3x3 thread

3x3 thread. r8 others


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Other urls found in this thread:


+DeS, God Hand and MGS2
I am very pleased to see God Hand appear in these threads so often.

Attached: bottom is Monster Girl Quest bottom right is Cho Ren Sha 68k.jpg (900x900, 359.61K)

+ DeS
+ MGS2
- God Hand

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2/2 (GH, NG)
I only played the first Prime so I don't think I can count Trilogy. I feel like Fusion is the Metroid I'd end up enjoying most because exploration really isn't what I come to games for and I hear it's more directed. Also God Hand is on my 5x5, it's just so unique and charming while having that depth to it.
2/2 (Thief, Sekiro)

Attached: 3x3 Vidya.png (921x921, 2.16M)

If youre looking for a more linear experience then Fusion should be right up your alley
People love to rag on it for that but I feel the game uses its linearity to its fullest to make the game map feel more alive and exciting, so it was a trade well worth making for me

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+DeS, Ikaruga
-0.5 MGS2

2/2 +Metroid Fusion, IN

+DeS, BB, Thief Gold, F:NV, F1
-0.5 DaS1

+Treasure Trove, MS3

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I prefer Befunky

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whats your favorite Blood episode

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Based retards

Dead Reckoning


Not but Post Mortem


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>Hollow Knight

+God Hand and Ninja Gaiden
Sekiro was the best one of Miyazakis games but Old hunters is in my top 3 dlcs of all time so good
+Hollow Knight

Attached: Games.jpg (3264x3264, 2.07M)

I don't actually like Sekiro all that much. I was hesitating on putting it on there but i got nothing better. Also the Maria pic represents the entirety of BB not just the DLC.

>fft and VS but no TO

>knowing youself and being honest

was it hard to resits making a fallout bingo too?

Are you me when I was 11? minus the NSMBs

+Transformers Devistation
+Metal Slug
Wow, you can see the series jump the shark as time progresses.
God I hate the newer New Super Mario Bros. games.

Attached: Quick3x3.jpg (3264x3264, 3.54M)

>out of all the mosaics in the thread two out of three he chooses to rate are troll mosaics
based retard
then again, what can you expect from soneone who has halo, pokemon puzzle league and death stranding in his 3x3

I wasn't really rating them I was just looking at the series and making observations. Most of the other 3x3s here I don't have much to contribute, the others are Souls style games which I'm not big on.

What's the problem with Pokemon Puzzle League?

you shouldn't feel the troll posts; you could have commented on the series without responding to their mosaics

hey fuck you buddy pokémon puzzle league and death stranding are 3x3 worthy.

5/5 +Spiderman, H3, LP, Okami
>Coded Arms
aw shit nigggaa I love you
3/4 +DMC5, KH, Rayman. -crisis core
4/4 +HM, DE, NMH, MM
3/3 +Skyrim, Payne, CS
5/5 +DC, Nocturne, OoE, Blood, Kotor2
5/5 +Thief, DE, DeS, FO2, PS:T
5/5 +SK, TFD, DMC5, UMvC3, MS3
2/2 Metroids
6/7 +DeS, GH, MGS2, Nocturne, NGB, VS. -fft

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>>fft and VS but no TO

He must mean Tactics Ogre

Beefed Up Asshole Ripper Edition

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>Fixed Firebrand image

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- + +
+ + /
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Great taste.
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- + +
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+ + +
+ /+ +
+ + +
+ / +
What have you been playing recently, user?
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+ + -
+ + +
+ - +
MW2 > all
+ + +
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Very good art.
+ + /
/ + +
+ + +
KH3? I don't know, man; I didn't play ReMind, but base game left a real sour taste in my mouth.
/ / +
+ / +
/ + +
I really liked Code Vein.
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+ + +
- + ?
? ? ?
+ / ?

