run dry

>people get tired of it