The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

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Attached: The Legend of Zelda - Skydiving.png (1920x1080, 2.54M)

Better than BOTW, TP and WW.

No, it's only better than MM

anything is better than that shit anime

You have to have terrible casual taste to like BOTW and TP/WW are overrated. SS has the best combat gameplay and puzzles in the series as well as the best bosses due to the motion plus. This is indisputable and factual.

>You have to have terrible casual taste to like BOTW

I like it more than TP.

My GOTY 2011. Played it nonstop and had a blast.

Because it's a casualized Zelda-Skyrim game and made for casuals. The "open world" meme means that there is hardly any linear progression in difficulty with enemies since almost everything you need is given to you after the plateau. Guardians are easy to kill and Lynels are few. It's too short in terms of story and the game wants you to treat it as a walking sim only that there's barely anything going on other than finding shrines and korok seeds.

BOTW is everything that Zelda should never have been. Minus the open world because Zelda does need a big open world.

>Better than BOTW and WW.
Just those, it doubled down on TP's issues.

>made for casuals
are you in any way shape or form implying that Zelda was EVER not made for casuals?
jesus christ

Previous Zeldas weren't anywhere near as easy as BOTW except WW. That game is an unfinished joke.

I found BoTW to be way harder than any other Zelda game except for the NES Zeldas

>I found BoTW to be way harder than any other Zelda game
You're shit at games. Don't know what to tell you.

if the game had a tinier map it would be better, more action and better pacing, and needs more enemies, and a better weapon system swords breaking after 3 hits makes no fucking sense.
The difficulty though? i think its alright, if anything i would remove the slow motion crap.

Yeah, still better than you though

You're 2/3rds right.

The problem with BotW is that it starts out challenging, but then you realize just how much broken mechanics there are and it becomes a joke. The other 3D Zeldas didn't even try to be challenging (WW being the easiest and TP the second easiest).

It has some good bosses, yes, we all know Koloktos is fucking kino, but don't forget shit like Mike Wazowski over here
SS in general is pretty underrated tho, I agree. The gameplay gimmick and puzzles were neat, and the soundtrack was very good too. Just wish the sky wasn't as empty.

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Tentalus was retarded looking but I'd be lying if I said chopping his tentacles wasnt fun as fuck

What's with the daily Skyward Sword threads recently?

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Things were really stagnating given the long time between SS and BotW but it's nice to see the zelda cycle keep on turning in this thread. Keep it up.

the legend of empty sky, unskippable cutscenes and tutorials up the ass in a linear obstacle course "overworld" with bosses rehashed up the ass

Every day until you like it.

some retard samefagging and trying to force the "zelda cycle xD" meme except SS is a fucking pile of shit.

i liked a lot, never understood the hate for it, has a great art style and Top waifu zelda, TPfags need to chill

How is it that Skyward Sword has real-time healing and radial menus but BotW doesn't?

>and Top waifu zelda
Zelda was terrible in SS. Fags overlook her because waifu, but she's one of the most incompetent Zeldas in the series.

>has a great art style

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Colossally underrated here. What gives? Fun combat, epic world, well-executed ethereal art style.

She is one of the better Zeldas though. She has a personality, a cookie cutter one, yeah, but still

skyward sword and twilight princess's whimsical style is what makes it charming and sets it apart from other fantasy games. So yes the art style is fantastic. Strange characters like this are memorable.

she's a rehash of Minish Cap Zelda and actually worse because she's a fucking useless damsel.

Anyone else find this game such a slog? The repeated areas annoying directional enemies. Those stun wand fuckers in particular, felt like they're just out to waste your time. I started just running up into their face and smacking the shit out of em before they could force you to play their waiting game. Imprisoned was one of the worst of course but final girahim and final boss were pretty cool. Only Zelda I never replayed and no desire to do so.

>She is one of the better Zeldas though.
She isn't, all Links fighting a never-ending cycle of conflict is all thanks to her and we're supposed to get over it because child friend.

She didn't get on my nerves like BotW Zelda did. BotW's "cinematic" storytelling in those memory cutscenes flopped hard for me.

I prefer that pirate boss over this pixar abomination of a villain.

Yes. You can't skip cutscenes. You can't quicken up text scroll, you have to deal with Fi's garbage every 5 minutes. You have to waddle through the empty sky every fucking time back and forth, and the overworld is nothing but a linear hallway full of obstacles. There's nothing to explore. Just go from point A to point B

Also remember what a fucking tumbleweed is? I'll be sure to remind you every time you boot the game.

>sets it apart from other fantasy games
Twilight Princess looks like Fable

Absolutely terrible game and not even as a kid I liked this piece of shit

idk but Im glad we can finally appreciate the best of Zelda as a franchise.

Attached: The Legend of Zelda_ Skyward Sword - Fi.png (480x640, 281.52K)

Is this a motherfucking Jojo reference?

>except SS is a fucking pile of shit.
Except your post is a fucking pile of shit.

>Yes. You can't skip cutscenes.
After dying to a boss, yes you can
>You can't quicken up text scroll
hold the A button
>you have to deal with Fi's garbage every 5 minutes.
Objectively wrong
>You have to waddle through the empty sky every fucking time back and forth
Just like the Great Sea and Hyrule Field?
>and the overworld is nothing but a linear hallway full of obstacles.
Again, you're wrong
>There's nothing to explore. Just go from point A to point B
If you play games like that then sure, everything can be linearized

Also gimmicky shitty waggle controls for everything, even menial shit like playing an harp

Except you still are a kid, evidenced by your need to fit in with this shithole. In fact, seeing as though you were a "kid" when SS released, are you even fucking old enough to post here?

>not a hallway

Attached: skyward-sword-faron-woods-map.jpg (1195x1275, 261.83K)

but it doesnt

>disliking badly designed games is trying to fit in
Embarrassing. There is little to salvage in this game besides some music. Also, it released 9 years ago

op is just being an edgy contrarian for replies. Everyone agreed 8 years ago this game was fucking junk

I see an open map with hallways in the perimeter. Bad bait.

>Also, it released 9 years ago
Yes. 9 years ago. If a 7 - 8 year old played it, they would still be underage. Which I'm sure you are.

Skyward Sword is in general one of the lesser Zelda games, but even so there's still many memorable scenes in there.

Best 3D Zelda. Not a high bar, but still.

Nice derailing, faggot. I played it when I was 11.
That doesn't excuse its shit level design, shit worldbuilding, shit dungeons besides Ancient Cistern, and shit pacing. A game so barebones you had to start with 6 hearts because there legit is almost no sidequests at all.

Besides some neat ideas like dungeons revisit and boss keys puzzles, this game has no reason to be played. But you clearly are just doing this for attention, so keep coping

Ring Fit's style and characters are uncannily similar to SS

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>A game so barebones you had to start with 6 hearts
Because zoomies like you struggled in the beginning due to the higher level of enemies.

tell us more about strong wymen user

>so keep coping
I have nothing to cope with, boy. The only valid criticism against Skyward Sword which holds any merit whatsoever is the lack of overworld. Everything else is hyperbolic bullshit. Which corresponds to the content of your post, seeing as though you cannot come up with any other word to "critique" something you dislike other than spamming the word "shit" ad naseam. But with Yas Forums rotting your brain and you supposedly barely underage, I do not expect much less.

someone post the TP linear dungeon design

The Zelda cycle IS real you piece of shit