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It's the same thing, just so you know

As this

It's been awhile since i played videogames.
4/4 (Des,FFT,SMT,MGS)
2/2 (MF,MPT)
1/1 (DMC)
2/3 (EYE,MGS2, -VTMB)
2/2 (SMT,OOE)

Attached: 3x3.jpg (1280x1280, 664.54K)

Just a reminder:

These two:

Are both the same.

almost Yas Forums core taste. (good taste)







Taking the bait, corpse franchise.

Also taking the bait





I really have to play Eye to see it myself




Based furshitfag. Are some of those games even good?

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>One Piece
It's really sad to see someone having almost impeccable taste be ruined because of shonenshit that he latched onto from a young age

would you please tell me exactly why are those games (not anime) bad?

1/2 + Metroid, - KH

1/1 RDR 2


2/2 + Geometry Wars, GoW: Judgement

1/2 + Halo, - Lost Planet

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This is 3/3 + Tropico, Advance Wars, Dark Souls

2/2 + Metroid, Sonic

Feel free to talk shit on my super normie taste.

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>gotcha force
My absolute nigga, I thought I was the only person who played this.

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omg you all have such unique tastes! Especially the user's using obscure screenshot/fanart of their super epic favorite game. You're all so very cool!

Thanks, friend ;)

7/7 +RCT, Gears1, Loco Roco, MediEvil, GTA:SA, Oddworld, Riiiiiiiidge Racer
2/3 +Das, AW. -soc
3/3 +GH, DMC3, Prime
6/6 +MGS2,Nocturne, MMZ, DMC3, KH, SM
3/3 +P3, KH, THUG2. That's Life.

Attached: Soundtracks.jpg (1307x1369, 1.09M)

I’ll hear you out but it’s going to take some convincing.

t. doesn't read the filename

Rate my shit taste

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Ah, I see. That said I was sort of excited to hear what you would say to defend it.

Recently finished Oddworld 100% and I don't know if I liked it or hated it. Atmosphere is very nice, but puzzles are mostly immediately solvable, if not for the shitty controls i couldn't get used to.
Currently playing Exoddus and I feel it experiments more but its additions aren't really worth keeping

Part of it you have to go back 20 years and realize what era it came from. The puzzles aren't too bad most of the time it's about precise timing, execution, and balancing multiple things at once. The 100% goal is challenging while just beating the game either normally or getting the bad ending are pretty easy. Extremely comfy game.

Nothing out of the ordinary

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>DK '94
The most based person in this thread, I salute you.

Shit wrong 3x3 ignore it

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>Almost all of them are only pepperoni
>No pineapple

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See how useful that was?

>tombstone pizza

Attached: 4238090.png (600x379, 145.06K)

Recommend me some underrated hack and slash games to sink my teeth into. I have played so far
>NGB and NG2
>Bayo 1-2
>Basically all of Platinums catalog
>GOW 1-3

Just replying/rating more.

I'll probably get into some more emulation in the coming months so I'll look at it.
3/3 (Sekiro, NMH, DKC2)
4/4 (DMC5, T5, T3, Sunshine); I want Tekken Force to be the template for single player content in fighting games.
2/2 (PPL, Spider-Man)
>What have you been playing recently, user?
Teppen, Shadow of the Colossus, a bit of Dragonball FighterZ S3. New Teppen meta is pretty interesting.
3/3 (Crash 2, inFamous, MMX4)
3/3 (MMZ3, DMC3, SM); you may like the Metal Slug series.
4/4 (JUS, GH, DMC3, Prime); Power Stone is really cool-looking, I hope Itsuno can push for a re-release or something. Confused on the minus for Afterburner though, not your style?
4/4 (RCT, Gears, Medievil, DK'94); despite my preferences I think DK'94 is probably the best-designed game I've ever played.
3/3 (GTAIV, Sunshine, The Architect)
5/5 (Duckman, Daria, Zim, Home Movies, The Maxx)
DMC2 OST is based. Shoot the Works is the best basic battle theme in the series.
2/3 (+SotC +Sonic 1 -LBP)

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