Death Stranding thread, you gonna buy it on PC?

Death Stranding thread, you gonna buy it on PC?

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After throwing my money away in this total crap game I will stay very far far away from any other Kojima game

I'll pirate it like any other game.

I'm not retarded.

You sure? It has pretty cool asynchronous multiplayer, worth a buy

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As in, you are not sure?

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure that this is bad

But you didnt even play it yet user! Give it a chance!

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I've already wasted enough money in this crap

wow, you've changed my mind actually
I won't even bother pirating it then.

>you gonna buy it on PC?
nope. sony betrayed us, I will seed this game and HZD until my pc melts.

woah you sure sold me on it Kojima I'm preordering it rn

Better save money for better games.
Like Animal Crossing or Doom Eternal

It's not even worth pirating

Gonna pirate it so I can shitpost about how boring it is although I kind of feel like it will be always online.

Why do you dislike the game so much? Its pretty cool

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I'll only pirate HZD when a facemod comes out


Thats child pornography.

>Why do you dislike the game so much? Its pretty cool
kojima commuted suicide by announcing a last minute PC port. sony sales sucked and everyone will pirate it on pc.

>Death Stranding
shallow and pretentious game
>Animal Crossing
>Doom Eternal
not him, and I'll never buy death stranding or recommend it to anybody, but still, at least DS is somewhat original (until you discover that it's not).
Fuck Kojima, Fuck Bethesda, Fuck Nintendo,
for releasing the same games over and over again.

I won't, those early story trailers when we had no idea what the game was actually about looked very interesting, but after the game came out and I saw what it really plays like my interest died down completely.

dont be so jaded user, those are all good games!

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Not Delivery Simulator Stranding

nice shilling though.
let's test you for not being a paid promoter.
Name a few actual comprehensive criticisms of DS, what it did good, what it did absolutely wrong.
Go on.

>don’t betrayed us


yes i will, release when

Sorry, I don't buy trash games

I don't see the point of getting it on PC since I already got it on PS4. The whole value of the game is novelty. I guess there could be some cool mods maybe, potentially? I'd only consider it if it was on sale for $5 or less.

Go smash your PS4 when DS drops on PC

Tell me another joke

A bad game on console is always a bad game even on PC

I like pretty much everything about it, mostly the atmosphere and managing cargo/helping other porters. Its like euro truck simulator or elite dangerous, games like that. Also reminds me of Stalker. I think people could find plenty wrong with the game but I enjoyed all aspects of it. I know its flawed for alot of people, but it really appeals to me. I guess the biggest gripe people have with the game is that it can be tedious, there is alot of menus and small cutscenes for alot of things, physics are wonky, some people dont like BTs and alot of people really dislike the story.

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I prefer use my money in something more enjoyable than a FedEx Simulator game

thats cool, not everyone enjoys this kind of game

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Absolutely not.
I don't buy this boring mess on PC

This Mormon shill is freaking me out

shut the fuck up and buy the game faggot
that make you feel better?

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That's better.

i'll pirate it, play it for 3 hours, get bored just like with MGS V and uninstall it

How's the story to content ratio in Death Stranding? Is it like MGSV where the amount of story seemed sparse?

It's worse in every aspect.

There is much more story, like 11 hours and the game is around 45 hours if you go at normal pace. Story is mostly at the beginning and end and there is this sweet spot in the middle where you just play the game and progress at whatever pace you desire.

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I loved the game, like one of my favorites in recent memory, but don't think I'll buy it on PC. It's really tempting to experience Day1 for a second time, but it's hard to justify $60.

might pirate it. it looks shit desu senpai

It's just the total description of a delivery simulator game. Literally. A boring mess.

It has a complete story. There are some decent aspects to it but also bad parts. The intro and ending have a lot of cutscenes but there's a fair amount of uninterrupted gameplay segments throughout.

Is the game like a sandbox where you can go around doing stuff and altering the world on your own, or is most progression tied to the story?

Atleast someone liked it other than me, it gets too much hate

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people who are complaining about death stranding have definitely never played it
they could've split off some of the main story content into optional areas or something to make the main story shorter but apart from that it's completely fine

You mean complete bad story.
Full of nonsensical bad shit

just ignore them, this board is shit.

More like a fetch quests simulator game.
The worst kind of missions, almost all copy and paste, and only shit deliveries.

If society hasn't collapsed by mid-summer, yeah

Definitely not.
I save my money

I really loved it. Finished it today after 90~ hours of play (only have a few preppers to get 5 stars with).

BUT, it has some very glaring flaws that I honestly don't blame anyone for being driven off by them:
-The menu/UI is fucking terrible. Especially the order menus in shelters. It's amazing how similar it is to MGSV's UI, but just wrong is so many fundamental ways it makes me wonder how it happened. I could get into specifics, but suffice to say it's really fucking hard to know what information you should be reading at a given moment.
-The first map is a huge huge huge hand-holdy tutorial that goes on for about 6 hours. It briefly shuts up for the wind farm delivery, then bombards you with tutorial shit again until around the time you get to the weather station on the second map. Once it FINALLY shuts up and lets you just play the fucking thing, experimenting to see how things work, it gets great.
-It takes a while for characters to stop feeling like 2D exposition dispensers. Even the various preppers you first meet are like the random NPCs from Half-Life 2; nothing of note about any of them. It's only when you meet the ones who have some hobby or quirk that they start to feel somewhat like people.

And up until recently when they patched it out, the fucking mini-cutscenes EVERYWHERE were a gigantic pain in the scrote.

Despite all that, it ultimately manages to be a great game, and the multiplater features have only made it better as time goes on and players are actively helping each other out more.

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Well, I hated everything about this terrible trash game. So.... No

Most progression is story-based. There's some optional upgrades but the side content is overall fairly repetitive and grindy. The story goes through pretty much all the mission variations. The best part of the side content is exploring optional areas for the first time, but once they're connected to the grid you just keep doing deliveries for them over and over until you 5 star them, which is purely for the hell of it and doesn't lead to any meaningful rewards.

Also, does anyone else REALLY want Sam's coat? The hood alone is so fucking slick and I've wanted a hinged hood for years now.

The UI could use a lot of work to be sure but honestly it could have been a lot worse, there's so many ways they could have fucked up given the mechanics at play.

I'm wise, and I don't throw my money into this pile of garbage

Its gonna be fine, porter bros have our back
Yeah its very good. For some reason everytime I talk nicely about the game everyone assumes Im not aware its not perfect. I just like to talk about the things I enjoy while everyone else is negative about it.

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>"Like Mario and princess beach"......

How low Kojima has fallen with this boring delivery trash game.

There's actually (bar a few little things) nothing strictly stopping you from hiking over the entire map at any moment. But it'll be stupid hard without checking in to the main shelters to upgrade your equipment and expand the network.

No, but hopefully we can get some good porn of Fragile.

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>delivery toilet papers all day - "the video game!"
This time Kojima flopped hard